8 research outputs found

    Ransomware anti-analysis and evasion techniques: a survey and research directions

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    Ransomware has been proven to constitute a severe threat to the world's digital assets. Resources or devices' recovery from a Crypto-Ransomware infection is practically infeasible unless an error in the malicious cryptographic implementation has been made, as robust encryption is irreversible. This paper attempts to justify as to why designing and deploying an effective and efficient detective solution against this particular malware category represents a formidable technical challenge. The paper starts with a recent presentation of the Ransomware's epidemic, as reported by the security industry. Subsequently, a taxonomy of Ransomware is presented. The anatomy of the malware's invariant intrusions and infection vectors are illustrated. In addition, the paper navigates and analyzes the various anti-analysis and evasive techniques that are deployable by Ransomware. In every context enumerated in the narrative, the technical difficulty being posed by this malware is illuminated. If a computer security researcher intends to devise a Crypto-Ransomware's preventive solution or a predictive or proactive one, then it is imperative to have a sound perception of the technical challenges that will manifest prior to launching the proposed research project - so as to be equipped to tackle the anticipated problems. This paper concludes with an advance notice underscoring the resilience of Ransomware intrusions and highlighting research open-problems

    Positive Identification of LSB Image Steganography Using Cover Image Comparisons

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    In this paper we introduce a new software concept specifically designed to allow the digital forensics professional to clearly identify and attribute instances of LSB image steganography by using the original cover image in side-by-side comparison with a suspected steganographic payload image. The “CounterSteg” software allows detailed analysis and comparison of both the original cover image and any modified image, using sophisticated bit- and color-channel visual depiction graphics. In certain cases, the steganographic software used for message transmission can be identified by the forensic analysis of LSB and other changes in the payload image. The paper demonstrates usage and typical forensic analysis with eight commonly available steganographic programs. Future work will attempt to automate the typical types of analysis and detection. This is important, as currently there is a steep rise in the use of image LSB steganographic techniques to hide the payload code used by malware and viruses, and for the purposes of data exfiltration. This results because of the fact that the hidden code and/or data can more easily bypass virus and malware signature detection in such a manner as being surreptitiously hidden in an otherwise innocuous image file

    Identification of LSB image Steganography using Cover Image Comparisons

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    Steganography has long been used to counter forensic investigation. This use of steganography as an anti-forensics technique is becoming more widespread. This requires forensic examiners to have additional tools to more effectively detect steganography. In this paper we introduce a new software concept specifically designed to allow the digital forensics professional to clearly identify and attribute instances of LSB image steganography by using the original cover image in side-by-side comparison with a suspected steganographic payload image. This technique is embodied in a software implementation named CounterSteg. The CounterSteg software allows detailed analysis and comparison of both the original cover image and any modified image, using sophisticated bit- and color-channel visual depiction graphics. In certain cases, the steganographic software used for message transmission can be identified by the forensic analysis of LSB and other changes in the payload image. This paper demonstrates usage and typical forensic analysis with eight commonly available steganographic programs. Future work will attempt to automate the typical types of analysis and detection. This is important, as currently there is a steep rise in the use of image LSB steganographic techniques to hide the payload code used by malware and viruses, and for the purposes of data exfiltration. This results because of the fact that the hidden code and/or data can more easily bypass virus and malware signature detection in such a manner as being surreptitiously hidden in an otherwise innocuous image file

    Trends of anti-analysis operations of malwares observed in API call logs

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    Some malwares execute operations that determine whether they are running in an analysis environment created by monitoring software, such as debuggers, sandboxing systems, or virtual machine monitors, and if such an operation finds that the malware is running in an analysis environment, it terminates execution to prevent analysis. The existence of malwares that execute such operations (anti-analysis operations) is widely known. However, the knowledge acquired thus far, regarding what proportion of current malwares execute anti-analysis operations, what types of anti-analysis operations they execute, and how effectively such operations prevent analysis, is insufficient. In this study, we analyze FFRI Dataset, which is a dataset of dynamic malware analysis results, and clarify the trends in the anti-analysis operations executed by malware samples collected in 2016. Our findings revealed that, among 8243 malware samples, 856 (10.4%) samples executed at least one type of the 28 anti-analysis operations investigated in this study. We also found that, among the virtual machine monitors, VMware was the most commonly searched for by the malware samples

    HyperDbg: Reinventing Hardware-Assisted Debugging (Extended Version)

