335 research outputs found

    First spaceborne GNSS-Reflectometry observations of hurricanes from the UK TechDemoSat-1 mission

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    We present the first examples of GNSS-Reflectometry observations of hurricanes using spaceborne data from the UK TechDemoSat-1 (TDS-1) mission. We confirm that GNSS-R signals can detect ocean condition changes in very high near-surface ocean wind associated with hurricanes. TDS-1 GNSS-R reflections were collocated with IBTrACS hurricane data, MetOp ASCAT A/B scatterometer winds and two re-analysis products. Clear variations of GNSS-R reflected power (σ0) are observed as reflections travel through hurricanes, in some cases up to and through the eye wall. The GNSS-R reflected power is tentatively inverted to estimate wind speed using the TDS-1 baseline wind retrieval algorithm developed for low to moderate winds. Despite this, TDS-1 GNSS-R winds through the hurricanes show closer agreement with IBTrACS estimates than winds provided by scatterometers and reanalyses. GNSS-R wind profiles show realistic spatial patterns and sharp gradients which are consistent with expected structures around the eye of tropical cyclones

    An Improved Ocean Vector Winds Retrieval Approach Using C- And Ku-band Scatterometer And Multi-frequency Microwave Radiometer Measurements

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    This dissertation will specifically address the issue of improving the quality of satellite scatterometer retrieved ocean surface vector winds (OVW), especially in the presence of strong rain associated with tropical cyclones. A novel active/passive OVW retrieval algorithm is developed that corrects Ku-band scatterometer measurements for rain effects and then uses them to retrieve accurate OVW. The rain correction procedure makes use of independent information available from collocated multi-frequency passive microwave observations provided by a companion sensor and also from simultaneous C-band scatterometer measurements. The synergy of these active and passive measurements enables improved correction for rain effects, which enhances the utility of Ku-band scatterometer measurements in extreme wind events. The OVW retrieval algorithm is based on the next generation instrument conceptual design for future US scatterometers, i.e. the Dual Frequency Scatterometer (DFS) developed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Under this dissertation research, an end-to-end computer simulation was developed to evaluate the performance of this active/passive technique for retrieving hurricane force winds in the presence of intense rain. High-resolution hurricane wind and precipitation fields were simulated for several scenes of Hurricane Isabel in 2003 using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model. Using these numerical weather model environmental fields, active/passive measurements were simulated for instruments proposed for the Global Change Observation Mission- Water Cycle (GCOM-W2) satellite series planned by the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency. Further, the quality of the simulation was evaluated using actual hurricane measurements from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer and iv SeaWinds scatterometer onboard the Advanced Earth Observing Satellite-II (ADEOS-II). The analysis of these satellite data provided confidence in the capability of the simulation to generate realistic active/passive measurements at the top of the atmosphere. Results are very encouraging, and they show that the new algorithm can retrieve accurate ocean surface wind speeds in realistic hurricane conditions using the rain corrected Ku-band scatterometer measurements. They demonstrate the potential to improve wind measurements in extreme wind events for future wind scatterometry missions such as the proposed GCOM-W2

    Summary of the Active Microwave Workshop, chapter 1

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    An overview is given of the utility, feasibility, and advantages of active microwave sensors for a broad range of applications, including aerospace. In many instances, the material provides an in-depth examination of the applicability and/or the technology of microwave remote sensing, and considerable documentation is presented in support of these techniques. An assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of active microwave sensor data indicates that satisfactory data are obtainable for several significant applications

    Technical approaches, chapter 3, part E

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    Radar altimeters, scatterometers, and imaging radar are described in terms of their functions, future developments, constraints, and applications

    Insights on the OAFlux ocean surface vector wind analysis merged from scatterometers and passive microwave radiometers (1987 onward)

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (2014): 5244–5269, doi:10.1002/2013JC009648.A high-resolution global daily analysis of ocean surface vector winds (1987 onward) was developed by the Objectively Analyzed air-sea Fluxes (OAFlux) project. This study addressed the issues related to the development of the time series through objective synthesis of 12 satellite sensors (two scatterometers and 10 passive microwave radiometers) using a least-variance linear statistical estimation. The issues include the rationale that supports the multisensor synthesis, the methodology and strategy that were developed, the challenges that were encountered, and the comparison of the synthesized daily mean fields with reference to scatterometers and atmospheric reanalyses. The synthesis was established on the bases that the low and moderate winds (<15 m s−1) constitute 98% of global daily wind fields, and they are the range of winds that are retrieved with best quality and consistency by both scatterometers and radiometers. Yet, challenges are presented in situations of synoptic weather systems due mainly to three factors: (i) the lack of radiometer retrievals in rain conditions, (ii) the inability to fill in the data voids caused by eliminating rain-flagged QuikSCAT wind vector cells, and (iii) the persistent differences between QuikSCAT and ASCAT high winds. The study showed that the daily mean surface winds can be confidently constructed from merging scatterometers with radiometers over the global oceans, except for the regions influenced by synoptic weather storms. The uncertainties in present scatterometer and radiometer observations under high winds and rain conditions lead to uncertainties in the synthesized synoptic structures.The project is sponsored by the NASA Ocean Vector Wind Science Team (OVWST) activities under grant NNA10AO86G.2015-02-1

