20 research outputs found

    Highway Remodeling: Harnessing Georeferenced Data for Procedural Modeling

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    Cursos e Congresos, C-155[Abstract] : This paper introduces a novel procedural modeling system for generating 3D highway models, leveraging real-world data inputs such as highway layouts and manual annotations of essential elements. Our highly parameterized system facilitates easy customization, including modifications to the number of lanes and other key features, broadening its applicability across diverse domains, from urban planning and transportation engineering to virtual simulationsGeneralitat Valenciana; CIBEST/2022/139Xunta de Galicia; ED431F 2021/11This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (AEI/PID2020-115734RB-C22). The whole team also wants to acknowledge the support provided by Side Effects Software Inc. in developing our work. Jose Ribelles was supported by Generalitat Valenciana (CIBEST/2022/139). Javier Taibo and J.A. Iglesias-Guitian were supported by Xunta de Galicia (ED431F 2021/11). Additionally, J.A. Iglesias-Guitian also acknowledges the UDC-Inditex InTalent programme and the Ministry of Science and Innovation (AEI/RYC2018-025385-I

    TreeSketchNet: From Sketch To 3D Tree Parameters Generation

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    3D modeling of non-linear objects from stylized sketches is a challenge even for experts in Computer Graphics (CG). The extrapolation of objects parameters from a stylized sketch is a very complex and cumbersome task. In the present study, we propose a broker system that mediates between the modeler and the 3D modelling software and can transform a stylized sketch of a tree into a complete 3D model. The input sketches do not need to be accurate or detailed, and only need to represent a rudimentary outline of the tree that the modeler wishes to 3D-model. Our approach is based on a well-defined Deep Neural Network (DNN) architecture, we called TreeSketchNet (TSN), based on convolutions and able to generate Weber and Penn parameters that can be interpreted by the modelling software to generate a 3D model of a tree starting from a simple sketch. The training dataset consists of Synthetically-Generated \revision{(SG)} sketches that are associated with Weber-Penn parameters generated by a dedicated Blender modelling software add-on. The accuracy of the proposed method is demonstrated by testing the TSN with both synthetic and hand-made sketches. Finally, we provide a qualitative analysis of our results, by evaluating the coherence of the predicted parameters with several distinguishing features

    Monsters of Darwin: a strategic game based on Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Algorithms

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    The production of video games is a complex process, which involves several disciplines, spanning from art to computer science. The final goal is to keep entertained the players, by continuously providing them novel and challenging contents. However, the availability of a large variety of pre-produced material is often not possible. A similar problem can be found in many single-player game genres, where the simulated behaviour generated by the Artificial Intelligence algorithms must be coherent, believable, but also adequately variegate to maintain a satisfactory user experience. To this aim, there is a growing interest in the introduction of automatic or semi-automatic techniques to produce and manage the video game contents. In this paper, we present an example of strategic card battle video game based on the applications of Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Algorithms, where the game contents are dynamically adapted and produced during the game sessions


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    The infrastructure heritage is the symbol of the highest standard of the technical construction and design methodologies of the Chinese Eastern Railway (CER). As an important component of the cultural heritage of the CER, their conservation hasn’t attracted more attention than the architectural heritage part. However, some heritage infrastructure components have been already demolished while others were threatened by urban expansion and natural degradation during the past hundred years. In this study, we have analysed structural features based on the original drawings and fieldwork for the reconstruction of the vanished and invisible parts of CER. HBIM will be used to support the conservation of the surviving elements. In addition, we collected geographical coordinates of the heritages using on-site GNSS records and Google Earth®. We propose a method to facilitate the preservation of this historical infrastructure by building a database that integrates HBIM and GIS, including information about historical data and the status quo. In this way, this database will not only be useful for planning purposes by the government and the conservation agencies, but also it will benefit the entire society and the public through its online display and information collection

