68 research outputs found

    Analysis-oriented two-level grammars

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    Summary: p. 2-3

    On the design of ALEPH

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    On the design of ALEPH

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    An error-recovering form of DCGs

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    Experiences with the GTU grammar development environment

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    In this paper we describe our experiences with a tool for the development and testing of natural language grammars called GTU (German: Grammatik-Testumgebumg; grammar test environment). GTU supports four grammar formalisms under a window-oriented user interface. Additionally, it contains a set of German test sentences covering various syntactic phenomena as well as three types of German lexicons that can be attached to a grammar via an integrated lexicon interface. What follows is a description of the experiences we gained when we used GTU as a tutoring tool for students and as an experimental tool for CL researchers. From these we will derive the features necessary for a future grammar workbench.Comment: 7 pages, uses aclap.st


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    Existing formalisms for the specification of programming environments are complex and strongly biased by the problems of environment generation. It has been investigated whether a simple two-level grammar, describing a programming language, can be used without further modification for the generation of an environment for that language. We believe that there is enough information in most language definitions - albeit implicitly - to generate most of the tools used in syntax-directed editors. This paper proposes some simple and elegant improvements in the use of place- holders and templates, and in the unparsing mechanism. Although the improvements are implemented in a completely newly designed prototype they can also be applied to existing syntax-directed editors to improve their workability

    Використання зважених аффіксних контекстно-вільних граматик для змішаного синтаксично-семантичного розбору речень

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    У статті розглянуто використання зважених афіксних контекстно-вільних граматик для змішаного синтаксично-семаничного розбору речень української мови. Представлена модифікація афіксної граматики над скінченною граткою (Affix grammar over a finite lattice, AGFL), яка додає семантичний атрибут і нову форму продукцій, яку названо «шаблонна продукція». Ця нова форма дає змогу створювати лаконічні і ефективні, з точки зору обчислень, продукції на основі онтологій. Вивчено нормальну форму шаблонних продукцій і запропоновано ефективний алгоритм для синтаксично-семантичного аналізу речень на їх основі. Проведено експерименти із використанням зважених афіксних контекстно-вільних граматик для синтаксично-семаничного розбору речень художнього тексту, які показали, що середній час розбору речень виявився практично лінійною функцією від кількості слів у них.The using of weighted affix context-free grammar for mixed syntactic–semantic parsing Ukrainian sentences is considered in the article. The modification of affix grammar over a finite lattice that adds semantical attribute and a new form of production called the “template production” is introduced. This new form helps to represent ontology-based productions in a short and computationally inexpensive way. The normal form of template production is studied, and effective algorithm for syntactic–semantic parsing sentences is proposed. The experiments with using of weighted affix context-free grammar for syntactic–semantic parsing of sentences from the test database of Ukrainian fiction literature are conducted. The growth of parsing time turned out to be almost linear function of the number of words in a sentence