1,058 research outputs found

    Scheduling a future air transport system

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    The scheduling of future timetables is an important driver for aircraft sales and design considerations in future aircraft. Airline companies seek to maximise their profits through capturing passenger demand through the quality of service they offer, within which timetabling plays an important role. In this study a hub and spoke system for medium haul travel is analysed, with particular reference to the time at which departing waves are set from the hub airport. Initially, an optimal wave time based only on the geography of the hub is considered. Subsequently, a model is developed which includes the constraints of market share and limited fleet size, and an example timetable produced. A final note is made about game theoretical aspects that might be considered in moving the work forward

    Approaches to Incorporating Robustness into Airline Scheduling

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    The airline scheduling process used by major airlines today aims to develop opti- mal schedules which maximize revenue. However, these schedules are often far from \optimal" once deployed in the real world because they do not accurately take into account possible weather, air tra c control (ATC), and other disruptions that can occur during operation. The resulting ight delays and cancellations can cause sig- ni cant revenue loss, not to mention service disruptions and customer dissatisfaction. A novel approach to addressing this problem is to design schedules that are robust to schedule disruptions and can be degraded at any airport location or in any region with minimal impact on the entire schedule. This research project suggests new methods for creating more robust airline schedules which can be easily recovered in the face of irregular operations. We show how to create multiple optimal solutions to the Aircraft Routing problem and suggest how to evaluate robustness of those solutions. Other potential methods for increasing robustness of airline schedules are reviewed.NASA grant NAG1-218

    Robust airline schedule design in a dynamic scheduling environment

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    In the past decade, major airlines in the US have moved from banked hub-and-spoke operations to de-banked hub-and-spoke operations in order to lower operating costs. In Jiang and Barnhart (2009), it is shown that dynamic airline scheduling, an approach that makes minor adjustments to flight schedules in the booking period by re-fleeting and re-timing flight legs, can significantly improve utilization of capacity and hence increase profit. In this paper, we develop robust schedule design models and algorithms to generate schedules that facilitate the application of dynamic scheduling in de-banked hub-and-spoke operations. Such schedule design approaches are robust in the sense that the schedules produced can more easily be manipulated in response to demand variability when embedded in a dynamic scheduling environment. In our robust schedule design model, we maximize the number of potentially connecting itineraries weighted by their respective revenues. We provide two equivalent formulations of the robust schedule design model and develop a decomposition-based solution approach involving a variable reduction technique and a variant of column generation. We demonstrate, through experiments using data from a major U.S. airline that the schedule generated can improve profitability when dynamic scheduling is applied. It is also observed that the greater the demand variability, the more profit our robust schedules achieve when compared to existing ones

    Collaborative rescheduling of flights in a single mega-hub network

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    Traditionally, airlines have configured flight operations into a Hub and Spoke network design. Using connecting arrival departure waves at multiple hubs these networks achieve efficient passenger flows. Recently, there has been much growth in the development of global single mega-hub (SMH) flight networks that have a significantly different operating cost structure and schedule design. These are located primarily in the Middle East and are commonly referred to as the ME3. The traditionalist view is that SMH networks are money losers and subsidized by sovereign funds. This research studies and analyzes SMH networks in an attempt to better understand their flight efficiency drivers. Key characteristics of SMH airports are identified as: (i) There are no peak periods, and flight activity is balanced with coordinated waves (ii) No priority is assigned to arrival/departure times at destinations (selfish strategy) only hub connectivity is considered (iii) There is less than 5% OD traffic at SMH (iv) The airline operates only non-stop flights (v) Passengers accept longer travel times in exchange for economic benefits (vi) Airline and airport owners work together to achieve collaborative flight schedules. This research focuses on the network structure of SMH airports to identify and optimize the operational characteristics that are the source of their advantages. A key feature of SMH airports is that the airline and airport are closely aligned in a partnership. To model this relationship, the Mega-Hub Collaborative Flight Rescheduling (MCFR). Problem is introduced. The MCFR starts with an initial flight schedule developed by the airline, then formulates a cooperative objective which is optimized iteratively by a series of reschedules. Specifically, in a network of iEM cities, the decision variables are i* the flight to be rescheduled, Di* the new departure time of flight to city i* and Hi* the new hold time at the destinatioin city i*. The daily passenger traffic is given by Ni,j and normally distributed with parameters µNi,j and sNi,j. A three-term MCFR objective function is developed to represent the intersecting scheduling decision space between airlines and airports: (i) Passenger Waiting Time (ii) Passenger Volume in Terminal, and (iii) Ground Activity Wave Imbalance. The function is non-linear in nature and the associated constraints and definitions are also non-linear. An EXCEL/VBA based simulator is developed to simulate the passenger traffic flows and generate the expected cost objective for a given flight network. This simulator is able to handle up to an M=250 flight network tracking 6250 passenger arcs. A simulation optimization approach is used to solve the MCFR. A Wave Gain Loss (WGL) strategy estimates the impact Zi of flight shift Δi on the objective. The WGL iteratively reschedules flights and is formulated as a non-linear program. It includes functions to capture the traffic affinity driven solution dependency between flights, the relationship between passengers in terminal gradients and flight shifts, and the relationship between ground traffic activity gradients and flight shifts. Each iteration generates a Zi ranked list of flights. The WGL is integrated with the EXCEL/VBA simulator and shown to generate significant costs reduction in an efficient time. Extensive testing is done on a set of 5 flight network problems, each with 3 different passengers flow networks characterized by low, medium and high traffic concentrations