    House generation using procedural modeling with rules

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    This is a work dedicated to the development of a software for creating 3D models of houses with modern design. The main goal is to generate a tool that makes use of procedural modeling techniques to generate a wide variety of models. The result is an application capable of generating realistic model renderings with an input consisting of a set of rules. The most important part of this project will be the development of grammar and of all each operation will start to be simple and basic in the form of 3D. Combinations of operations such as extrusions, subdivisions or prefabrications will then be done to increase the complexity of the whole model that makes it look like a modern house. Thispart was carried out with some tests based on a correct performance of the same algorithm, as this is the core of the whole application.Aquest és un treball dedicat al desenvolupament d'un software de creació de models 3D de cases amb disseny modern. L'objectiu principal és generar una eina que faci ús de tècniques de modelat procedural per generar una gran varietat de models. El resultat és una aplicació capaç de generar renders de models realistes amb una entrada que consisteix en un conjunt de regles. La part més important d’aquest projecte consistirà en el desenvolupament de la gramàtica i cada operació començarà a ser senzilla i bàsica en forma de 3D. A continuació, es faran combinacions d’operacions com extrusions, subdivisions o prefabricacions augmenta la complexitat de tot el model que fa que sembli una casa actual. Aquesta part es va dur a terme amb algunes proves basades en un correcte rendiment del mateix algorisme, ja que aquest és el nucli de tota l'aplicació.Este es un trabajo dedicado al desarrollo de un software de creación de modelos 3D de casas con diseño moderno. El objetivo principal es generar una herramienta que haga uso de técnicas de modelado procedural para generar una gran variedad de modelos. El resultado es una aplicación capaz de generar renders de modelos realistas con una entrada que consiste en un conjunto de reglas. La parte más importante de este proyecto consistirá en el desarrollo de la gramática y cada operación empezará a ser sencilla y básica en forma de 3D. A continuación, se harán combinaciones de operaciones como extrusiones, subdivisiones o prefabricaciones aumenta la complejidad de todo el modelo que hace que parezca una casa actual. Esta parte se llevó a cabo con algunas pruebas basadas en un correcto rendimiento del mismo algoritmo, puesto que este es el núcleo de toda la aplicación

    Visualizing the Impacts of Extreme Weather Events Using 3D Visualization to Aid Pre-Event Risk Communication

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    Weather is everywhere. Rapidly expanding capabilities in information technology present an opportunity to develop better warning products for extreme weather events. In the wake of recent extreme events from Superstorm Sandy to Hurricane Matthew, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service have repeated the call for improving techniques for disseminating critical information to the general public during potential weather disasters. This research uses 3D GIS and geovisualization to improve the communication of expert risk information to the general public

    Creation of modular 3D assets for videogames

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    Hráči počítačových her mají stále vyšší a vyšší nároky na grafické zpracování herního světa a jeho detaily. Aby jim mohlo být vyhověno, grafici musí neustále upravovat svůj přístup a používané modelovací techniky. Jeden z moderních a populárních přístupů je založen na modularitě a modulárním designu. Přestože tento přístup má spoustu benefitů, přesný popis technik a znalostí spojených s tímto konceptem není stále pevně definovaný. Tato práce poskytuje náhled na různé modelovací techniky, software pro 3D modelování a detailní popis modulárního přístupu aplikovaného v aktuálních počítačových hrách. Kombinací procedurálních modelovacích technik a modulárního designu jsme v programu Houdini připravili několik assetů už pouze čekajících na reálné využití. Dále jsme v Unreal Enginu poskládali testovací scénu a tím získali hlubší přehled o výhodách a nevýhodách použitého přístupu k tvorbě grafiky počítačových her.In order to keep up with the ever-increasing player's demand for higher visual fidelity of game environments, artists are continually implementing new modelling techniques and production methods into their workflow. One popular contemporary approach that has emerged is based on the notion of modular design. Although it offers many benefits for production workflow, the particular techniques and skills associated with this concept are still not well defined. This thesis provides an overview of various modelling techniques, 3D modelling software and thorough discussion of the modular design paradigm applied in computer games. We have combined procedural modelling techniques with the concept of modular design to create several game-ready assets in Houdini. We then assembled a simple test scene in Unreal Engine in order to gain a more in-depth insight into the advantages and disadvantages of the discussed workflow