46 research outputs found

    Agent Programming with Declarative Goals

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    A long and lasting problem in agent research has been to close the gap between agent logics and agent programming frameworks. The main reason for this problem of establishing a link between agent logics and agent programming frameworks is identified and explained by the fact that agent programming frameworks have not incorporated the concept of a `declarative goal'. Instead, such frameworks have focused mainly on plans or `goals-to-do' instead of the end goals to be realised which are also called `goals-to-be'. In this paper, a new programming language called GOAL is introduced which incorporates such declarative goals. The notion of a `commitment strategy' - one of the main theoretical insights due to agent logics, which explains the relation between beliefs and goals - is used to construct a computational semantics for GOAL. Finally, a proof theory for proving properties of GOAL agents is introduced. Thus, we offer a complete theory of agent programming in the sense that our theory provides both for a programming framework and a programming logic for such agents. An example program is proven correct by using this programming logic

    GOAL agents instantiate intention logic

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    Abstract. It is commonly believed there is a big gap between agent logics and computational agent frameworks. In this paper, we show that this gap is not as big as believed by showing that GOAL agents instantiate Intention Logic of Cohen and Levesque. That is, we show that GOAL agent programs can be formally related to Intention Logic. We do so by proving that the GOAL Verification Logic can be embedded into Intention Logic. It follows that (a fragment of) Intention Logic can be used to prove properties of GOAL agents. The work reported is an important step towards the application of standard tools from modal logic for e.g. model checking agent programs. Our results also prove useful for extending the expressiveness of the GOAL agent language. This is illustrated by incorporating temporally extended goals into GOAL agents.

    An Abstract Formal Basis for Digital Crowds

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    Crowdsourcing, together with its related approaches, has become very popular in recent years. All crowdsourcing processes involve the participation of a digital crowd, a large number of people that access a single Internet platform or shared service. In this paper we explore the possibility of applying formal methods, typically used for the verification of software and hardware systems, in analysing the behaviour of a digital crowd. More precisely, we provide a formal description language for specifying digital crowds. We represent digital crowds in which the agents do not directly communicate with each other. We further show how this specification can provide the basis for sophisticated formal methods, in particular formal verification.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figure

    08361 Abstracts Collection -- Programming Multi-Agent Systems

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    From 31th August to 5th September, the Dagstuhl Seminar 08361 ``Programming Multi-Agent Systems\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    BDI agent architectures: A survey

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    The BDI model forms the basis of much of the research on symbolic models of agency and agent-oriented software engineering. While many variants of the basic BDI model have been proposed in the literature, there has been no systematic review of research on BDI agent architectures in over 10 years. In this paper, we survey the main approaches to each component of the BDI architecture, how these have been realised in agent programming languages, and discuss the trade-offs inherent in each approach

    Declarative and procedural goals in intelligent agent systems

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    An important concept for intelligent agent systems is goals. Goals have two aspects: declarative (a description of the state sought), and procedural (a set of plans for achieving the goal). A declarative view of goals is necessary in order to reason about important properties of goals, while a procedural view of goals is necessary to ensure that goals can be achieved efficiently in dynamic environments. In this paper we propose a framework for goals which integrates both views. We discuss the requisite properties of goals and the link between the declarative and procedural aspects, then derive a formal semantics which has these properties. We present a high-level plan notation with goals and give its formal semantics. We then show how the use of declarative information permits reasoning (such as the detection and resolution of conflicts) to be performed on goals

    Revising conflicting intention sets in BDI agents

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    Autonomous agents typically have several goals they are pursuing simultaneously. Even if the goals themselves are not necessarily inconsistent, choices made about how to pursue each of these goals may well result in a set of intentions which are conflicting. A rational autonomous agent should be able to reason about and modify its set of intentions to take account of such issues. This paper presents the semantics of some preferences regarding modified sets of intentions. We look at the possibility of simply deleting some intention(s) but more importantly we also look at the possibility of modifying intentions, such that the goals will still be achieved but in a different way

    Implementation of normative practical reasoning with durative actions

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