    On the Factors that Affect Airline Flight Frequency and Aircraft Size

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    This paper assesses the determinants of aircraft size and frequency of flights on airline routes by considering market demographics, airport characteristics, airline characteristics and route characteristics. The paper shows that frequency and aircraft size increase with population, income, and runway length. An increase in the proportion of managerial workers in the labor force or the proportion of population below the age of 25 results in greater frequency with the use of small planes. Slot constrained airports and an increase in the number of nearby airports lead to lower flight frequency with the use of smaller planes. Hubs and low cost carriers are associated with larger plane sizes and higher frequency, while regional airline ownership leads to higher frequency and the use of smaller planes. An increase in distance between the endpoints leads to lower frequency with the use of larger planes. As airport delay rises, airlines reduce frequency and use smaller planes, though when airport cancellations rise, flight frequency increases with the use of larger planes. This finding suggests airlines utilize frequency and aircraft size to hedge against flight cancellations.Airline; Frequency; Aircraft size; Markets

    Passenger Air Service in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula: Overview and Analysis

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    [Excerpt] Rural America needs safe, efficient, reliable, and accessible passenger air service. Federal government subsidies have long been necessary to assure that residents in smaller, less profitable markets have access to the nation’s transportation network. That access is necessary for a community’s economic health, is arguably a right of all taxpayers and residents, and is in public interest. But market forces within the aviation industry are today driving a restructuring that may curtail or eliminate service to many communities in the nation. And the present political climate raises a serious question about the federal government’s continued commitment to the nation’s rural air transportation system. This report focuses on the state of passenger air service in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula [U.P.]. The U.P. is among the most geographically remote areas in the eastern half of the United States. The region’s economic, social, and cultural institutions are increasingly related to a global marketplace. These depend, in varying degrees, on access to the national and global transportation network. Scheduled, commercial passenger air service is especially critical for this area too distant from passenger rail, without adequate commercial bus service, with few four-lane highways and very limited connection to the Interstate Highway system

    Deregulation and Schedule Competition in Simple Airline Networks

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    The present paper investigates the choice of route network, frequencies and ticket prices in air transport networks served by oligopolists. The paper describes these choices in a simple airline network by means of a simulation model. Airline competition is modeled as a 2 stage game: airlines first choose a particular flight schedule in a network, and in the second stage, airlines choose ticket prices. This simulation model thus describes airline profit maximizing behaviour in a given network environment. The model may now serve as a basis to address particular policy related questions. One such question is the welfare effect of airline deregulation. The welfare consequences resulting from the deregulation of airline markets have been investigated quite amply, both theoretically and empirically. In most cases, deregulation has been demonstrated to confer substantial benefits to consumers, and in some cases also to producers. At the same time, however, the external costs associated with aviation have become a major public policy concern in many countries. External effects - which in this case include noise, emissions and congestion - arise when markets lack: resources like peace and quiet, clean air and space are often unpriced. As a result, these resources are used in quantities beyond a social optimum. In the context of airline deregulation, it is now interesting to analyze the welfare effects caused the process of airline deregulation, taking the external costs of aviation into account. The present paper addresses this question while the network character of air transportation is taken into account.

