661 research outputs found

    Pmo Lite for Colorado Housing and Finance Authority

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    The focus of this professional project was to identify the appropriate services for a lightweight project management office (PMO) to implement at a company referred to with the alias Not-For-Profit Organization (NFPO), and then to complete the first phase of this implementation. NFPO had lower project success rates than desired. They wanted to integrate project management practices into their organization in order to be more effective in meeting their mission. In order to determine the best approach to do this, lightweight and heavyweight project management methodologies and PMOs were examined. Based on NFPO\u27s smaller staff size, their culture, managements\u27 desire to keep overhead low, and their low project management maturity state, a lightweight PMO (PMO Lite) with a supportive nature was tailored for NFPO\u27s needs. This paper presents the results of the first phase of the PMO Lite implementation, which was to implement PMO Lite within the IT division. The next phase planned was to implement PMO Lite company-wide. For the first phase a PMO Lite Project Charter was completed. This document defined the goals and objectives, as well as high level responsibilities and resources for the PMO. A primary service of the PMO was to manage a project management methodology. Next, a simple project management methodology was developed to eventually be used organization-wide for all projects. It incorporated Scrum in a separate project management methodology for the IT application development projects. Document templates and a central document repository were created. IT staff were trained on these methodologies. A business case for NFPO\u27s PMO Lite was presented. The early results of the implementation were favorable. They included executive support of the PMO, IT staff trained on the project management methodologies, and the successful completion of two Scrum projects


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    High risks are involved as well as a large number of resources are required to construct the software development processes from scratch. Most of the software development companies follow ad-hoc approaches in informal ways to tailor an existing software development process according to their requirements. Instead of devising new tailoring strategies, these approaches describe and compare the similar tailoring operations at very superficial level and mainly focus on the large sized software development companies

    An integrated approach to formulate a value-based software process tailoring framework

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    Software process tailoring is an approach to customise the existing software development process or model that able to meet the software project’s needs. Software development project is unique and identical from one and another whereby the practices and decision should not be equally treated. Software process tailoring requires knowledge and intuition to make decision such as factors involved in the software project, selection of the suitable software process elements and tailoring operations. Software process tailoring practices focusing more on project characteristics factors and employs ad hoc approach in making the decision. In the absent of value-based factors and systematic method in software process tailoring, subjectivity is embedded in decision making process and the software development project suffers from satisfying the stakeholder. This study presents an integrated approach to formulate a Value-Based Software Process Tailoring Framework (VBSPTF) to overcome this problem. The framework is a combination of value-based factors, MoSCoW rules, Quality Functional Deployment (QFD), Activity-Based Costing (ABC), Priority Map, Value Index and Value Graph. This study perhaps can contribute to the software process tailoring practitioners to be exposed with a systematic method to conduct software process tailoring as well as improving the practices and reducing subjectivity in decision making

    Trading Discipline for Agility? Questioning the Unfaithful Appropriation of Agile Software Development Practices

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    Agile software development practices are rapidly replacing traditional and apparently more disciplined methodologies. However, empirical evidence suggests that organizations experience varying levels of success as more structured processes are traded for more agile ones. Using an autoethnographic approach, we reflect on how the various practices of XP discipline time-space relations amongst developer, customer and code. In this new form of disciplining, we contend that each actor is located in time and space in disciplined or controlled ways. We conclude that the faithful appropriation of the entire complement of agile development practices seems to be critical to the novel disciplinary positioning that they together collectively promote.

    Scaling Agility in Incumbent Firms: A Literature Review

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    Scaling agility as a process of applying agile concepts to more extensive parts of the organization promises incumbent firms to achieve the same benefits as their digital competitors. However, copying digital-born companies\u27 approaches seems problematic, as incumbent firms are distinct from their digital competitors. Thus, this research aims to consolidate what we know about scaling agility in incumbent firms. To answer this question, I conduct a structured literature review to understand scaling agility for incumbent firms better, resulting in the four dimensions of structure, methodology, governance, and dependencies with nine themes: coordination, processes, roles, effectiveness, risk management, budgeting, measurement, architecture, and culture/mindset. Moreover, the review develops six avenues for future research. With this, the literature review provides an integrative picture of scaling agility, enhances conceptual clarity, and helps practitioners by providing an overview to use in their efforts to scaling agility in incumbent firms

    Examining the Critical Success Factors of Rapid Acquisition: A Human Capital Perspective

