6 research outputs found

    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment

    The enablers and implementation model for mobile KMS in Australian healthcare

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    In this research project, the enablers in implementing mobile KMS in Australian regional healthcare will be investigated, and a validated framework and guidelines to assist healthcare in implementing mobile KMS will also be proposed with both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The outcomes for this study are expected to improve the understanding the enabling factors in implementing mobile KMS in Australian healthcare, as well as provide better guidelines for this process


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    The security in the communication process is an important issue since the days of homing pigeons, where the people accustomed to send encrypted messages. In nowadays, with the technologies development, this issue is considered as a research field, which take a great part of attention. The mobile ad hoc network is aspect of the evolution of communication technology; it is defined a collection of mobile nodes, with no fixed infrastructure, resource constraints, communicate with each other using the radio medium, and dynamic creation and organization. The security issue is becoming a main concern in the applications of mobile ad hoc network.In this paper, we propose a security protocol for a mobile ad hoc networks based mobile agent, where the network is consisting of a set of nodes, each node has node agent for resources estimation of the node and communicate with others agents. The network is divided into a set of clusters; each cluster has to elect a node to be the head cluster, where the monitor agent will be reside. This monitor agent controls the communication inside cluster by collecting and analysing the data from the others nodes, it creates an inspector agent, which can move from one node to another to act like a local IDS in the visited node

    Trust correlation of mobile agent nodes with a regular node in a Adhoc network using decision-making strategy

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    A mobile agent offers discrete advantage both in facilitating better transmission as well as controlling the traffic load in Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET). Hence, such forms of network offers maximized dependencies on mobile agents in terms of its trust worthiness. At present, there are various work being carried out towards resisting security breach in MANET; however approaches using mobile agent based mechanism is few to found. Therefore, the proposed system introduces a novel mathematical model where an extensive decision making system has been constructed for identifying the malicious intention of mobile agents in case they go rogues. By adopting multi-tier communication policy and fairness concept, the proposed system offers the capability to resist any form of malicious activity of mobile agent without even presence of any apriori information of adversary. The outcome shows proposed system outshines existing security scheme in MANET

    Construcción de un sub-sistema de software que permita generar movilidad de agentes artificiales de acuerdo con el rol que ellos desempeñan sobre el Sistema TLÖN cuyos recursos se comparten a través de una red Ad Hoc

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    En este documento se presenta el diseñno, desarrollo e implementación del sub-sistema de movilidad BEAMS(Better Environment for Agent Mobility Subsystem) para agentes artificiales como un componente del sistema TLON, un sistema de computo virtualizado basado en los comportamientos de agentes. Un modelo de agente, ambiente y sistema multi-agente son creados con el fin de lograr y probar la movilidad de BEAMS. Como escenario de prueba de desplegó el Agente Móvil cuya meta fue capturar la información de los recursos computacionales que poseen los nodos para una movilidad física y virtual por las cuales este ha migrado; En el escenario virtual fueron medidos los tiempos de movilidad para un incremento lineal del tamaño de dicho agente, logrando ver la respuesta del sub-sistema ante diferentes tamaños de agente.Abstract: This document presents the design, development and implementation of the mobility subsystem BEAMS (Better Environment for Agent Mobility Subsystem) for artificial Agents as a component of the TLON system, a computer system Virtualized based on the behavior of Agents.A model of Agent, Environment and Multi-Agent System are created in order to achieve and test the mobility of BEAMS.As a test scenario deployed the Mobile Agent whose goal was to capture the information of the computational resources possessed by the nodes for a physical and virtual mobility through which this has migrated, in virtual scenario were measured the mobility times for a linear increase in the size of said agent, managing to see the response of the sub-system to different sizes of AgentsMaestrí