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    Software analysis, debugging, and reverse engineering have a crucial impact in today's software industry. Efficient and stealthy debuggers are especially relevant for malware analysis. However, existing debugging platforms fail to address a transparent, effective, and high-performance low-level debugger due to their detectable fingerprints, complexity, and implementation restrictions. In this paper, we present HyperDbg, a new hypervisor-assisted debugger for high-performance and stealthy debugging of user and kernel applications. To accomplish this, HyperDbg relies on state-of-the-art hardware features available in today's CPUs, such as VT-x and extended page tables. In contrast to other widely used existing debuggers, we design HyperDbg using a custom hypervisor, making it independent of OS functionality or API. We propose hardware-based instruction-level emulation and OS-level API hooking via extended page tables to increase the stealthiness. Our results of the dynamic analysis of 10,853 malware samples show that HyperDbg's stealthiness allows debugging on average 22% and 26% more samples than WinDbg and x64dbg, respectively. Moreover, in contrast to existing debuggers, HyperDbg is not detected by any of the 13 tested packers and protectors. We improve the performance over other debuggers by deploying a VMX-compatible script engine, eliminating unnecessary context switches. Our experiment on three concrete debugging scenarios shows that compared to WinDbg as the only kernel debugger, HyperDbg performs step-in, conditional breaks, and syscall recording, 2.98x, 1319x, and 2018x faster, respectively. We finally show real-world applications, such as a 0-day analysis, structure reconstruction for reverse engineering, software performance analysis, and code-coverage analysis

    Технології протидії виявленню віртуалізації шкідливим ПЗ

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    Завданням роботи є аналіз технік ухилення від виявлення віртуалізації, вивчення методів продії ним, розробка класифікації та проведення статистичного дослідження технік ухилення, які використовують ШПЗ, та зведення результатів роботи у таблиці у форматі “техніка – протидія техніці” за кожною окремою категорією. Метою роботи є створення методики щодо протидії виявленню шкідливим програмним забезпеченням, чутливим до середовища виконання, віртуальних машин на базі десктопної версії ОС Windows. Предметом дослідження є: технології виявлення та протидії виявленню віртуалізації. Об’єктом дослідження є: шкідливе програмне забезпечення, чутливе до середовища виконання.The task of the work is to analyze the techniques of virtualization evasion, to study the methods of its implementation, to develop a classification and statistical research on evasion techniques, that are used by malware, and to summarize the results in a table in the format " technique - its countermeasure" for each category. The aim of the work is to create a methodology for counteracting the detection of virtual machines based on the desktop version of Windows by context-aware malware. The subject of research are: virtualization detection technologies and their counteractions. The object of research is: context-aware malware

    Advanced or Not? A Comparative Study of the Use of Anti-debugging and Anti-VM Techniques in Generic and Targeted Malware

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    Part 9: Software SecurityInternational audienceMalware is becoming more and more advanced. As part of the sophistication, malware typically deploys various anti-debugging and anti-VM techniques to prevent detection. While defenders use debuggers and virtualized environment to analyze malware, malware authors developed anti-debugging and anti-VM techniques to evade this defense approach. In this paper, we investigate the use of anti-debugging and anti-VM techniques in modern malware, and compare their presence in 16,246 generic and 1,037 targeted malware samples (APTs). As part of this study we found several counter-intuitive trends. In particular, our study concludes that targeted malware does not use more anti-debugging and anti-VM techniques than generic malware, although targeted malware tend to have a lower antivirus detection rate. Moreover, this paper even identifies a decrease over time of the number of anti-VM techniques used in APTs and the Winwebsec malware family

    Bridging Information Security and Environmental Criminology Research to Better Mitigate Cybercrime

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    Cybercrime is a complex phenomenon that spans both technical and human aspects. As such, two disjoint areas have been studying the problem from separate angles: the information security community and the environmental criminology one. Despite the large body of work produced by these communities in the past years, the two research efforts have largely remained disjoint, with researchers on one side not benefitting from the advancements proposed by the other. In this paper, we argue that it would be beneficial for the information security community to look at the theories and systematic frameworks developed in environmental criminology to develop better mitigations against cybercrime. To this end, we provide an overview of the research from environmental criminology and how it has been applied to cybercrime. We then survey some of the research proposed in the information security domain, drawing explicit parallels between the proposed mitigations and environmental criminology theories, and presenting some examples of new mitigations against cybercrime. Finally, we discuss the concept of cyberplaces and propose a framework in order to define them. We discuss this as a potential research direction, taking into account both fields of research, in the hope of broadening interdisciplinary efforts in cybercrime researc