    Non-linear integer programming fleet assignment model

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2016Given a flight schedule with fixed departure times and cost, solving the fleet assignment problem assists airlines to find the minimum cost or maximum revenue assignment of aircraft types to flights. The result is that each flight is covered exactly once by an aircraft and the assignment can be flown using the available number of aircraft of each fleet type. This research proposes a novel, non-linear integer programming fleet assignment model which differs from the linear time-space multi-commodity network fleet assignment model which is commonly used in industry. The performance of the proposed model with respect to the amount of time it takes to create a flight schedule is measured. Similarly, the performance of the time-space multicommodity fleet assignment model is also measured. The objective function from both mathematical models is then compared and results reported. Due to the non-linearity of the proposed model, a genetic algorithm (GA) is used to find a solution. The time taken by the GA is slow. The objective function value, however, is the same as that obtained using the time-space multi-commodity network flow model. The proposed mathematical model has advantages in that the solution is easier to interpret. It also simultaneously solves fleet assignment as well as individual aircraft routing. The result may therefore aid in integrating more airline planning decisions such as maintenance routing.MT201

    Large-scale mixed integer optimization approaches for scheduling airline operations under irregularity

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    Perhaps no single industry has benefited more from advancements in computation, analytics, and optimization than the airline industry. Operations Research (OR) is now ubiquitous in the way airlines develop their schedules, price their itineraries, manage their fleet, route their aircraft, and schedule their crew. These problems, among others, are well-known to industry practitioners and academics alike and arise within the context of the planning environment which takes place well in advance of the date of departure. One salient feature of the planning environment is that decisions are made in a frictionless environment that do not consider perturbations to an existing schedule. Airline operations are rife with disruptions caused by factors such as convective weather, aircraft failure, air traffic control restrictions, network effects, among other irregularities. Substantially less work in the OR community has been examined within the context of the real-time operational environment. While problems in the planning and operational environments are similar from a mathematical perspective, the complexity of the operational environment is exacerbated by two factors. First, decisions need to be made in as close to real-time as possible. Unlike the planning phase, decision-makers do not have hours of time to return a decision. Secondly, there are a host of operational considerations in which complex rules mandated by regulatory agencies like the Federal Administration Association (FAA), airline requirements, or union rules. Such restrictions often make finding even a feasible set of re-scheduling decisions an arduous task, let alone the global optimum. The goals and objectives of this thesis are found in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 provides an overview airline operations and the current practices of disruption management employed at most airlines. Both the causes and the costs associated with irregular operations are surveyed. The role of airline Operations Control Center (OCC) is discussed in which serves as the real-time decision making environment that is important to understand for the body of this work. Chapter 3 introduces an optimization-based approach to solve the Airline Integrated Recovery (AIR) problem that simultaneously solves re-scheduling decisions for the operating schedule, aircraft routings, crew assignments, and passenger itineraries. The methodology is validated by using real-world industrial data from a U.S. hub-and-spoke regional carrier and we show how the incumbent approach can dominate the incumbent sequential approach in way that is amenable to the operational constraints imposed by a decision-making environment. Computational effort is central to the efficacy of any algorithm present in a real-time decision making environment such as an OCC. The latter two chapters illustrate various methods that are shown to expedite more traditional large-scale optimization methods that are applicable a wide family of optimization problems, including the AIR problem. Chapter 4 shows how delayed constraint generation and column generation may be used simultaneously through use of alternate polyhedra that verify whether or not a given cut that has been generated from a subset of variables remains globally valid. While Benders' decomposition is a well-known algorithm to solve problems exhibiting a block structure, one possible drawback is slow convergence. Expediting Benders' decomposition has been explored in the literature through model reformulation, improving bounds, and cut selection strategies, but little has been studied how to strengthen a standard cut. Chapter 5 examines four methods for the convergence may be accelerated through an affine transformation into the interior of the feasible set, generating a split cut induced by a standard Benders' inequality, sequential lifting, and superadditive lifting over a relaxation of a multi-row system. It is shown that the first two methods yield the most promising results within the context of an AIR model.PhDCommittee Co-Chair: Clarke, John-Paul; Committee Co-Chair: Johnson, Ellis; Committee Member: Ahmed, Shabbir; Committee Member: Clarke, Michael; Committee Member: Nemhauser, Georg

    Airline crew scheduling

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    An airline must cover each flight leg with a full complement of cabin crew in a manner consistent with safety regulations and award requirements. Methods are investigated for solving the set partitioning and covering problem. A test example illustrates the problem and the use of heuristics. The Study Group achieved an understanding of the problem and a plan for further work
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