11 research outputs found

    Exergame design for elderly users: the case study of SilverBalance

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    In this paper, we discuss chances and challenges of game design for an elderly audience with a focus on the development of safe and usable exertion games for frail senior citizens. Based on an analysis of theoretical constraints, we conducted a case study which implements different balance tasks for elderly players featuring the Nintendo Wii Balance Board which encourages users to actively engage in game play. Furthermore, we tested the feasibility of the board as input device for our case study SilverBalance. Our results indicate that age-related impairments influence the use of video games among frail elderly in many respects, hence their needs have to be considered during the design process. In this context, our paper provides a foundation for future research regarding digital games for the elderly. © 2010 ACM

    “Entertainment for Retirement?”: Silvergamers and the Internet

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    In recent years, Internet video gaming has grown exponentially amongst a non-traditional and non-targeted group of gamers: those over 50 years of age. In the United States alone, elderly gamers have grown from nine percent of all gamers in 1999 to over 25 percent of all gamers as of 2009. The current study specifically examines elderly peoples’ usage behaviors with Internet-based video games. Such participation has been aided by the fact that games are social in nature and are accessible in terms ownership and operation. The process of becoming an Internet gamer therefore requires little more than a simple computer, an Internet connection, and a desire to be entertained. Results show that so-called “silvergamers” prefer casual games as opposed to more complex and persistent games. In addition, this paper raises further insights into their behaviour as users, including usage time and expenses for game usage, and situates them within the context of elderly gamers as an economic potential group to be targeted more

    Mobile game for the elderly: Bundled Bingo Game

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    The aim of this project is to develop a customized Bingo game based on the user interface guidelines that suit the elderly users. This project targeted to improve the cognitive ability of the elderly with the specifically designed gaming features. In this research, qualitative data will be used to analyze the confidence and acceptance level of the elderly on the mobile digital games, as well as to understand how the elderly interacts with current technologies (mobile devices) and the benefit they can gain from the mobile games. User testing, survey, and result analysis have been done with a group of elderly members from D’Happy club in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. The results of this project contribute to the development of an elderly friendly mobile game to motivate the elderly’s engagement in mobile gaming, with the will that it could help to delay and decrease the risk of the elderly in developing the Alzheimer’s disease

    “Entertainment for Retirement?”: Silvergamers and the Internet

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    In recent years, Internet video gaming has grown exponentially amongst a non-traditional and non-targeted group of gamers: those over 50 years of age. In the United States alone, elderly gamers have grown from nine percent of all gamers in 1999 to over 25 percent of all gamers as of 2009. The current study specifically examines elderly peoples’ usage behaviors with Internet-based video games. Such participation has been aided by the fact that games are social in nature and are accessible in terms ownership and operation. The process of becoming an Internet gamer therefore requires little more than a simple computer, an Internet connection, and a desire to be entertained. Results show that so-called “silvergamers” prefer casual games as opposed to more complex and persistent games. In addition, this paper raises further insights into their behaviour as users, including usage time and expenses for game usage, and situates them within the context of elderly gamers as an economic potential group to be targeted more

    Fatores motivacionais para desenvolvimento de mobile serious games com foco no público da terceira idade: uma revisão de literatura

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    Serious games have been studied with the objective to provide ways of combining learning/knowledge with entertainment. In Brazil it is known that a small proportion of older people have access to computers, and that a larger part already has access to cell phones. Therefore, we performed a literature review to identify items that mobile serious games should have to captivate the public's interest and motivation of seniors in playing them. We studied the needs, preferences and interests of the elderly in relation to digital games on smart phones and motivational factors that influence the use of serious games on smart phones. After the study, it was concluded that usability is a key factor for the elderly using digital games and that due to age restrictions it should be considered during the development of software. However, considering only aspects of usability is not sufficient to ensure the use of games by the elderly. It is necessary to awaken the motivation of the user, or in other words the user must be able to realize the benefits that the game will provide him/her. From this literature review, it will be possible to develop mobile serious games more suitable for the elderly population.Serious games têm sido estudados com o objetivo de fornecer formas de aprendizagem aliando educação/conhecimento e entretenimento. No Brasil sabe-se que uma pequena parte dos idosos tem acesso a computadores, e que uma parte maior já tem acesso aos aparelhos celulares. Diante disso, realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico para identificar os itens que mobile serious games devem ter para despertar o interesse e a motivação do público da terceira idade em jogá-los. Foram estudadas as necessidades, preferências e interesses desse público com relação aos jogos digitais em smartphones e os fatores motivacionais que influenciam o uso de serious games em smartphones,. Após o estudo, concluiu-se que a usabilidade é fator essencial para que os idosos utilizem os jogos digitais e que restrições decorrentes da idade devem ser consideradas no desenvolvimento dos softwares. Porém, considerar somente aspectos de usabilidade não é fator suficiente para garantir a utilização dos jogos pelos idosos. É necessário despertar a motivação do usuário, ou seja, é necessário que o usuário perceba os benefícios que o jogo lhe proporcionará. A partir dessa revisão de literatura, será possível desenvolver mobile serious games mais adequados ao público idoso

