329 research outputs found

    Revisiting Resolution and Inter-Layer Coupling Factors in Modularity for Multilayer Networks

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    Modularity for multilayer networks, also called multislice modularity, is parametric to a resolution factor and an inter-layer coupling factor. The former is useful to express layer-specific relevance and the latter quantifies the strength of node linkage across the layers of a network. However, such parameters can be set arbitrarily, thus discarding any structure information at graph or community level. Other issues are related to the inability of properly modeling order relations over the layers, which is required for dynamic networks. In this paper we propose a new definition of modularity for multilayer networks that aims to overcome major issues of existing multislice modularity. We revise the role and semantics of the layer-specific resolution and inter-layer coupling terms, and define parameter-free unsupervised approaches for their computation, by using information from the within-layer and inter-layer structures of the communities. Moreover, our formulation of multilayer modularity is general enough to account for an available ordering of the layers and relating constraints on layer coupling. Experimental evaluation was conducted using three state-of-the-art methods for multilayer community detection and nine real-world multilayer networks. Results have shown the significance of our modularity, disclosing the effects of different combinations of the resolution and inter-layer coupling functions. This work can pave the way for the development of new optimization methods for discovering community structures in multilayer networks.Comment: Accepted at the IEEE/ACM Conf. on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2017

    A Model of Consistent Node Types in Signed Directed Social Networks

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    Signed directed social networks, in which the relationships between users can be either positive (indicating relations such as trust) or negative (indicating relations such as distrust), are increasingly common. Thus the interplay between positive and negative relationships in such networks has become an important research topic. Most recent investigations focus upon edge sign inference using structural balance theory or social status theory. Neither of these two theories, however, can explain an observed edge sign well when the two nodes connected by this edge do not share a common neighbor (e.g., common friend). In this paper we develop a novel approach to handle this situation by applying a new model for node types. Initially, we analyze the local node structure in a fully observed signed directed network, inferring underlying node types. The sign of an edge between two nodes must be consistent with their types; this explains edge signs well even when there are no common neighbors. We show, moreover, that our approach can be extended to incorporate directed triads, when they exist, just as in models based upon structural balance or social status theory. We compute Bayesian node types within empirical studies based upon partially observed Wikipedia, Slashdot, and Epinions networks in which the largest network (Epinions) has 119K nodes and 841K edges. Our approach yields better performance than state-of-the-art approaches for these three signed directed networks.Comment: To appear in the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 201

    A Method for Characterizing Communities in Dynamic Attributed Complex Networks

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    Many methods have been proposed to detect communities, not only in plain, but also in attributed, directed or even dynamic complex networks. In its simplest form, a community structure takes the form of a partition of the node set. From the modeling point of view, to be of some utility, this partition must then be characterized relatively to the properties of the studied system. However, if most of the existing works focus on defining methods for the detection of communities, only very few try to tackle this interpretation problem. Moreover, the existing approaches are limited either in the type of data they handle, or by the nature of the results they output. In this work, we propose a method to efficiently support such a characterization task. We first define a sequence-based representation of networks, combining temporal information, topological measures, and nodal attributes. We then describe how to identify the most emerging sequential patterns of this dataset, and use them to characterize the communities. We also show how to detect unusual behavior in a community, and highlight outliers. Finally, as an illustration, we apply our method to a network of scientific collaborations.Comment: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), P\'ekin : China (2014

    Sentiment Analysis Of Web Forums: Comparison Between SentiWordNet And SentiStrength

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    Internet has become a major tool for communication, training, fundraising, media operations, and recruitment, and these processes often use web forums. This paper intended to find suitable technique for analysing selected web forums that included radical content by presenting a comparison between SentiWordNet and SentiStrength. SentiWordNet is a lexical resource for supporting opinion mining by assigning a positivity score and a negativity score to each WordNet. SentiStrength is a technique that was developed from comments on MySpace. It uses human-designed lexical and emotional terms with a set of amplification, diminishing and negation rules. The results have been presented and discussed

    Affect Analysis of Radical Contents on Web Forums Using SentiWordNet

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    The internet has become a major tool for communication, training, fundraising, media operations, and recruitment, and these processes often use web forums. This paper presents a model that was built using SentiWordNet, WordNet and NLTK to analyze selected web forums that included radical content. SentiWordNet is a lexical resource for supporting opinion mining by assigning a positivity score and a negativity score to each WordNet. The approaches of the model measure and identify sentiment polarity and affect the intensity of that which appears in the web forum. The results show that SentiWordNet can be used for analyzing sentences that appear in web forums

    Graphical Analysis of Social Group Dynamics

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    Identifying communities in social networks becomes an increasingly important research problem. Several methods for identifying such groups have been developed, however, qualitative analysis (taking into account the scale of the problem) still poses serious problems. This paper describes a tool for facilitating such an analysis, allowing to visualize the dynamics and supporting localization of different events (such as creation or merging of groups). In the final part of the paper, the experimental results performed using the benchmark data (Enron emails) provide an insight into usefulness of the proposed tool.Comment: Fourth International Conference on Computational Aspects of Social Networks, CASoN 2012, Sao Carlos, Brazil, November 21-23, 2012, pp. 41-46; IEEE Computer Society, 201