24 research outputs found

    Secure k-Nearest Neighbor Query over Encrypted Data in Outsourced Environments

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    For the past decade, query processing on relational data has been studied extensively, and many theoretical and practical solutions to query processing have been proposed under various scenarios. With the recent popularity of cloud computing, users now have the opportunity to outsource their data as well as the data management tasks to the cloud. However, due to the rise of various privacy issues, sensitive data (e.g., medical records) need to be encrypted before outsourcing to the cloud. In addition, query processing tasks should be handled by the cloud; otherwise, there would be no point to outsource the data at the first place. To process queries over encrypted data without the cloud ever decrypting the data is a very challenging task. In this paper, we focus on solving the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) query problem over encrypted database outsourced to a cloud: a user issues an encrypted query record to the cloud, and the cloud returns the k closest records to the user. We first present a basic scheme and demonstrate that such a naive solution is not secure. To provide better security, we propose a secure kNN protocol that protects the confidentiality of the data, user's input query, and data access patterns. Also, we empirically analyze the efficiency of our protocols through various experiments. These results indicate that our secure protocol is very efficient on the user end, and this lightweight scheme allows a user to use any mobile device to perform the kNN query.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, and 4 table

    Scattered Simulteneous and Autonomous Access to Encrypted Database

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    Put the important data on cloud i.e Cloud provider Storage, It should giving the guarantee of security without loss of data while data in use or not in use. Much of the option are available for providing storage services. We decelop an best architecture which integrates data over the cloud and execute multiple operation simultaneously on Encrypted cloud. We are connecting multiple client those are physically distributed. An another advantage we are eliminating the proxies for best performance .the architecture based on theoretical basis. We are providing the prototype to the different client & Network delay. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15070


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    Various approaches have been imposed on previous occasions, although the functions of the store, while the ways of understanding the confidence of a message as the taboo utility to develop interventions to care carefully. There is motivation to create confusion swallowing information work that ensures simultaneous decline and applies to encrypted message procedures. Enter the information you need to distract the attention you must confirm the trust, in addition to the simple focus of the message. The car also uses popular voice analysis schemes as unique ways to organize unreliable encrypted data in the shower information. Secure information beliefs that work mainly as an act generates tenants of distraction for the perception of lack of responsibility, in addition to the feasibility of exposing the message of inevitable completion are not encrypted to indicate the received options of distortion and retain offers abundant options that better they were discovered by the complete information functions on ice. The functions of the solid waiting information do not do anything legally to return shortly before the use of the information, since they do not need any proposal functions distraction FAQ


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    In some approaches to repository functions have been adopted, while the approach to building trust in the message as a taboo of interests is being developed to be carefully dealt with. Having a pulse to swallow an embarrassing information usage ensures the withdrawal and implements the appropriate procedure in the encrypted message. Introducing the information, you need to distract yourself must confirm your trust, as well as an easy approach to the message. The car builds on popular encryption programs as well as unique ways to tune the encrypted data in hard to believe information into the shower. Secure confidential information acts as a basic job of creating a hacker to distract and discern irresponsibility, in addition to the gain measurement options, loss of unencrypted messages pointing to deformation Temporary and offer many options they detect the best way for tape information functions. The solid information prediction function does not retain anything legally right before the information has been previously benefited; it does not need any suggestion for the distraction function of the command

    Hardware accelerated authentication system for dynamic time-critical networks

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    The secure and efficient operation of time-critical networks, such as vehicular networks, smart-grid and other smart-infrastructures, is of primary importance in today’s society. It is crucial to minimize the impact of security mechanisms over such networks so that the safe and reliable operations of time-critical systems are not being interfered. Even though there are several security mechanisms, their application to smart-infrastructure and Internet of Things (IoT) deployments may not meet the ubiquitous and time-sensitive needs of these systems. That is, existing security mechanisms either introduce a significant computation and communication overhead, or they are not scalable for a large number of IoT components. In particular, as a primary authentication mechanism, existing digital signatures cannot meet the real-time processing requirements of time-critical networks, and also do not fully benefit from advancements in the underlying hardware/software of IoTs. As a part of this thesis, we create a reliable and scalable authentication system to ensure secure and reliable operation of dynamic time-critical networks like vehicular networks through hardware acceleration. The system is implemented on System-On-Chips (SoC) leveraging the parallel processing capabilities of the embedded Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) along with the CPUs (Central Processing Units). We identify a set of cryptographic authentication mechanisms, which consist of operations that are highly parallelizable while still maintain high standards of security and are also secure against various malicious adversaries. We also focus on creating a fully functional prototype of the system which we call a “Dynamic Scheduler” which will take care of scheduling the messages for signing or verification on the basis of their priority level and the number of messages currently in the system, so as to derive maximum throughput or minimum latency from the system, whatever the requirement may be

