18 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Aspek Pedagogis dan Interaksi Sistem pada Penilaian Usabilitas Sistem E-Learning

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh faktor pedagogis maupun interaksi sistem pada penilaian usabilitas sistem e-learning. Pendekatan pada penilaian sistem e-learning, yang selama ini terbelah antara bertumpu pada satu faktor, atau berupaya menggabungkan keduanya tanpa membedakan kekhasan karakteristiknya. Upaya unifikasi tanpa membedakan karakter tersebut akan menyulitkan perumusan tindak lanjut hasil penilain yang dilakukan, sebab tindak lanjut pasca penilaian memiliki perbedaan pada kedua jenis faktor tersebut. Faktor-faktor pedagogis maupun usabilitas sistem mungkin berpengaruh, diperoleh dari hasil studi literatur pada penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya. Pengujian terhadap faktor-faktor tersebut dilakukan dengan melakukan survei kepada para pengguna sistem VCLASS di Universitas Indo Global Mandiri (UIGM). Selain diharapkan mendapatkan faktor-faktor yang diperlukan dalam penyusunan kerangka penilaian usabilitas sistem e-learning, penelitian ini juga dapat memberikan kontribusi terhadap penyempurnaan sistem VCLASS UIGM

    Usability Evaluation of Learning Management Systems in Sri Lankan Universities

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    As far as Learning Management System is concerned, it offers an integrated platform for educational materials, distribution and management of learning as well as accessibility by a range of users in cluding teachers, learners and content makerses pecially for distance learning. Usability evaluation is considered as one approach to assess the efficiency of e-Learning systems. It is used to evaluate how well technology and tools are working for users. There are some factors contributing as major reasons why the LMS is not used effectively and regularly. Learning Management Systems, as major part of e-Learning systems, can benefit from usability research to evaluate the LMS ease of use and satisfaction among its handlers. Many academic institutions worldwide prefer using their own customized Learning Management Systems; this is the case with Moodle, an open source LMS platform designed and operated by most of the universities in Sri Lanka

    Instructional design principles for developing a courseware for low vision and hearing impairment

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    Instructional based on coursewares’ interface face serious usability problem due to ineffective design towards content delivery.With restrictions in the interface design for diverse users, the conventional teaching and learning approaches requires people with disability to struggle more compared to their nondisabled counterpart learners.Meanwhile, the pedagogical applications that are specifically designed for the universality are highly scarce.This could be seen when most of the existing content applications thatavailable in the market are designed for particular target user.This study presents an ongoing project, with the main objective to develop an instructional interface design principles in an attempt to cater for the needs of low vision and hearing impairment learners in their learning activities; called Courseware for Low Vision and Hearing Impairment (C4LVHI).Thus, to achieve the main objectives, this study comes up with specific objectives, which are: to determine the appropriate instructional interface elements and design principles of courseware design for low vision and hearing impairment learning.This could be as guidance for the developer or anyone who intend to develop courseware for low vision and hearing impairment.The recommended future works is to investigate the user experience of using C4LVHI among the low vision and hearing impairment learners in Learning Centres.The target participant would be low vision, hearing impaired and non-impaired learners from tertiary level


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    Twenty-six students from a sixth grade math class in Upstate New York received guardian approval to participate in a study that gathered data pertaining to student navigation ability, information retrieval ability, and satisfaction in regards to the Learning Management System (LMS) their school utilized. Data collection began with the researchers attending math classes for observation and to conduct cognitive walkthroughs with the students to gather information about their experiences and navigation through the LMS. An eye tracker and the associated eye tracking software were utilized to monitor and detect patterns of eye movements when the students were looking at a device screen. For this study, students were monitored by the eye tracker while they attempted to complete several tasks from the experiment. By measuring the length of time taken by students as they completed tasks on the LMS, quantitative data can be collected and used later in the experiment. After analyzing the time metrics and the eye tracking data produced and feedback given on the questionnaire distributed at the beginning of the experiment, a targeted LMS page was slightly modified in hopes to increase the effectiveness of the page, based on user interface design standards.  Well defined organization, accessibility, and usability in an LMS is essential to allow learners to focus to be on their curriculums, and not how to access their assignments. An in-depth analysis of navigation through an LMS will allow for a better understanding of how users interact with the structure of their curriculum in an electronic format. The study described in this paper intended to address the question of whether an LMS used in an elementary school setting can provide users with an interface that optimizes the accessibility and usability of their class materials.  Article visualizations


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    Twenty-six students from a sixth grade math class in Upstate New York received guardian approval to participate in a study that gathered data pertaining to student navigation ability, information retrieval ability, and satisfaction in regards to the Learning Management System (LMS) their school utilized. Data collection began with the researchers attending math classes for observation and to conduct cognitive walkthroughs with the students to gather information about their experiences and navigation through the LMS. An eye tracker and the associated eye tracking software were utilized to monitor and detect patterns of eye movements when the students were looking at a device screen. For this study, students were monitored by the eye tracker while they attempted to complete several tasks from the experiment. By measuring the length of time taken by students as they completed tasks on the LMS, quantitative data can be collected and used later in the experiment. After analyzing the time metrics and the eye tracking data produced and feedback given on the questionnaire distributed at the beginning of the experiment, a targeted LMS page was slightly modified in hopes to increase the effectiveness of the page, based on user interface design standards. Well defined organization, accessibility, and usability in an LMS is essential to allow learners to focus to be on their curriculums, and not how to access their assignments. An in-depth analysis of navigation through an LMS will allow for a better understanding of how users interact with the structure of their curriculum in an electronic format. The study described in this paper intended to address the question of whether an LMS used in an elementary school setting can provide users with an interface that optimizes the accessibility and usability of their class materials

