20 research outputs found

    Eclipse-based prometheus design tool

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    The Prometheus Design Tool (PDT) is a graphical tool that is used to design a Multi-Agent System following the Prometheus Methodology. This paper describes the latest version of PDT which is now integrated into the Eclipse platform, enabling the users to accomplish the full development life-cycle of an agent-oriented application in one IDE and also inherit the rich set of product development features that Eclipse provides. This version of PDT also aims to support simpler integration with tools from other AOSE methodologies where appropriate

    A platform-independent domain-specific modeling language for multiagent systems

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    Associated with the increasing acceptance of agent-based computing as a novel software engineering paradigm, recently a lot of research addresses the development of suitable techniques to support the agent-oriented software development. The state-of-the-art in agent-based software development is to (i) design the agent systems basing on an agent-based methodology and (ii) take the resulting design artifact as a base to manually implement the agent system using existing agent-oriented programming languages or general purpose languages like Java. Apart from failures made when manually transform an abstract specification into a concrete implementation, the gap between design and implementation may also result in the divergence of design and implementation. The framework discussed in this dissertation presents a platform-independent domain-specific modeling language for MASs called Dsml4MAS that allows modeling agent systems in a platform-independent and graphical manner. Apart from the abstract design, Dsml4MAS also allows to automatically (i) check the generated design artifacts against a formal semantic specification to guarantee the well-formedness of the design and (ii) translate the abstract specification into a concrete implementation. Taking both together, Dsml4MAS ensures that for any well-formed design, an associated implementation will be generated closing the gap between design and code.Aufgrund wachsender Akzeptanz von Agentensystemen zur Behandlung komplexer Problemstellungen wird der Schwerpunkt auf dem Gebiet der agentenorientierten Softwareentwicklung vor allem auf die Erforschung von geeignetem Entwicklungswerkzeugen gesetzt. Stand der Forschung ist es dabei das Agentendesign mittels einer Agentenmethodologie zu spezifizieren und die resultierenden Artefakte als Grundlage zur manuellen Programmierung zu verwenden. Fehler, die bei dieser manuellen Überführung entstehen, machen insbesondere das abstrakte Design weniger nützlich in Hinsicht auf die Nachhaltigkeit der entwickelten Softwareapplikation. Das in dieser Dissertation diskutierte Rahmenwerk erörtert eine plattformunabhängige domänenspezifische Modellierungssprache für Multiagentensysteme namens Dsml4MAS. Dsml4MAS erlaubt es Agentensysteme auf eine plattformunabhängige und graphische Art und Weise darzustellen. Die Modellierungssprache umfasst (i) eine abstrakte Syntax, die das Vokabular der Sprache definiert, (ii) eine konkrete Syntax, die die graphische Darstellung spezifiziert sowie (iii) eine formale Semantik, die dem Vokabular eine präzise Bedeutung gibt. Dsml4MAS ist Bestandteil einer (semi-automatischen) Methodologie, die es (i) erlaubt die abstrakte Spezifikation schrittweise bis hin zur konkreten Implementierung zu konkretisieren und (ii) die Interoperabilität zu alternativen Softwareparadigmen wie z.B. Dienstorientierte Architekturen zu gewährleisten

    Method Engineering as Design Science

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    In this paper, we motivate, devise, demonstrate, and evaluate an approach for the research-based development of information systems development methods (ISDMs). This approach, termed “method engineering as design science” (ME-DS), emerged from the identified need for scholars to develop ISDMs using proper research methods that meet the standards of both rigor and relevance. ISDMs occupy a position of central importance to information systems development and scholars have therefore invested extensive resources over the years in developing such methods. The method engineering (ME) discipline has developed different frameworks and methods to guide such development work and, for that purpose, they are well-suited. Still, there remains a need for applications and evaluations of ISDMs based on the demands for knowledge justification. Unfortunately, in many cases, scholars come up short with regard to how ISDMs are generated and empirically validated. While design science (DS) stresses knowledge justification, prominent DS approaches seem to be biased toward the development of IT artifacts, making this approach ill-suited for the development of method artifacts. We therefore propose eight principles that marry ME and DS, resulting in a process model with six activities to support research-based development of ISDMs. We demonstrate and evaluate ME-DS by assessing three existing research papers that propose ISDMs. These retrospectives show how ME-DS directs attention to certain aspects of the research process and provides support for future ISDM development