    C-band Scatterometers and Their Applications

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    Field Measurements for Remote Sensing of the Cryosphere

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    Remote sensing observations of the cryosphere, like any other target of interest, require ground-based measurements for both calibration and validation, as inversion algorithms are usually underdetermined and uncertainties in the retrieval are needed for application. Field-based observations are performed in selected representative locations, and typically involve both direct in situ measurements of the physical properties of interest, as well as ground-based remote sensing techniques. New state-of-the-art modern techniques for measuring physical properties rapidly and at high spatial resolution have recently given us a new view of spatiotemporal variability. These are important, as large variability at scales below the typical footprint of spaceborne sensors often exists. Simulating remote sensing measurements using ground-based sensors provides the ability to perform both in situ and remote sensing measurements at the same scale, providing insight into the dominant physical processes that must be accounted for in inversion models and retrieval schemes. While direct in situ measurements provide the most accurate information about the properties of interest, they are time-consuming and expensive and are, therefore, only practical at relatively few locations, and often with low temporal resolution. Spatial sampling strategies, designed specifically for the remote sensing observation of interest, can reduce uncertainties in comparisons between ground-based and airborne/spaceborne estimates. Intensive remote sensing calibration and validation campaigns, often associated with an upcoming or recent satellite launch, provide unique opportunities for detailed characterization at a wide range of scales, and these are typically large international collaborative efforts. This chapter reviews standard in situmanual field measurements for snow and ice properties, as well as newer high-resolution techniques and instruments used to simulate airborne and spaceborne remote sensing observations. Sampling strategies and example applications from recent international calibration and validation experiments are given. Field measurements are a crucial component of remote sensing of the cryosphere, as they provide both the necessary direct observations of the variables of interest, as well as measurements that simulate the particular remote sensing technique at scales that can be characterized accurately. Ground-based observations provide the information needed to: improve and develop new retrieval algorithms; calibrate algorithms; and validate results to provide accurate uncertainty assessments

    On the correlation between GNSS-R reflectivity and L-band microwave radiometry

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    This work compares microwave radiometry and global navigation satellite systems-reflectometry (GNSS-R) observations using data gathered from airborne flights conducted for three different soil moisture conditions. Two different regions are analyzed, a crops region and a grassland region. For the crops region, the correlation with the I/2 (first Stokes parameter divided by two) was between 0.74 and 0.8 for large incidence angle reflectivity data (30°-50°), while it was between 0.51 and 0.61 for the grassland region and the same incidence angle conditions. For the crops region, the correlation with the I/2 was between 0.64 and 0.69 for lower incidence angle reflectivity data (<;30°), while it was between 0.41 and 0.6 for the grassland region. This indicates that for large incidence angles the coherent scattering mechanism is dominant, while the lower incidence angles are more affected by incoherent scattering. Also a relationship between the reflectivity and the polarization index (PI) is observed. The PI has been used to remove surface roughness effects, but due to its dependence on the incidence angle only the large incidence angle observations were useful. The difference in ground resolution between microwave radiometry and GNSS-R and their strong correlation suggests that they might be combined to improve the spatial resolution of microwave radiometry measurements in terms of brightness temperature and consequently soil moisture retrievals.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, “AROSA-Advanced Radio Ocultations and Scatterometry Applications using GNSS and other opportunity signals,” under Grant AYA2011-29183-C02-01/ESP and “AGORA: Tecnicas Avanzadas en Teledetección Aplicada Usando Señales GNSS y Otras Señales de Oportunidad,” under Grant ESP2015-70014-C2-1-R (MINECO/FEDER), in part by the Monash University Faculty of Engineering 2013 Seed Grant, and in part by the Advanced Remote Sensing Ground-Truth Demo and Test Facilities and Terrestrial Environmental Observatories funded by the German Helmholtz-Association. The work of A. A.-Arroyo was supported by the Fulbright Commission in Spain through a Fulbright grant.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Radar Remote Sensing of Agricultural Canopies: A Review

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    Presenting the Rain-Sea Interaction Facility

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    The new Rain-Sea Interaction Facility (RSIF) was established at GSFC/WFF and the first finds are presented. The unique feature of this laboratory is the ability to systematically study microwave scattering from a water surface roughened by artificial rain, for which the droplets are at terminal velocity. The fundamental instruments and systems (e.g., the rain simulator, scatterometers, and surface elevation probes) were installed and evaluated during these first experiments - so the majority of the data were obtained with the rain simulator at 1 m above the water tank. From these initial experiments, three new models were proposed: the square-root function for NCS vs. R, the log Gaussian model for ring-wave elevation frequency spectrum, and the Erland probability density distribution for back scattered power. Rain rate is the main input for these models, although the coefficients may be dependent upon other factors (drop-size distribution, fall velocity, radar configuration, etc.). The facility is functional and we foresee collaborative studies with investigators who are engaged in measuring and modeling rain-sea interaction processes