289 research outputs found

    On the Identification of Agents in the Design of Production Control Systems

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    This paper describes a methodology that is being developed for designing and building agent-based systems for the domain of production control. In particular, this paper deals with the steps that are involved in identifying the agents and in specifying their responsibilities. The methodology aims to be usable by engineers who have a background in production control but who have no prior experience in agent technology. For this reason, the methodology needs to be very prescriptive with respect to the agent-related aspects of design

    Measurement of Tailored agent-oriented design processes by resorting to flow graphs: A preliminary investigation

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    This work describes the OMaSE-based Flow Graph (OFG). OFG is a tool for assessing the advantages and disadvantages of tailored agent-oriented design process in assembling time

    Finding the right answer: an information retrieval approach supporting knowledge sharing

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    Knowledge Management can be defined as the effective strategies to get the right piece of knowledge to the right person in the right time. Having the main purpose of providing users with information items of their interest, recommender systems seem to be quite valuable for organizational knowledge management environments. Here we present KARe (Knowledgeable Agent for Recommendations), a multiagent recommender system that supports users sharing knowledge in a peer-to-peer environment. Central to this work is the assumption that social interaction is essential for the creation and dissemination of new knowledge. Supporting social interaction, KARe allows users to share knowledge through questions and answers. This paper describes KARe�s agent-oriented architecture and presents its recommendation algorithm

    Agent Assistance: From Problem Solving to Music Teaching

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    We report on our research on agents that act and behave in a web learning environment. This research is part of a general approach to agents acting and behaving in virtual environments where they are involved in providing information, performing transactions, demonstrating products and, more generally, assisting users or visitors of the web environment in doing what they want or have been asked to do. While initially we hardly provided our agents with 'teaching knowledge', we now are in the process of making such knowledge explicit, especially in models that take into account that assisting and teaching takes place in a visualized and information-rich environment. Our main (embodied) tutor-agent is called Jacob; it knows about the Towers of Hanoi, a well-known problem that is offered to CS students to learn about recursion. Other agents we are working on assist a visitor in navigating in a virtual world or help the visitor in getting information. We are now designing a music teacher - using knowledge of software engineering and how to design multi-modal interactions, from previous projects

    A system for co-ordinating concurrent engineering

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    Design of large made-to-order products invariably involves design activities which are increasingly being distributed globally in order to reduce costs, gain competitive advantage and utilise external expertise and resources. Designers specialise within their domain producing solutions to design problems using the tools and techniques with which they are familiar. They possess a relatively local perception of where their expertise and actions are consumed within the design process. This is further compounded when design activities are geographically distributed, resulting with the increased disassociation between an individual designer's activities and the overall design process. The tools and techniques used by designers rarely facilitate concurrency, producing solutions within a particular discipline without using or sharing information from other disciplines, and seldom considering stages within the product's life-cycle other than conceptual, embodiment or detail [1, 2]. Conventional management and maintenance of consistency throughout the product model can subsequently become difficult to achieve since there are many factors that need to be simultaneously considered whilst making achange to the product model

    Comparing a Traditional and a Multi-Agent Load-Balancing System

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    This article presents a comparison between agent and non-agent based approaches to building network-load-balancing systems. In particular, two large software systems are compared, one traditional and the other agent-based, both performing the same load balancing functions. Due to the two different architectures, several differences emerge. The differences are analyzed theoretically and practically in terms of design, scalability and fault-tolerance. The advantages and disadvantages of both approaches are presented by combining an analysis of the system and gathering the experience of designers, developers and users. Traditionally, designers specify rigid software structure, while for multi-agent systems the emphasis is on specifying the different tasks and roles, as well as the interconnections between the agents that cooperate autonomously and simultaneously. The major advantages of the multi-agent approach are the introduced abstract design layers and, as a consequence, the more comprehendible top-level design, the increased redundancy, and the improved fault tolerance. The major improvement in performance due to the agent architecture is observed in the case of one or more failed computers. Although the agent-oriented design might not be a silver bullet for building large distributed systems, our analysis and application confirm that it does have a number of advantages over non-agent approaches

    Maps, agents and dialogue for exploring a virtual world

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    In previous years we have been involved in several projects in which users (or visitors) had to find their way in information-rich virtual environments. 'Information-rich' means that the users do not know beforehand what is available in the environment, where to go in the environment to find the information and, moreover, users or visitors do not necessarily know exactly what they are looking for. Information-rich means also that the information may change during time. A second visit to the same environment will require different behavior of the visitor in order for him or her to obtain similar information than was available during a previous visit. In this paper we report about two projects and discuss our attempts to generalize from the different approaches and application domains to obtain a library of methods and tools to design and implement intelligent agents that inhabit virtual environments and where the agents support the navigation of the user/visitor