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    Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition programs continue to encounter schedule delays and cost overruns despite past reforms. Global threat uncertainties and high-velocity technological advances are also prevailing. Given the current rate at which program offices are fielding weapon systems, the United States (US) may be fighting with obsolete weapons and technology. Gaining superiority demands a new approach – to expedite the rate of capability delivery through rapid acquisition programs who have demonstrated success in delivering capabilities with speed. This research examines whether the attributes in the people dimension of an expedited framework contribute to success of rapid defense acquisition programs. Through standard statistical techniques, this research finds the following nine attributes--autonomy and empowerment, customizable team, SME in traditional acquisition process, retention of good talent, customer involvement, tangible connection, motivated culture, debrief culture, and government technical competence--are critical to success of rapid programs. Out of those factors, retention of good talent, debrief culture, and autonomy and empowerment emerge as the best predictors for rapid programs. This research also finds that the attributes autonomy and empowerment, retention of good talent, and motivated culture are embodied by rapid programs but not by traditional (non-rapid) programs

    Engineering Blockchain Based Software Systems: Foundations, Survey, and Future Directions

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    Many scientific and practical areas have shown increasing interest in reaping the benefits of blockchain technology to empower software systems. However, the unique characteristics and requirements associated with Blockchain Based Software (BBS) systems raise new challenges across the development lifecycle that entail an extensive improvement of conventional software engineering. This article presents a systematic literature review of the state-of-the-art in BBS engineering research from a software engineering perspective. We characterize BBS engineering from the theoretical foundations, processes, models, and roles and discuss a rich repertoire of key development activities, principles, challenges, and techniques. The focus and depth of this survey not only gives software engineering practitioners and researchers a consolidated body of knowledge about current BBS development but also underpins a starting point for further research in this field


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    High risks are involved as well as a large number of resources are required to construct the software development processes from scratch. Most of the software development companies follow ad-hoc approaches in informal ways to tailor an existing software development process according to their requirements. Instead of devising new tailoring strategies, these approaches describe and compare the similar tailoring operations at very superficial level and mainly focus on the large sized software development companies

    Customer-centric data strategies to drive revenue growth.

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    In today\u27s digital age, media organisations grapple with declining revenues due to the shift from print to digital platforms. To tackle this challenge, there is a pressing need for these organisations to explore sustainable business models that prioritise revenue from readers. This project aims to address this issue by delving into data-driven strategies centred around readers\u27 preferences and behaviours, aiming to sustainably spur revenue growth. The primary objective of this project was to craft and implement a reader-focused strategy to boost revenue. To achieve this, specific goals were outlined. Initially, the project sought to explore reader preferences and behaviours in digital media consumption. Subsequently, it aimed to categorise content segments based on these identified reader traits. This segmentation will empower media organisations to devise personalised digital content and pricing strategies, fostering increased reader engagement and revenue growth. By understanding the unique aspects of each segment, this researcher aims to recommend a revenue growth strategy that is reader-centric, offering a framework for implementation, testing, iteration, and optimisation of these strategies. The need for a transformative shift becomes clear as incremental methods struggle to keep up with the rapid pace of change. Leadership becomes pivotal in navigating this digitally disrupted terrain, demanding innovation, creative thinking, and a strong commitment to leveraging data and technology. With consumers increasingly empowered by digital tools, their shift toward web-based platforms, driven by engaging content from social media aggregators, necessitates media organisations to tailor content and revenue strategies for diverse user groups. Content remains at the core of this transformation, with journalism being the foundation of media enterprises. These organizations are reshaping their competencies to engage audiences across various platforms, embracing diverse teams within their newsrooms. This abstract aims to offer insights into a reader-focused revenue growth strategy for media organisations experiencing declining revenues amidst digital disruptions. Through the analysis of reader preferences, delineation of content segments, and crafting personalised strategies, this project aims to drive reader engagement and ultimately increase revenue. The ultimate goal is to develop and implement a reader-centric revenue growth strategy, providing a structured approach for refining and optimising strategies to navigate the ever-evolving media landscape sustainably

    Educating Strategic Lieutenants at West Point

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    This article argues West Point responded to the changing strategic environment from the end of the Cold War through the post-9/11 period by innovating its curriculum. Over the past several decades, however, the academy’s educational model has remained remarkably stable, rooted in an enduring commitment to a rigorous liberal education as the best preparation for officers confronting the inherent uncertainties of future wars