292 research outputs found

    Introduction to Microservice API Patterns (MAP)

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    The Microservice API Patterns (MAP) language and supporting website premiered under this name at Microservices 2019. MAP distills proven, platform- and technology-independent solutions to recurring (micro-)service design and interface specification problems such as finding well-fitting service granularities, rightsizing message representations, and managing the evolution of APIs and their implementations. In this paper, we motivate the need for such a pattern language, outline the language organization and present two exemplary patterns describing alternative options for representing nested data. We also identify future research and development directions

    Degrees of Countability: A Mereotopological Approach to the Mass/Count Distinction

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    Most formal semantic treatments of countability aim to account for a binary count/non-count distinction through the use of mereology, or part-structures. This paper discusses data from Welsh, which possesses three categories of grammatical number, distinguishing a collective/singulative class under which fall entity types such as 'collective aggregates' (swarming insects, vegetation) and 'granular aggregates' (sand). I show that standard mereological accounts turn out not to be sufficiently expressive to account for this broader typological data. I then argue that it is necessary to enrich mereology with connection relations that model ways in which the referents of nouns may come together, resulting in the more expressive mereotopology. I show that this extension leads to faithfully modeling the degrees of countability found in Welsh and overcomes well-known problems for classical mereological accounts, e.g., the "minimal parts" problem

    Algorithms for Replica Placement in High-Availability Storage

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    A new model of causal failure is presented and used to solve a novel replica placement problem in data centers. The model describes dependencies among system components as a directed graph. A replica placement is defined as a subset of vertices in such a graph. A criterion for optimizing replica placements is formalized and explained. In this work, the optimization goal is to avoid choosing placements in which a single failure event is likely to wipe out multiple replicas. Using this criterion, a fast algorithm is given for the scenario in which the dependency model is a tree. The main contribution of the paper is an O(n+ρlogρ)O(n + \rho \log \rho) dynamic programming algorithm for placing ρ\rho replicas on a tree with nn vertices. This algorithm exhibits the interesting property that only two subproblems need to be recursively considered at each stage. An O(n2ρ)O(n^2 \rho) greedy algorithm is also briefly reported.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 4 algorithm listing

    Feynman categories and representation theory

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    We give a presentation of Feynman categories from a representation--theoretical viewpoint. Feynman categories are a special type of monoidal categories and their representations are monoidal functors. They can be viewed as a far reaching generalization of groups, algebras and modules. Taking a new algebraic approach, we provide more examples and more details for several key constructions. This leads to new applications and results. The text is intended to be a self--contained basis for a crossover of more elevated constructions and results in the fields of representation theory and Feynman categories, whose applications so far include number theory, geometry, topology and physics

    Improved pathway reconstruction from RNA interference screens by exploiting off-target effects

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    Pathway reconstruction has proven to be an indispensable tool for analyzing the molecular mechanisms of signal transduction underlying cell function. Nested effects models (NEMs) are a class of probabilistic graphical models designed to reconstruct signalling pathways from high-dimensional observations resulting from perturbation experiments, such as RNA interference (RNAi). NEMs assume that the short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) designed to knockdown specific genes are always on-target. However, it has been shown that most siRNAs exhibit strong off-target effects, which further confound the data, resulting in unreliable reconstruction of networks by NEMs.; Here, we present an extension of NEMs called probabilistic combinatorial nested effects models (pc-NEMs), which capitalize on the ancillary siRNA off-target effects for network reconstruction from combinatorial gene knockdown data. Our model employs an adaptive simulated annealing search algorithm for simultaneous inference of network structure and error rates inherent to the data. Evaluation of pc-NEMs on simulated data with varying number of phenotypic effects and noise levels as well as real data demonstrates improved reconstruction compared to classical NEMs. Application to Bartonella henselae infection RNAi screening data yielded an eight node network largely in agreement with previous works, and revealed novel binary interactions of direct impact between established components.; The software used for the analysis is freely available as an R package at https://github.com/cbg-ethz/pcNEM.git.; Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online

    Treewidth-aware Reductions of Normal ASP to SAT -- Is Normal ASP Harder than SAT after All?

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    Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a paradigm for modeling and solving problems for knowledge representation and reasoning. There are plenty of results dedicated to studying the hardness of (fragments of) ASP. So far, these studies resulted in characterizations in terms of computational complexity as well as in fine-grained insights presented in form of dichotomy-style results, lower bounds when translating to other formalisms like propositional satisfiability (SAT), and even detailed parameterized complexity landscapes. A generic parameter in parameterized complexity originating from graph theory is the so-called treewidth, which in a sense captures structural density of a program. Recently, there was an increase in the number of treewidth-based solvers related to SAT. While there are translations from (normal) ASP to SAT, no reduction that preserves treewidth or at least keeps track of the treewidth increase is known. In this paper we propose a novel reduction from normal ASP to SAT that is aware of the treewidth, and guarantees that a slight increase of treewidth is indeed sufficient. Further, we show a new result establishing that, when considering treewidth, already the fragment of normal ASP is slightly harder than SAT (under reasonable assumptions in computational complexity). This also confirms that our reduction probably cannot be significantly improved and that the slight increase of treewidth is unavoidable. Finally, we present an empirical study of our novel reduction from normal ASP to SAT, where we compare treewidth upper bounds that are obtained via known decomposition heuristics. Overall, our reduction works better with these heuristics than existing translations