350 research outputs found

    Family Background as Correlate of University Students’ Agripreneurship Intentions in Niger Delta

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    The study investigated the influence of family background on university students’ agripreneurship intentions in Niger Delta, Nigeria. The correlational survey research design was used to collect data from a sample of 377, selected using multi-staged stratified random sampling procedure. The sample size was selected from a population of 18,474 undergraduate students studying Agriculture courses in federal and state universities in Niger-Delta. A questionnaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire was face validated by 5 experts. Split-half reliability method was used, and a Spearman-Brown coefficient of 0.883 was obtained, demonstrating the reliability of the instrument. The data collected from respondents were analyzed using pie-charts, Mean ( ), Standard Deviation, and correlation (γ). The findings revealed that a very weak positive relationship existed between parents’ occupation, educational background, income and students’ agripreneurship intentions, and a very weak negative relationship existed between family size and students’ agripreneurship intentions. Based on these findings, it was concluded that family background has very little influence on students’ agripreneurship intentions. Recommendations included that: parents should be sensitized on the entrepreneurial opportunities embedded in the Agricultural sector in light of the increasing rate of unemployment of graduates from various disciplines. Keywords: Family background, University Students, Agripreneurship Intentions, Niger-Delta DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-16-06 Publication date:June 30th 202

    ICT adoption in developing countries : perspectives from small-scale agribusinesses

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    The purpose of this paper is to critically examine how social augmented parameters impact on the effective adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) by small-scale agribusinesses operating in Southeast Nigeria. The relevance of incorporating social imperatives in scholarship focused on technology adoption is due to its role in sustaining the process of adoption and diffusion. Data were gathered from a focus group made up of 27 agribusiness proprietors affiliated with a state cooperative based in the south-eastern Nigerian state of Ebonyi. This paper puts forward an argument that to ensure successful diffusion of innovation, a balance must be maintained between the amount of effort expended in the design of ICT and social factors such as language and traditional life. The paper finds that a willingness of indigenous ICT users is particularly influenced by the recognition and incorporation of visible social imperatives during the adoption process. The outcome of this study highlights important issues for ICT adoption. One particular area that must be taken into consideration is the adoption channel. Perceptions of ICT adoption will differ significantly among adopters. For this reason, the need for developing an appropriate adoption channel that ensures successful diffusion of the innovation should be recognised. This study contributes to ongoing research in ICT innovation adoption in small agribusinesses operating in indigenous societies. The theoretical implications of this paper are the development of a conceptual ICT adoption framework that emphasises social imperatives. The paper also demonstrates that agricultural enterprises should be treated as ‘normal’ firms in their own right

    Factors influencing Agripreneurship and their role in Agripreneurship Performance among young Graduate Agripreneurs

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    Participation of young people in agriculture is not only needed towards addressing food security and youth unemployment challenges, but also critical in tackling issues of ageing farmers, technological and digital revolution in the agrifood sector, changing trends in food needs and consumption demands, and environmental changes and natural resource degradation. This paper argues for inclusive approach to involving youth in the expansive agrifood system, stressing the importance of young graduates (highly educated youth) participating in the agrifood sector, hence the need for steps to attract, support and retain them in the agrifood sector. Thus, this study sought to identify the factors that influence agripreneurship, and how these factors influence agripreneurship performance of young graduate agripreneurs. The study results and agripreneurship framework, emphasizes the need for a holistic (multilevel) examination and approach to agripreneurship; gender-sensitive, integrated and applied approach towards promoting and developing agripreneurship competencies among young graduates, which must include enhancing both enterprising traits and skills, and strong technical/professional business management competencies

    Students’ Acquisition of Agricultural and Entrepreneurship (Agripreneurship) Knowledge and Skills: Does Instructional Approach and their Sex Matter?

