7 research outputs found

    Panel: IS has outgrown the need for reference discipline theories, or has it?

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    In the decade since the creation of wireless handheld devices, mobile commerce (m-commerce) has become a ubiquitous channel for accessing information and conducting business. Mobile users can now access information anytime and anywhere. Mobile advertising, retailing, and gambling are popular, and gradually the competition among mobile services providers turns fierce. Hence, some services providers adopt personalization technologies to customize content for their users. This paper explores the opportunities and challenges of the use of personalization technologies in m-commerce. Although the effectiveness of personalization on the web is well-examined, there is little work on personalization in mobile services. The debates regarding the effectiveness of personalization and technological limitations and privacy concerns motivate us to conduct focus groups with mobile users, and explore the opportunities and challenges of personalized mobile services. The focus groups findings illustrate that mobile users are very concerned about their privacy and spam. We then extract a list of personal information from the focus groups findings. This list of personal information is highly related to mobile users’ privacy concerns. We conduct an online survey to gain a better understanding of which piece of information mobile users are more willing to share with services providers and we perform a multi-dimensional scale analysis

    A relação entre a atitude com a publicidade em sms e a intenção de compra de clientes (estudo de caso; saman insurance co)

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    This research tries to investigate the application of mobile phones for marketing (via SMS) in the insurance industry according to the rapid progress at the used technologies in mobile phones and their increasing use in various industries. In fact, its aim was to investigate the effect of an SMS advertising on the individual attitude of the advertising, their attitude to the brand and their attitude effect on purchase intention. So, a model includes the components of an advertising message which may affect the attitude toward advertising has been presented. These components were; advertising perceived as valid, the attitude to mobile advertising, the quality of the argument, the incentive, attractiveness, interaction, the perceived attempt, the perceived emotional involvement and the perceived cognitive involvement. A questionnaire has been provided based on these factors and has been distributed among 384 of the sample sizes. The collected data have been analyzed by Smart PLS 2.0 software. The results indicated that the attitude to advertising has a direct effect on the attitude to the brand, attitude to the brand has a direct effect on the attitude to purchase intention and attitude to advertising has a direct and positive effect on purchase intention. Also, all the above-mentioned components have positive effect on attitude to advertising.investigación hace un esfuerzo en investigar la aplicación de teléfonos móviles para la comercialización (a través de SMS) en la industria de seguros de acuerdo con el rápido progreso de las tecnologías utilizadas en teléfonos móviles y su creciente uso en diversas industrias. De hecho, su objetivo era investigar el efecto de una publicidad SMS sobre la actitud individual hacia la publicidad, su actitud hacia la marca y su efecto de actitud sobre la intención de compra. Por lo tanto, un modelo incluye los componentes de un mensaje publicitario que puede afectar la actitud ante la publicidad. Estos componentes fueron; Publicidad percibida como válida, la actitud hacia la publicidad móvil, la calidad del argumento, el incentivo, el atractivo, la interacción, el intento percibido, la implicación emocional percibida y la implicación cognitiva percibida. Se ha proporcionado un cuestionario basado en estos factores y se ha distribuido entre 384 del tamaño de la muestra. Los datos recopilados han sido analizados por el software Smart PLS 2.0. Los resultados indicaron que la actitud hacia la publicidad tiene un efecto directo sobre la actitud hacia la marca, la actitud hacia la marca tiene un efecto directo sobre la actitud hacia la intención de compra y la actitud hacia la publicidad tiene un efecto directo y positivo en la intención de compra. Además, todos los componentes mencionados anteriormente tienen un efecto positivo en la actitud hacia la publicidad.Esta pesquisa tenta investigar a aplicação de telefones celulares para marketing (via SMS) no setor de seguros, de acordo com o rápido progresso das tecnologias usadas em telefones celulares e seu crescente uso em diversos setores. De fato, seu objetivo foi investigar o efeito da propaganda por SMS na atitude individual em relação à publicidade, sua atitude em relação à marca e seu efeito de atitude sobre a intenção de compra. Portanto, um modelo inclui os componentes de uma mensagem publicitária que podem afetar a atitude em relação à publicidade. Esses componentes eram; publicidade percebida como válida, a atitude em relação à publicidade móvel, a qualidade do argumento, o incentivo, a atratividade, a interação, a intenção percebida, o envolvimento emocional percebido e o envolvimento cognitivo percebido. Um questionário baseado nesses fatores foi fornecido e distribuído entre 384 do tamanho da amostra. Os dados coletados foram analisados pelo software Smart PLS 2.0. Os resultados indicaram que a atitude para com a publicidade tem um efeito direto sobre a atitude da marca, a atitude para com a marca tem um efeito direto sobre atitudes em relação a intenção de compra e atitude em relação a publicidade tem um efeito direto e positivo na Intenção de compra Além disso, todos os componentes mencionados acima têm um efeito positivo na atitude em relação à publicidade

