9 research outputs found

    Similarity measure models and algorithms for hierarchical cases

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    Many business situations such as events, products and services, are often described in a hierarchical structure. When we use case-based reasoning (CBR) techniques to support business decision-making, we require a hierarchical-CBR technique which can effectively compare and measure similarity between two hierarchical cases. This study first defines hierarchical case trees (HC-trees) and discusses related features. It then develops a similarity evaluation model which takes into account all the information on nodes' structures, concepts, weights, and values in order to comprehensively compare two hierarchical case trees. A similarity measure algorithm is proposed which includes a node concept correspondence degree computation algorithm and a maximum correspondence tree mapping construction algorithm, for HC-trees. We provide two illustrative examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed hierarchical case similarity evaluation model and algorithms, and possible applications in CBR systems. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The Internet of Things as a Privacy-Aware Database Machine

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    Instead of using a computer cluster with homogeneous nodes and very fast high bandwidth connections, we want to present the vision to use the Internet of Things (IoT) as a database machine. This is among others a key factor for smart (assistive) systems in apartments (AAL, ambient assisted living), offices (AAW, ambient assisted working), Smart Cities as well as factories (IIoT, Industry 4.0). It is important to massively distribute the calculation of analysis results on sensor nodes and other low-resource appliances in the environment, not only for reasons of performance, but also for reasons of privacy and protection of corporate knowledge. Thus, functions crucial for assistive systems, such as situation, activity, and intention recognition, are to be automatically transformed not only in database queries, but also in local nodes of lower performance. From a database-specific perspective, analysis operations on large quantities of distributed sensor data, currently based on classical big-data techniques and executed on large, homogeneously equipped parallel computers have to be automatically transformed to billions of processors with energy and capacity restrictions. In this visionary paper, we will focus on the database-specific perspective and the fundamental research questions in the underlying database theory

    The Internet of Things as a Privacy-Aware Database Machine

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    Instead of using a computer cluster with homogeneous nodes and very fast high bandwidth connections, we want to present the vision to use the Internet of Things (IoT) as a database machine. This is among others a key factor for smart (assistive) systems in apartments (AAL, ambient assisted living), offices (AAW, ambient assisted working), Smart Cities as well as factories (IIoT, Industry 4.0). It is important to massively distribute the calculation of analysis results on sensor nodes and other low-resource appliances in the environment, not only for reasons of performance, but also for reasons of privacy and protection of corporate knowledge. Thus, functions crucial for assistive systems, such as situation, activity, and intention recognition, are to be automatically transformed not only in database queries, but also in local nodes of lower performance. From a database-specific perspective, analysis operations on large quantities of distributed sensor data, currently based on classical big-data techniques and executed on large, homogeneously equipped parallel computers have to be automatically transformed to billions of processors with energy and capacity restrictions. In this visionary paper, we will focus on the database-specific perspective and the fundamental research questions in the underlying database theory

    Metadata management for scientific databases

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    Most scientific databases consist of datasets (or sources) which in turn include samples (or files) with an identical structure (or schema). In many cases, samples are associated with rich metadata, describing the process that leads to building them (e.g.: the experimental conditions used during sample generation). Metadata are typically used in scientific computations just for the initial data selection; at most, metadata about query results is recovered after executing the query, and associated with its results by post-processing. In this way, a large body of information that could be relevant for interpreting query results goes unused during query processing. In this paper, we present ScQL, a new algebraic relational language, whose operations apply to objects consisting of data–metadatapairs, by preserving such one-to-one correspondence throughout the computation. We formally define each operation and we describe an optimization, called meta-first, that may significantly reduce the query processing overhead by anticipating the use of metadata for selectively loading into the execution environment only those input samples that contribute to the result samples. In ScQL, metadata have the same relevance as data, and contribute to building query results; in this way, the resulting samples are systematically associated with metadata about either the specific input samples involved or about query processing, thereby yielding a new form of metadata provenance. We present many examples of use of ScQL, relative to several application domains, and we demonstrate the effectiveness of the meta-first optimization


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    The increasing adoption of Cloud-based data processing and storage poses a number of privacy issues. Users wish to preserve full control over their sensitive data and cannot accept it to be fully accessible to an external storage provider. Previous research in this area was mostly addressed at techniques to protect data stored on untrusted database servers; however, I argue that the Cloud architecture presents a number of specific problems and issues. This dissertation contains a detailed analysis of open issues. To handle them, I present a novel approach where confidential data is stored in a highly distributed partitioned database, partly located on the Cloud and partly on the clients. In my approach, data can be either private or shared; the latter is shared in a secure manner by means of simple grant-and-revoke permissions. I have developed a proof-of-concept implementation using an in\u2011memory RDBMS with row-level data encryption in order to achieve fine-grained data access control. This type of approach is rarely adopted in conventional outsourced RDBMSs because it requires several complex steps. Benchmarks of my proof-of-concept implementation show that my approach overcomes most of the problems

    Keyword-Based Querying for the Social Semantic Web

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    Enabling non-experts to publish data on the web is an important achievement of the social web and one of the primary goals of the social semantic web. Making the data easily accessible in turn has received only little attention, which is problematic from the point of view of incentives: users are likely to be less motivated to participate in the creation of content if the use of this content is mostly reserved to experts. Querying in semantic wikis, for example, is typically realized in terms of full text search over the textual content and a web query language such as SPARQL for the annotations. This approach has two shortcomings that limit the extent to which data can be leveraged by users: combined queries over content and annotations are not possible, and users either are restricted to expressing their query intent using simple but vague keyword queries or have to learn a complex web query language. The work presented in this dissertation investigates a more suitable form of querying for semantic wikis that consolidates two seemingly conflicting characteristics of query languages, ease of use and expressiveness. This work was carried out in the context of the semantic wiki KiWi, but the underlying ideas apply more generally to the social semantic and social web. We begin by defining a simple modular conceptual model for the KiWi wiki that enables rich and expressive knowledge representation. A component of this model are structured tags, an annotation formalism that is simple yet flexible and expressive, and aims at bridging the gap between atomic tags and RDF. The viability of the approach is confirmed by a user study, which finds that structured tags are suitable for quickly annotating evolving knowledge and are perceived well by the users. The main contribution of this dissertation is the design and implementation of KWQL, a query language for semantic wikis. KWQL combines keyword search and web querying to enable querying that scales with user experience and information need: basic queries are easy to express; as the search criteria become more complex, more expertise is needed to formulate the corresponding query. A novel aspect of KWQL is that it combines both paradigms in a bottom-up fashion. It treats neither of the two as an extension to the other, but instead integrates both in one framework. The language allows for rich combined queries of full text, metadata, document structure, and informal to formal semantic annotations. KWilt, the KWQL query engine, provides the full expressive power of first-order queries, but at the same time can evaluate basic queries at almost the speed of the underlying search engine. KWQL is accompanied by the visual query language visKWQL, and an editor that displays both the textual and visual form of the current query and reflects changes to either representation in the other. A user study shows that participants quickly learn to construct KWQL and visKWQL queries, even when given only a short introduction. KWQL allows users to sift the wealth of structure and annotations in an information system for relevant data. If relevant data constitutes a substantial fraction of all data, ranking becomes important. To this end, we propose PEST, a novel ranking method that propagates relevance among structurally related or similarly annotated data. Extensive experiments, including a user study on a real life wiki, show that pest improves the quality of the ranking over a range of existing ranking approaches