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    Agricultural and Entrepreneurship education are interdisciplinary due to amalgamating the natural sciences and social sciences. These disciplines have gained the interest of those looking to equip youth with skills for self-reliance. Teachers employ various instructional approaches, including student-centric approaches such as project-based learning (PjBL) and teacher-centric methods, for example, the lecture method, to facilitate learning. Existing research, however, suggests that students’ learning can be influenced by other factors, for example, learning styles, socio-cultural norms, sex stereotypes, and the instructional approach(es) used. We examined the impact of using the lecture method (counterfactual group) versus PjBL (treatment group) approaches on student acquisition of agricultural knowledge in the context of poultry science and their intentions to become agripreneurs. A statistically significant disordinal interaction with a medium effect size was found at p \u3c .05 between groups and student sex for poultry science knowledge. The female students performed better under the PjBL, while the males did so under lecture-based instruction. We also found a statistically significant and positive (p \u3c .05) association between students’ sex and their intent to become agripreneurs for the treatment group. More female students than males in the treatment group indicated they were either likely or highly likely to become agripreneurs in the future. These findings imply that females in the treatment group benefited more from the intervention, PjBL, than their male peers. Additional research should be conducted to measure the long-term impact of using various teaching approaches on students’ learning of agriculture and entrepreneurship content depending on their sex

    Developing Nigeria Economy Through Agricultural Entrepreneurship (Agripreneurship)

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    Objectives This thesis seeks to understand Nigeria’s Agricultural system, its problem, challenges, and ways of proffering solution to mitigate its Negative current state. This thesis will determine if Agriculture can stand to become an income earner for Nigeria. Summary Nigeria natural resources are either mismanaged, underutilized or undiscovered. Agriculture with an elaborate market scheme and strategy can revive Nigerian Stagnant Economy in many aspects. Conclusion Recently, Agriculture is the most significant single contributor to Nigeria's economic output by contributing over twenty-eight percent of its real GDP growing at a four percent rate compared to other industries. The Nigerian government is moving towards Agriculture as a means of future growth, development, and employment


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    ABSTRAKPertanian merupakan sektor yang memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan karena sebagai penyangga kedaulatan pangan. Oleh karena itu perlu perubahan paradigma baru dalam pembangunan pertanian. Pengelolaan pertanian tidak melalui pendekatan usahatani tetapi berorientasi bisnis. Generasi muda yang familiar dengan teknologi digital merupakan harapan dalam regenerasi petani tua. Untuk mendukung terwujudnya ketahanan pangan maka petani muda yang dikenal dengan petani milenial perlu diberikan edukasi tentang agripreneurship. Metode pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah penyuluhan yang dimulai dengan pemaparan materi dan dilanjutkan diskusi. Kelompok sasaran pengabdian masyarakat adalah petani milenial desa Wonotulus yang tergabung dalam Karang Taruna. Jumlah peserta sebanyak 20 orang. Penyuluhan dilakukan secara daring menggunakan zoom meeting. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa peserta sangat antusias terkait dengan materi agripreneurship dan meminta jika penyuluhan tidak hanya teori tetapi juga ada kegiatan pendampingan sehingga petani betul-betul mengerti dan mampu menerapkan pengetahuan tersebut. Kata kunci: petani milenial; agripreneurship; kedaulatan pangan. ABSTRACTAgriculture is a sector that has the potential to be developed as a buffer for food sovereignty. Therefore it is necessaaary to change a new paradigm in agricultural development. Agricultural management is not through a farming approach but is business-oriented. The younger generation who are familiar with digital technology is the hope in regenerating old farmers. To support the realization of food security, young farmers known as millennial farmers need to be given education about agripreneurship. The community service method that is carried out is outreach which starts with the presentation of the material and continues with the discussion. The target group for community service are millennial farmers from Wonotulus village who are members of the Youth Organization. The number of participants was 20 people. Outreach is carried out online using a zoom meeting. The results of community service showed that the participants were very enthusiastic about the agripreneurship material and asked if counseling was not only theoretical but also mentoring activities so that farmers really understood and were able to apply this knowledge Keywords: millennial farmers; agripreneurship; food sovereignt

    Agripreneurship and Poverty Reduction: Empirical Evidence from Tubah Sub-Division, North West Region, Cameroon

