54 research outputs found

    ir_metadata: An Extensible Metadata Schema for IR Experiments

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    The information retrieval (IR) community has a strong tradition of making the computational artifacts and resources available for future reuse, allowing the validation of experimental results. Besides the actual test collections, the underlying run files are often hosted in data archives as part of conferences like TREC, CLEF, or NTCIR. Unfortunately, the run data itself does not provide much information about the underlying experiment. For instance, the single run file is not of much use without the context of the shared task's website or the run data archive. In other domains, like the social sciences, it is good practice to annotate research data with metadata. In this work, we introduce ir_metadata - an extensible metadata schema for TREC run files based on the PRIMAD model. We propose to align the metadata annotations to PRIMAD, which considers components of computational experiments that can affect reproducibility. Furthermore, we outline important components and information that should be reported in the metadata and give evidence from the literature. To demonstrate the usefulness of these metadata annotations, we implement new features in repro_eval that support the outlined metadata schema for the use case of reproducibility studies. Additionally, we curate a dataset with run files derived from experiments with different instantiations of PRIMAD components and annotate these with the corresponding metadata. In the experiments, we cover reproducibility experiments that are identified by the metadata and classified by PRIMAD. With this work, we enable IR researchers to annotate TREC run files and improve the reuse value of experimental artifacts even further.Comment: Resource pape

    One-Shot Labeling for Automatic Relevance Estimation

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    Dealing with unjudged documents ("holes") in relevance assessments is a perennial problem when evaluating search systems with offline experiments. Holes can reduce the apparent effectiveness of retrieval systems during evaluation and introduce biases in models trained with incomplete data. In this work, we explore whether large language models can help us fill such holes to improve offline evaluations. We examine an extreme, albeit common, evaluation setting wherein only a single known relevant document per query is available for evaluation. We then explore various approaches for predicting the relevance of unjudged documents with respect to a query and the known relevant document, including nearest neighbor, supervised, and prompting techniques. We find that although the predictions of these One-Shot Labelers (1SL) frequently disagree with human assessments, the labels they produce yield a far more reliable ranking of systems than the single labels do alone. Specifically, the strongest approaches can consistently reach system ranking correlations of over 0.86 with the full rankings over a variety of measures. Meanwhile, the approach substantially increases the reliability of t-tests due to filling holes in relevance assessments, giving researchers more confidence in results they find to be significant. Alongside this work, we release an easy-to-use software package to enable the use of 1SL for evaluation of other ad-hoc collections or systems.Comment: SIGIR 202

    Improving accountability in recommender systems research through reproducibility

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    Reproducibility is a key requirement for scientific progress. It allows the reproduction of the works of others, and, as a consequence, to fully trust the reported claims and results. In this work, we argue that, by facilitating reproducibility of recommender systems experimentation, we indirectly address the issues of accountability and transparency in recommender systems research from the perspectives of practitioners, designers, and engineers aiming to assess the capabilities of published research works. These issues have become increasingly prevalent in recent literature. Reasons for this include societal movements around intelligent systems and artificial intelligence striving toward fair and objective use of human behavioral data (as in Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, or Human–Computer Interaction). Society has grown to expect explanations and transparency standards regarding the underlying algorithms making automated decisions for and around us. This work surveys existing definitions of these concepts and proposes a coherent terminology for recommender systems research, with the goal to connect reproducibility to accountability. We achieve this by introducing several guidelines and steps that lead to reproducible and, hence, accountable experimental workflows and research. We additionally analyze several instantiations of recommender system implementations available in the literature and discuss the extent to which they fit in the introduced framework. With this work, we aim to shed light on this important problem and facilitate progress in the field by increasing the accountability of researchThis work has been funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (reference: PID2019-108965GB-I00

    EntropyRank: Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction via Side-Information Optimization for Language Model-based Text Compression

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    We propose an unsupervised method to extract keywords and keyphrases from texts based on a pre-trained language model (LM) and Shannon's information maximization. Specifically, our method extracts phrases having the highest conditional entropy under the LM. The resulting set of keyphrases turns out to solve a relevant information-theoretic problem: if provided as side information, it leads to the expected minimal binary code length in compressing the text using the LM and an entropy encoder. Alternately, the resulting set is an approximation via a causal LM to the set of phrases that minimize the entropy of the text when conditioned upon it. Empirically, the method provides results comparable to the most commonly used methods in various keyphrase extraction benchmark challenges

    A Call for Standardization and Validation of Text Style Transfer Evaluation

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    Text Style Transfer (TST) evaluation is, in practice, inconsistent. Therefore, we conduct a meta-analysis on human and automated TST evaluation and experimentation that thoroughly examines existing literature in the field. The meta-analysis reveals a substantial standardization gap in human and automated evaluation. In addition, we also find a validation gap: only few automated metrics have been validated using human experiments. To this end, we thoroughly scrutinize both the standardization and validation gap and reveal the resulting pitfalls. This work also paves the way to close the standardization and validation gap in TST evaluation by calling out requirements to be met by future research.Comment: Accepted to Findings of ACL 202

    MMEAD: MS MARCO Entity Annotations and Disambiguations

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    MMEAD, or MS MARCO Entity Annotations and Disambiguations, is a resource for entity links for the MS MARCO datasets. We specify a format to store and share links for both document and passage collections of MS MARCO. Following this specification, we release entity links to Wikipedia for documents and passages in both MS MARCO collections (v1 and v2). Entity links have been produced by the REL and BLINK systems. MMEAD is an easy-to-install Python package, allowing users to load the link data and entity embeddings effortlessly. Using MMEAD takes only a few lines of code. Finally, we show how MMEAD can be used for IR research that uses entity information. We show how to improve recall@1000 and MRR@10 on more complex queries on the MS MARCO v1 passage dataset by using this resource. We also demonstrate how entity expansions can be used for interactive search applications

    Enhancing Phrase Representation by Information Bottleneck Guided Text Diffusion Process for Keyphrase Extraction

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    Keyphrase extraction (KPE) is an important task in Natural Language Processing for many scenarios, which aims to extract keyphrases that are present in a given document. Many existing supervised methods treat KPE as sequential labeling, span-level classification, or generative tasks. However, these methods lack the ability to utilize keyphrase information, which may result in biased results. In this study, we propose Diff-KPE, which leverages the supervised Variational Information Bottleneck (VIB) to guide the text diffusion process for generating enhanced keyphrase representations. Diff-KPE first generates the desired keyphrase embeddings conditioned on the entire document and then injects the generated keyphrase embeddings into each phrase representation. A ranking network and VIB are then optimized together with rank loss and classification loss, respectively. This design of Diff-KPE allows us to rank each candidate phrase by utilizing both the information of keyphrases and the document. Experiments show that Diff-KPE outperforms existing KPE methods on a large open domain keyphrase extraction benchmark, OpenKP, and a scientific domain dataset, KP20K.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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