    A systematic approach for detecting faults in agent designs

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    This thesis proposes a mechanism, including automated tool support, for early-phase defect detection by comparing the plan structures of a belief-desire-intention (BDI) agent design against the following: (1) requirement models, specified in terms of scenarios and goals; and (2) agent communication models. The intuition of our approach is to extract sets of possible behaviour runs from the agent-behaviour models and to verify whether these runs conform to the specifications of the system-to-be. The proposed approach in this thesis is applicable at design time and does not require source code. Our approach is based on the Prometheus agent-design methodology but is applicable to other methodologies that support the same notions. We evaluate the proposed verification framework on designs, ranging from student projects to case studies of industry-level projects. Our evaluation demonstrates that even a simple specification developed by relatively experienced developers is prone to defects, and our approach is successful in uncovering most of these defects. In addition, we conduct a scalability analysis of our methods, and the outcomes reveal that our approach can scale when designs grow in size

    Approches environnement-centrées pour la simulation de systèmes multi-agents: Pour un déplacement de la complexité des agents vers l'environnement

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    This habilitation thesis synthesizes research works which are mainly related to the field of Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS). MABS is a general framework for modeling and experimenting with systems in which the dynamics emerges from local interactions among individuals (autonomous agents). Examples of use range from the study of natural systems (e.g. ant colonies, crowds or traffic jams) to the engineering of artificial ones (e.g., collective robotics, distributed artificial intelligence-based softwares). To this end, MABS modeling represents the behavior of individuals, their environment and interactions, so that global dynamics can be computed and studied from the bottom up. In this context, we have been investigating research on the theory and practice of MABS from two different perspectives : (1) the design of generic abstractions dedicated to the modeling of multi-agent dynamics (e.g., the IRM4S model) and (2) the engineering of MABS (MaDKit and TurtleKit platforms). Besides, we have been experimenting with MABS in different application domains such as image processing, video games, and collective robotics. Contrary to approaches that put the emphasis on the agent behaviors, all these works have been done by considering the environment of the agents as a first order abstraction. In this thesis, we first reflect upon the research we have conducted according to this perspective. Next, we show how we actually use this perspective to propose an original approach for using General-Purpose processing on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) within MABS, and then present the research perspectives related to our positioning.Les travaux de recherche synthétisés dans ce mémoire s’inscrivent principalement dans le domaine de la modélisation et de la simulation de systèmes multi-agents (SMA). La simulation multi-agents met en œuvre des modèles où les individus, leur environnement et leurs interactions sont directement représentés. Dans ces modèles, chaque individu –agent autonome– possède son propre comportement et produit ses actions en fonction d’une perception locale de son environnement. Ainsi, la simulation multi-agents est utilisée pour étudier des systèmes naturels comme les colonies de fourmis, les dynamiques de foules ou le trafic urbain, mais aussi pour concevoir des systèmes artificiels, par exemple dans le cadre de la robotique collective ou le développement de logiciels basés sur de l’intelligence artificielle distribuée. Dans ce cadre, nos recherches ont porté sur des problématiques liées à la modélisation de simulations multi-agents, avec la proposition de modèles formels et conceptuels (e.g. le modèle IRM4S) et d’outils logiciels génériques (plates-formes MaDKit et TurtleKit), et sur leur utilisation dans divers domaines tels que le jeu vidéo, le traitement numérique de l’image ou la robotique collective. Contrairement aux approches centrées sur la conception des comportements individuels, dans ces travaux l’environnement des agents est considéré comme une abstraction de premier ordre. Dans ce mémoire, nous dressons tout d’abord un bilan de nos recherches en argumentant l’intérêt d’une telle démarche pour les modèles multi-agents. Nous montrons ensuite comment celle-ci nous a récemment permis de proposer une approche originale dans le cadre de l’utilisation du calcul haute performance sur carte graphique (GPGPU) pour la simulation de SMA, avant de présenter les perspectives de recherche associées à notre positionnement