76 research outputs found

    SAsSy – Scrutable Autonomous Systems

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    Abstract. An autonomous system consists of physical or virtual systems that can perform tasks without continuous human guidance. Autonomous systems are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, ranging from unmanned vehicles, to robotic surgery devices, to virtual agents which collate and process information on the internet. Existing autonomous systems are opaque, limiting their usefulness in many situations. In order to realise their promise, techniques for making such autonomous systems scrutable are therefore required. We believe that the creation of such scrutable autonomous systems rests on four foundations, namely an appropriate planning representation; the use of a human understandable reasoning mechanism, such as argumentation theory; appropriate natural language generation tools to translate logical statements into natural ones; and information presentation techniques to enable the user to cope with the deluge of information that autonomous systems can provide. Each of these foundations has its own unique challenges, as does the integration of all of these into a single system.

    Design and implementation of a FIPA based agent communication model for a logic programming framework

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    In this paper we consider the design of an agent communication model based on the FIPA Architecture and FIPA Interaction Protocols. Our goal is to allow the agents to reach each other by their characteristics and to exchange messages using a standard Agent Communication Language. We propose the design and implementation of a framework as an extension of Prolog, following the spirit of Logic Programming. In our framework, the agents are allowed to register themselves in MASs in order to allow other agents to locate them easily. The agents may search for agents having specific characteristics, or providing determined services in order to interact with them.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Hybrid Teams in Virtual Environments: Samurai Joins the Training Team

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    This paper demonstrates a virtual environment where mixed human-agent teams are used for team-skills training. © Springer-Verlag 2009

    Design and implementation of a FIPA based agent communication model for a logic programming framework

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    In this paper we consider the design of an agent communication model based on the FIPA Architecture and FIPA Interaction Protocols. Our goal is to allow the agents to reach each other by their characteristics and to exchange messages using a standard Agent Communication Language. We propose the design and implementation of a framework as an extension of Prolog, following the spirit of Logic Programming. In our framework, the agents are allowed to register themselves in MASs in order to allow other agents to locate them easily. The agents may search for agents having specific characteristics, or providing determined services in order to interact with them.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Programación de agentes y argumentación

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    Esta línea de investigación involucra programación de agentes y argumentación. En particular, en este trabajo se presentan las motivaciones y las investigaciones en curso. El principal objetivo de esta linea, es el desarrollo de herramientas que permitan una programación declarativa de agentes inteligentes. En especial, agentes que utilizan razonamiento no monótono y de sentido común. Particularmente, se buscan herramientas que cuenten con mecanismos de argumentación para el razonamiento de los agentes. Actualmente se están estudiando diferentes arquitecturas de agente, que utilizan argumentación como mecanismo de razonamiento, y lenguajes de programación de agente, que permite implementaciones declarativas. Aprovechando este análisis y como primer paso para permitir que la programación de agente que razonan utilizando argumentación, se han presentado constructores que permitan formar argumentos para garantizar las creencias del agente.Eje: Agentes y Sistemas InteligentesRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Contract-based Data-Driven Decision Making in Federated Data Ecosystems

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    Data-driven economies on the World Wide Web are based on coordination mechanisms for exhange and AI-based processing data assets provided by independent actors. Architectures for data-driven economies currently focus on the exchange of data assets and leave processing of data assets to background mechanisms. Without binding obligations, data sharing situations favor "no data sharing" as dominant strategy between agents. We present a broker framework that supports contract-based sharing, trading and processing of data assets between actors under 'lack-of-trust' conditions. Electronic contracts guarantee ownership and control of data assets, execution of defined data analytical tasks based on AI models and sharing of results according to contractual promises. A technical architecture (TUCANA) is presented that realizes a federated data economic ecosystem including the broker framework. We present an application based on an implementation of TUCANA