    Digitaalisen teknologian vaikutukset opetustyöhön opettajan näkökulmasta

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    Digitaalinen teknologia ja sen osaaminen on tullut osaksi koulu- ja opetusmaailmaa vuosien varrella. Tätä digitaalista murrosta opetustyössä vauhdittavat teknologian nopea kehitys ja lisääntyneet käyttötavat. Digitaaliset opetustavat ja teknologian hyödyntäminen voivat parantaa ja monipuolistaa sekä opettajien, että oppilaiden toimintamahdollisuuksia opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. On kuitenkin saatu kansainvälistä ja kansallista näyttöä siitä, että suurin osa kouluista ja opettajista eivät ole kuitenkaan omaksuneet näitä teknologian mahdollisuuksia, vaikka digitaalinen murros on muuttanut opetustyötä jo pidemmän aikaa. Heillä on edelleen suuria vaikeuksia uuden teknologian käytössä ja soveltamisessa opetustyöhön. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli kerätä tietoa digitaalisen teknologian vaikutuksista opetustyöhön opettajan näkökulmasta. Tutkimuskysymyksenä toimi ”Miten opettajat kokevat digitaalisen teknologian vaikuttavan opetustyöhön?” Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineistohaku suoritettiin Cinahl-, Education Research Complete- ja Eric-tietokannoista. Aineistoksi valikoitui tietokantarajausten sekä sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerien perusteella 17 vertaisarvioitua tieteellistä julkaisua, jotka käsittelivät digitaalisen teknologian käyttöä opetustyössä. Lisäksi suoritettiin manuaalihaku, jonka lopputuloksena aineistoon löytyi viisi tutkimusartikkelia. Näin ollen lopullinen aineisto sisälsi 22 tieteellistä julkaisua. Artikkelit olivat julkaistu vuosien 2009-2019 välisenä aikana. Aineiston tutkimuksista kuusi oli tehty Yhdysvalloissa, viisi Australiassa, kolme Suomessa, kaksi Espanjassa, yksi Ruotsissa, yksi Marokossa, yksi Uudessa-Seelannissa, yksi Hong Kongissa, yksi Alankomaissa sekä yksi Kyproksella. Tutkimusaineiston analyysissa käytettiin laadulliselle tutkimukselle soveltuvaa induktiivista sisällönanalyysia. Digitaalinen teknologia vaikuttaa opetustyöhön opettajan näkökulmasta moniulotteisesti. Opettajien taidoissa ja tavassa käyttää teknologiaa on suuria eroavaisuuksia. Opettajat tarvitsisivat enemmän tukea teknologian käyttöön, mutta tuen saanti vaihtelee oppilaitoksittain. Oppilaitosten resursseilla ja linjauksilla on vaikutuksia opettajien teknologian käyttöön. Opettajien suhtautuminen teknologian käyttöön ja oman osaamisensa kehittämiseen on pääosin myönteistä. Tulevaisuudessa perinteisten opetusmenetelmien rinnalle tulee enenevässä määrin innovatiivisia teknologiamenetelmiä. Opettajat ovat tässä muutoksessa keskeisessä roolissa ja heidän suhtautumisensa opetusteknologiaan vaikuttaa sen käyttöönottoon opetuksessa

    A new model for enhancing student portal usage in Saudi Arabia universities

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    Portals are gateways that provide users with the information they need from different sources and display it on a single page. It is important to see that universities utilize the resources and services provided by their student portals. With the rapid development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia aims to develop and improve student portals by providing high-quality teaching services through the university portal systems. This paper discusses the importance of student portal usage in Saudi Arabian universities and investigates the factors that influence the utilization of student portals as perceived by the students of the Saudi universities. Based on these factors, a model is proposed which identifies students’ expectations about the Saudi university portals. A quantitative methodology was employed to develop the model. The results revealed that 8 out of 10 factors of the model are significant and positively affect student portal usage. The enhancement of student portals based on the identified significant factors will assist the universities to increase their utilization and their provided services

    Fuzzy-based user modelling for motivation assessment in programming learning adaptive web-based education systems

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    Learning programming is not an easy task and students often find this subject difficult to understand and pass. One way to improve students’ knowledge in programming is by using Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) through Adaptive Web-Based Education Systems (AWBESs). The objective of ITS is to provide a personalized tutoring that is tailored to the student’s needs. User modelling is one of the key factors that can meet the ITS intended objectives. From the literature, it was discovered that motivation stands out as one of the critical students’ characteristics that need to be considered when designing a user model. However, from the previous studies, it was discovered that almost all the researchers and educators constructed the user model based on knowledge and skills as students’ characteristics. Thus, the aim of this study is to develop a user model based on students’ motivation known as the Motivation Assessment Model. This is a model that is able to assess students’ motivation level and deliver tutorial materials accordingly. The Motivation Assessment Model was developed based on Self-Efficacy theory that contributes to the fundamental motivation factor which influences students’ motivation during the learning process. Furthermore, to assess the motivation level, fuzzy logic technique was applied. A tutoring system was then developed based on the proposed model using ITS architecture and ADDIE instructional design model. In order to determine students’ knowledge level after using the tutoring system, pre- and post-tests were conducted on the controlled group and experimental group (30 and 31 students). The learning achievements between experimental group (mean = 3.00) and control group (mean = 2.00) indicated that the tutoring system is significantly more effective in improving students’ knowledge level compared to the traditional approach. A usability evaluation was also conducted whereby the effectiveness was evaluated at the number of errors (7.5%) and completion rate (86.5%); efficiency (mean = 4.85); satisfaction evaluated at task level (mean = 6.77) and test level (mean = 83.55). As a conclusion, the overall tutoring system usability results are accepted by students in the experimental group. The research contribution to knowledge is the development of the proposed Motivation Assessment Model for ITS