    Secure Database as a Service for Cloud Tenants With no Exposure Of Unencrypted Data

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    We propose a novel engineering that incorporates cloud database administrations with data mystery and the probability of executing concurrent operations on mixed data. This is the main course of action supporting geographically circled clients to interface particularly to a mixed cloud database, and to execute synchronous and free operations including those changing the database structure. The proposed design has the further favourable position of killing middle of the road intermediaries that breaking point the flexibility, accessibility, and scalability properties that are inborn in cloud-based arrangements. The adequacy of the proposed engineering is assessed through hypothetical investigations and broad test comes about in light of a model execution subject to the TPC-C standard benchmark for various quantities of customers and system latencies

    Scattered simultaneous and autonomous access to scrambled cloud databases

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    Cloud data environments square measure unpleasantly tempting for the preparing of tremendous scale applications owing to their amazingly ascendible and offered foundation. Data as a Service (DBaaS) model is utilized to oversee databases in cloud setting. Secure DBaaS standard gives data classification to distributed storage. Secure DBaaS is expected to allow various and independent buyers to append to the cloud while not middle server. Documents, data structures and data square measure encoded before exchange to the cloud. Different cryptography methods square measure won't to change over plain content into scrambled data. Table names and their section names likewise are scrambled inside of the cloud data wellbeing subject. The framework underpins topographically conveyed buyers to append on to A scrambled cloud data. Amid this paper we tend to quadrangular measure proposing new plan that coordinate distributed storage administration with data protection and have a component of flogging co-happening operations on scrambled data and together with the topographically dispersed buyers to connect on to these cloud data that is encoded and that they conjointly given to execute their operations over the cloud data. This configuration disposes of the dealers (Intermediate intermediaries) it constrains the quantifiability, flexibility, availability. High touchy data square measure encoded by RSA cryptography and standard data square measure scrambled abuse AES method so overhead on the system will be decrease

    Secure Similarity Search

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    One of the most substantial ways to protect users\u27 sensitive information is encryption. This paper is about the keyword index search system on encrypted documents. It has been thought that the search with errors over encrypted data is impossible because 1 bit difference over plaintexts may reduce to enormous bits difference over cyphertexts. We propose a novel idea to deal with the search with errors over encrypted data. We develop two similarity search schemes, implement the prototypes and provide substantial analysis. We define security requirements for the similarity search over encrypted data. The first scheme can achieve perfect privacy in similarity search but the second scheme is more efficient

    Criptografía en bases de datos en cloud computing.

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    The IT managers of companies who are considering migrating their systems to the cloud computing have their reservationsabout the security and reliability of cloud-based services, these are not yet fully convinced that deliver sensitive data companies or theirclients is a good idea, in this context the use of encryption systems, in particular homomorphic encryption schemes are useful, since theoperations in the cloud provider are made with the encrypted information, providing a level of reliability and safety databases fromattacks as well as internal and external in cloud computing. This paper proposes a scheme to protect the different attributes ofinformation (confidentiality, integrity and authentication), stored in a BD in the Cloud.Los responsables de informática de las empresas que están pensando migrar sus sistemas de cómputo a la nube tienensus reservas con respecto a la seguridad y la confiabilidad de los servicios basados en la nube, éstos aún no están plenamenteconvencidos de que entregar datos sensibles de las empresas o de sus clientes sea buena idea, en este contexto el uso de los sistemas decifrado, y en especial los esquemas de cifrado homomórficos son de gran utilidad, ya que las operaciones realizadas en el proveedorcloud se realizan con la información cifrada, brindando así un nivel de confiabilidad y seguridad a las bases de datos frente a posiblesataques tanto internos como externos en el cloud computing. En el presente trabajo se propone un esquema para proteger los diferentesatributos de la información (confidencialidad, integridad y autenticación) almacenada en una BD en el Cloud