    Can ‘Mobile Platform’ and ‘Permission Marketing’ dance a tango to the consumers' tune? Modeling adoption of ‘SMS based Permission Advertising’

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    Many a times situation of advertising clutter is further aggrieved by the markers’ intrusive practices i.e. not asking for consumer’s explicit permission. It results in consumers’ alienation and reduced advertising effectiveness. Solution could be integration of Permission Marketing with an innovative advertising platform like Mobile. This study aimed to develop and validate a comprehensive model for understanding consumers’ adoption behavior towards SMS Based Permission Advertising (SBPA). For this, data was collected using systematic random sampling from 524 respondents and was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling. Study revealed some critical variables along with complex relationships among such variables, in form of an empirically validated model. At last, study made some important implications for practitioners and researchers

    Humour advertising: a review and a bibliometrics citation analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to present review and analysis of citations by journals, papers and authors, co-occurrences of keyword and sub-keywords, and the co-authorship between authors, institutions as well as countries in the field of humour advertising. The number of journal publications in humour advertising has increased and expanded over the years in the field of marketing, communication and business research, but are less being discussed in relation to its citation’s analysis. Therefore, the study has been conducted using a review and a bibliometrics analysis approach. A total of 2300 articles for the study has been extracted from the Web of Science database and reviewed using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysed). However, only 1500 were screened and selected for use for the citation analysis. This study contributes in a sense that it provides future researchers with knowledge and information about the worldwide citation’s linkages, and networking between authors, institutions, and research interest in the field of humour advertising. This study also provides insights for researchers to engage in developing novel research ideas that may contribute to expanding the engagement of marketing of humour advertising worldwide

    Factors influencing the intention to accept advertising in mobile social networks

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    The aim of the article. The role and importance of advertising in today's world is no secret. Advertising can have a significant role on consumer behavioral intention. Increasing the use of mobile and social networks in mobile phones has provided a new opportunity for marketers to continuously advertise their products or services and also communicate directly with their consumers. Nevertheless, the trust of audiences on mobile advertising has been significantly reduced and people often consider mobile advertising as tool for companies deception. Given that between consumer attitude to general advertising and advertising on mobile there is a difference. It’s not clear what is consumers attitude about advertising messages on their mobile and mobile social networks and how their attitude affects consumers intention to acceptance. In order to address the influencing factors on mobile advertising acceptance the model was developed. This model examines social norms, influential factors on consumers’ attitude and intention to accept advertisements in mobile and mobile social networks. The results of the analysis. To test the research model, the data of 436 mobile users in Mashhad, Iran was collected by questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by Amos software. Findings show that social norms have significant impact on usefulness and perceived ease of use of mobile advertising. Moreover, trust, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have positive impact on users’ attitude toward mobile advertising. Finally it was shown that perceived usefulness and attitude toward mobile advertising has impact on intention to accept mobile advertising. Subject to the fact that this medium is in its emerging stage in Iran, this research findings are interpretable and extensible. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Research findings indicate that entertainment, informativeness, irritation, credibility, personalization, permission and subjective norm impact on attitude toward mobile advertising and subjective norm, incentives and attitude toward mobile advertising impact on intention to accept positively. In the meantime, there is a significant relationship between attitude and intention to accept and consumers’ behavior toward mobile advertising. This study clearly demonstrates the prevalence of mobile advertising campaigns and provides important insights into consumers’ engagement with mobile advertising activities. This study found that successful engagement of customers in mobile marketing requires marketers focus their strategies and tactics around value creation. The findings reported in this paper should help marketers to design campaigns that focus more closely on the target audience. The topic of mobile marketing in mobile phones and mobile social networks is important to both marketing executives and marketing researchers. This paper provides results that do facilitate research efforts focused on mobile media and aid marketers in their quest to achieve mobile advertising success. This study contributes to fulfilling the need for research evidence

    The Future of Information Sciences : INFuture2009 : Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing

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