    Digitaalinen pelaaminen ikäihmisten elämässä

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    Tämä pelitutkimuksen tutkimusalaan sisältyvä pro gradu käsittelee ikäihmisten digitaalisten viihdepelien pelaamista Suomessa. Tutkielma on toteutettu teemahaastattelujen avulla. Tutkimuskohteina ovat ikäihmisten yksilölliset pelitottumukset, pelaamisen motivaatiot, pelihistoriat ja peleihin liittyvät näkemykset sekä odotukset ja oletukset. Tutkielma tuo näkyviin kuvaa siitä, miten digitaaliset pelit sijoittuvat ikäihmisten elämään ja miten ikäihmisten pelaamiseen suhtaudutaan. Digitaaliset pelit ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa monien ajanvietteenä. Niiden pelaaminen kuitenkin vähenee selvästi vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä. Ikäihmisten digitaalisen pelaamisen tutkiminen kytkeytyy sukupolvien välisiin eroihin tietotekniikan ja teknologian käyttötottumuksissa ja niihin haasteisiin, joita teknologian ja tietoyhteiskunnan kehitys tuottavat sellaisille väestöryhmille, jotka altistuvat uusille teknologioille vanhemmalla iällä ja omaksuvat esimerkiksi tietotekniikan käytön eri lähtökohdista ja eri ikävaiheissa. Teknologioihin liittyvien odotusten ja käsitysten tarkastelu eri sukupolvien välillä mahdollistaa erilaisten teknologiasukupolvien havaitsemisen ja tarvittaessa myös eri sukupolvien tarpeiden paremman huomioinnin esimerkiksi pelien tai palvelujen suunnittelussa. Ikäihmisten pelaamisen tarkastelu voi tarjota mahdollisuuksia myös esimerkiksi digitaalisen osallisuuden tai onnistuvan vanhenemisen edistämiseksi. Samalla voidaan pyrkiä löytämään uusia näkökulmia siihen, miten tietoyhteiskuntaa voidaan kehittää esteettömämmiksi tai saavutettavammaksi eri ikäryhmille

    The effects of playing Nintendo Wii on depression, sense of belonging, social support, and mood among Australian aged care residents : A pilot study

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    Adults aged 65 years or older constitute the fastest growing age group worldwide, leading to greater numbers of people requiring care in residential facilities. Adults in these facilities have higher levels of depression, lower levels of social support, and lower levels of sense of belonging compared with older adults living in the community. Research has begun to assess the effectiveness of interventions aimed at improving the mental health of aged care residents. Within this population, cognitive and physical benefits of playing video games have been documented in the literature, as well as greater social interaction, and decreased loneliness. The aim of the current study was to investigate the effectiveness of playing Wii bowling twice weekly, with up to 3 other residents, for 6 weeks. An Australian sample of 31 women and 8 men between the ages of 65 and 95 years (Mean age = 85.68, SD = 9.62) were randomised to either a treatment or control group based on their place of residence. The residents completed demographic information, The Veterans Affairs Saint Louis University Mental Status Exam, the Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form, the Social Provisions Scale, and three visual analogue scales to measure sense of belonging and mood. These scales were completed pre-intervention (0 weeks), postintervention (6 weeks), and at 2-month follow up (14 weeks). Qualitative data on social interaction between group members was also collected at weeks 1, 3, and 6. Results did not support the use of the Wii to improve residents’ self-reported levels of depression, social support, sense of belonging, or mood. Social interaction increased over the 6 weeks, as measured by interaction analyses and also residents’ comments. Overall, findings indicate that Wii bowling may be a useful intervention as part of a comprehensive care program to increase social interaction within aged care. Pervasive environmental problems associated with aged care, as well as participant characteristics, may have reduced the effectiveness of the intervention program.Master of Applied Science by Research (Psychology

    Age differences in associations with digital gaming

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    Seniors are an underrepresented group as digital gamers, but also as a focus of study in digital gaming research. We know relatively little about senior gamers, in particular about their needs and motivations to engage in digital gaming. The current explorative study used a free association technique to gather seniors’ perceptions, experiences, and domain knowledge about digital gaming. For reasons of comparison, young adults were also included in the study to allow us to identify associations that are unique to the senior population. From the study new and interesting insights were gathered about seniors’ digital gaming knowledge, which appears to be more limited and less up-to-date than the knowledge of young adults. In addition, seniors seem to hold serious concerns about the negative effects of the digital gaming activity on gamers. These factors could create a barrier for seniors to engage in digital gaming. The findings presented in this paper provide potential directions for game design and marketing to overcome seniors’ obstacles to gaming

    Age differences in associations with digital gaming

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    Seniors are an underrepresented group as digital gamers, but also as a focus of study in digital gaming research. We know relatively little about senior gamers, in particular about their needs and motivations to engage in digital gaming. The current explorative study used a free association technique to gather seniors’ perceptions, experiences, and domain knowledge about digital gaming. For reasons of comparison, young adults were also included in the study to allow us to identify associations that are unique to the senior population. From the study new and interesting insights were gathered about seniors’ digital gaming knowledge, which appears to be more limited and less up-to-date than the knowledge of young adults. In addition, seniors seem to hold serious concerns about the negative effects of the digital gaming activity on gamers. These factors could create a barrier for seniors to engage in digital gaming. The findings presented in this paper provide potential directions for game design and marketing to overcome seniors’ obstacles to gaming