67,238 research outputs found

    Application of a new service-oriented architecture (SOA) paradigm on the design of a crisis management distributed system

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    The complexity and the intensity of crisis-related situations require the use of advanced distributed systems infrastructures. In order to develop such infrastructures, specific architectures need to be applied such as Component-based Modelling, Object-Oriented, Aspect-Oriented and Service-Oriented Design. This paper focuses on the use of Service-Oriented Design techniques for the development of the ATHENA Crisis Management Distributed System. The function of the ATHENA Crisis Management Distributed System is based on the use of data generated by social media for the evaluation of the severity of the conditions of a crisis and the coordination of the appropriate measures in response to the crisis. The paper presents a new definition for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and specifies the benefits that are generated by the use of this new definition in the development of the ATHENA system. Useful conclusions are also drawn in relation to how the definition considers the different technical backgrounds of users

    Content-driven design and architecture of E-learning applications

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    E-learning applications combine content with learning technology systems to support the creation of content and its delivery to the learner. In the future, we can expect the distinction between learning content and its supporting infrastructure to become blurred. Content objects will interact with infrastructure services as independent objects. Our solution to the development of e-learning applications – content-driven design and architecture – is based on content-centric ontological modelling and development of architectures. Knowledge and modelling will play an important role in the development of content and architectures. Our approach integrates content with interaction (in technical and educational terms) and services (the principle organization for a system architecture), based on techniques from different fields, including software engineering, learning design, and knowledge engineering

    Two Case Studies of Subsystem Design for General-Purpose CSCW Software Architectures

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    This paper discusses subsystem design guidelines for the software architecture of general-purpose computer supported cooperative work systems, i.e., systems that are designed to be applicable in various application areas requiring explicit collaboration support. In our opinion, guidelines for subsystem level design are rarely given most guidelines currently given apply to the programming language level. We extract guidelines from a case study of the redesign and extension of an advanced commercial workflow management system and place them into the context of existing software engineering research. The guidelines are then validated against the design decisions made in the construction of a widely used web-based groupware system. Our approach is based on the well-known distinction between essential (logical) and physical architectures. We show how essential architecture design can be based on a direct mapping of abstract functional concepts as found in general-purpose systems to modules in the essential architecture. The essential architecture is next mapped to a physical architecture by applying software clustering and replication to achieve the required distribution and performance characteristics

    The All-digital Approach to LHC Power Converter Current Control

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    The design of the LHC machine imposes severe demands upon the control of current in the 1700 magnet circuits. This has required the use of novel methods for the control of individual power converters and of the magnet current control system as a whole. This paper will review the chosen hardware and software methods and architectures. The digital regulation techniques used to achieve the overall targets for short-term stability (<3ppm) and reproducibility (<10ppm) of the 24 principal LHC circuits will be discussed. While the proposed system architecture will follow the canonical three-layer design, so successfully exploited in LEP, the software will be far from traditional. This software must be more reliable and maintainable than ever before, and will need to integrate with advanced object-oriented applications via commercial middleware. These challenges will be faced by applying object-oriented techniques throughout the system and by harnessing the power of XML for system definition

    Towards a re-engineering method for web services architectures

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    Recent developments in Web technologies – in particular through the Web services framework – have greatly enhanced the flexible and interoperable implementation of service-oriented software architectures. Many older Web-based and other distributed software systems will be re-engineered to a Web services-oriented platform. Using an advanced e-learning system as our case study, we investigate central aspects of a re-engineering approach for the Web services platform. Since our aim is to provide components of the legacy system also as services in the new platform, re-engineering to suit the new development paradigm is as important as re-engineering to suit the new architectural requirements

    A web services architecture for learning object discovery and assembly

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    Courseware systems are often based on an assembly of different components, addressing the different needs of storage and delivery functionality. The Learning Technology Standard Architecture LTSA provides a generic architectural framework for these systems. Recent developments in Web technology – e.g. the Web services framework – have greatly enhanced the flexible and interoperable implementation of courseware architectures. We argue that in order to make the Web services philosophy work, two enhancements to the LTSA approach are required. Firstly, a combination with metadata annotation is needed to support the discovery of educational Web services. Secondly, if these components are to be provided in form of services, more support is needed for their assembly. Architectural patterns of a finer degree of granularity shall satisfy this need

    Reusable Knowledge-based Components for Building Software Applications: A Knowledge Modelling Approach

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    In computer science, different types of reusable components for building software applications were proposed as a direct consequence of the emergence of new software programming paradigms. The success of these components for building applications depends on factors such as the flexibility in their combination or the facility for their selection in centralised or distributed environments such as internet. In this article, we propose a general type of reusable component, called primitive of representation, inspired by a knowledge-based approach that can promote reusability. The proposal can be understood as a generalisation of existing partial solutions that is applicable to both software and knowledge engineering for the development of hybrid applications that integrate conventional and knowledge based techniques. The article presents the structure and use of the component and describes our recent experience in the development of real-world applications based on this approach

    Designing Software Architectures as Knowledge Specializations

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    Object-oriented methods aim at providing natural ways for decomposing (or composing) a system into (from) objects that correspond to concepts in the customer's problem domain. The identified objects are the basic building blocks of the object-oriented system to be constructed. In order not to disregard relevant objects, most methods advise software engineers to take dedicated steps such as reading books about the problem domain, interviewing customers, etc. We consider two important concerns in understanding the problem domain. First, it is very important to identify all the objects that are required for defining a consistent system, at least in its minimum configuration. Second, identified objects must serve as composable building blocks to construct robust, adaptable and reusable architecture