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    Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate how entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector could help alleviate poverty in the Tubah region of Cameroon. Specifically, the study seeks to explore the potential of agripreneurship in creating job opportunities, increasing income levels, and improving the living standards of people in the region. Methods: Mixed-method design was employed for the study. Data was gathered with the help of a structured questionnaire from 384 households in Tubah-Cameroon and analyzed using the partial least square. Results: Results revealed that attitudes towards agripreneurship, innovative behavior, and the need for achievement had a positive effect on poverty reduction in Tubah Sub-Division.  Inheritance of family ventures and start-up motives were found to exert negative effect on poverty reduction. Implications: The study is expected to contribute to the understanding of how entrepreneurship in the agriculture sector can be leveraged to promote economic opportunities and promote sustainable development in rural areas

    Improving Livelihoods through Youth-Adult Partnerships involving School-based,Agripreneurship Projects: The Experiences of Adult Partners in Uganda

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    The increasing number of unemployed and underemployed youth across the globe, especially indeveloping countries, has reached alarming levels. In Africa, for example, this phenomenon hasled to some youth making treacherous journeys across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe and other parts of the world in search of better livelihoods. Such an influx of immigrants, primarily to Europe and North America, has caused resentment and outcries by many citizens of the affected nations. Some of these challenges, however,could be allayed by engaging youth in income-generating projects, including agricultural entrepreneurship, i.e., agripreneurship,tocreate jobs and improve livelihoods. This maybe achieved through Youth-Adult Partnerships (Y-APs) by which youth and adults work together on agricultural projects of mutual interest. This study explored the experiences of adult partners in Uganda who collaborated with youth on their school-based, agripreneurial projects (SAPs) involving the raising of broiler chickens. Because of their partnership working on SAPs, both the youths’and adults’ knowledge and understanding of concepts related to agripreneurship and raising of broilers chickens improved. The need exists to provide an enabling environment to promote an agripreneurial culture among youth through Y-APs if we seek to inspire them to pursue agripreneurship and related opportunities for job creation while also enabling the food security of communities and improved livelihoods for their citizens

    Impact of Agricultural Policies on Agripreneurship Development in Nasarawa State

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    This study examined the influence of agricultural policy on agripreneurship development in Nasarawa state. The study adopted survey design. The population of the study consists of 2076 agripreneurship managers operating their businesses within Nasarawa State area. The study objectives are to ascertain how specific agricultural policies and programmes have affected food security, poverty reduction and employment generation. Taro Yamane’s sampling technique was used to derived the sample size of 335. Simple linear regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses formulated for the study. The findings revealed that agricultural policy has a significant effect on employment generation, (f- test 96.749 and p-value p of 0 .000), agricultural policy also has a significant effect on poverty alleviation (f-test 200,756 and p-value of 0.000) and moreover, agricultural policy has a significant effect on food security (f-test 86.568 and p-value of 0,000) in Nasarawa state. The study concludes that agripreneurship policy has a positive and significant effect on agripreneurship development in Nasarawa State. The study therefore, recommends that farmers should be encouraged to establish safe storage facilities as it is very important for food security, as it as well help to stabilize food price. There is also need to increase agricultural production, preservation of unused produce or unsold items are equally as important to cutting waste

    Enhancing Agripreneurship and Agricultural Technology Adoption to Reduce Poverty: Opinions from Small Venture Holders in Tubah Sub-Division, Western Highlands, Cameroon

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how agripreneurship and agricultural technology adoption could be enhanced to reduce poverty in the Tubah Sub-Division, Cameroon. Methods: The study adopted a mixed research design. The study made use of survey data collected with the help of a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Results revealed that agripreneurship intention exerts a positive insignificant effect on poverty reduction in the Tubah Sub-Division. Education and training have an indirect significant effect on poverty reduction while community development programs are found to exert a positive and significant effect on poverty reduction. Implications: From a policy perspective, the creation of community-run organizations provides a strong basis for the development process. Agricultural extension services need to be strengthened to provide farmers with up-to-date information on the latest technologies, best practices, and market trends. This study provides a unique perspective on poverty reduction in rural areas by focusing on the opinions of small venture holders in the Tubah Sub-Division
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