6 research outputs found

    Research on unbalance vibration signal de-noising of motorized spindle

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    Using the adaptive redundant lifting wavelet to the vibration signal de-noising has better de-noising effect, but the traditional threshold function of the method has the problems of discontinuous wavelet coefficients or constant deviation. In order to meet the high precision demand of the active balancing of the motorized spindle and improve the extraction accuracy of the unbalance signal, the improved bivariate threshold function was introduced into the method, and then a new de-noising method on unbalance vibration signal of the motorized spindle based on improving adaptive redundant lifting wavelet was put forward. The new method was applied to the engineering unbalance vibration signal. The result showed that the new method can retain the original signal feature of amplitude and phase, as well as eliminate noise more effectively, when the actual vibration signal of motorized spindle is low SNR and non-stationary

    Three-Stage Method for Rotating Machine Health Condition Monitoring Using Vibration Signals

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    Polyspectral Signal Analysis Techniques For Condition Based Maintenance of Helicopter Drive-Train System

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    For an efficient maintenance of a diverse fleet of air- and rotorcraft, effective condition based maintenance (CBM) must be established based on rotating components monitored vibration signals. In this dissertation, we present theory and applications of polyspectral signal processing techniques for condition monitoring of critical components in the AH-64D helicopter tail rotor drive train system. Currently available vibration-monitoring tools are mostly built around auto- and cross-power spectral analysis which have limited performance in detecting frequency correlations higher than second order. Studying higher order correlations and their Fourier transforms, higher order spectra, provides more information about the vibration signals which helps in building more accurate diagnostic models of the mechanical system. Based on higher order spectral analysis, different signal processing techniques are developed to assess health conditions of different critical rotating-components in the AH-64D helicopter drive-train. Based on cross-bispectrum, quadratic nonlinear transfer function is presented to model second order nonlinearity in a drive-shaft running between the two hanger bearings. Then, quadratic-nonlinearity coupling coefficient between frequency harmonics of the rotating shaft is used as condition metric to study different seeded shaft faults compared to baseline case, namely: shaft misalignment, shaft imbalance, and combination of shaft misalignment and imbalance. The proposed quadratic-nonlinearity metric shows better capabilities in distinguishing the four studied shaft settings than the conventional linear coupling based on cross-power spectrum. We also develop a new concept of Quadratic-Nonlinearity Power-Index spectrum, QNLPI(f), that can be used in signal detection and classification, based on bicoherence spectrum. The proposed QNLPI(f) is derived as a projection of the three-dimensional bicoherence spectrum into two-dimensional spectrum that quantitatively describes how much of the mean square power at certain frequency f is generated due to nonlinear quadratic interaction between different frequency components. The proposed index, QNLPI(f), can be used to simplify the study of bispectrum and bicoherence signal spectra. It also inherits useful characteristics from the bicoherence such as high immunity to additive Gaussian noise, high capability of nonlinear-systems identifications, and amplification invariance. The quadratic-nonlinear power spectral density PQNL(f) and percentage of quadratic nonlinear power PQNLP are also introduced based on the QNLPI(f). Concept of the proposed indices and their computational considerations are discussed first using computer generated data, and then applied to real-world vibration data to assess health conditions of different rotating components in the drive train including drive-shaft, gearbox, and hanger bearing faults. The QNLPI(f) spectrum enables us to gain more details about nonlinear harmonic generation patterns that can be used to distinguish between different cases of mechanical faults, which in turn helps to gaining more diagnostic/prognostic capabilities

    Health monitoring of Gas turbine engines: Framework design and strategies

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    Condition based maintenance optimization using data driven methods

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    In condition based maintenance (CBM), maintenance activities are scheduled based on the predicted equipment failure times, and the predictions are performed based on conditon monitoirng data, such as vibration and acoustic data. The reported health condition prediction methods can be roughly classified into model-based, and data-driven, and integrated methods. Our research mainly focuses on CBM optimization using data driven methods, such as proportional hazards model (PHM) and artificial neural network (ANN), which don't require equipment physical models. In CBM optimization using PHM, the accuracy of parameter estimation for PHM greatly affects the effectiveness of the optimal maintenance policy. Directly using collected condition monitoring data may iv introduce noise into the CBM optimization, and thus the optimal maintenance policy obtained based on this model may not be really optimal. Therefore, a data processing method, where the actual measurements are fitted first using the Generalized Weibull-FR function, is proposed to remove the external noise before fitting it into the PHM. Effective CBM optimization methods utilizing ANN prediction information are currently not available due to two key challenges: (1) ANN prediction models typically only give a single remaining life prediction value, and it is hard to quantify the uncertainty associated with the predicted value; (2) simulation methods are generally used for evaluating the cost of the CBM policies, while more accurate and efficient numerical methods are not available. Therefore, we propose an ANN based CBM optimization approach and a numerical cost evaluation method to address those key challenges. It is observed that the prediction accuracy often improves with the increase of the age of the component. Therefore, we develop a method to quantify the remaining life prediction uncertainty considering the prediction accuracy improvements by modeling the relationship between the mean value as well as standard deviation of prediction error and the life percentage. An effective CBM optimization approach is also proposed to optimize the maintenance schedule. The proposed approaches are demonstrated using some simulated degradation data sets as well as some real-world vibration monitoring data set. They contribute to the general knowledge of CBM, and have the potential to greatly benefit various industries

    The use of mechanical redundancy for fault detection in non-stationary machinery

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    The classical approach to machinery fault detection is one where a machinery’s condition is constantly compared to an established baseline with deviations indicating the occurrence of a fault. With the absence of a well-established baseline, fault detection for variable duty machinery requires the use of complex machine learning and signal processing tools. These tools require extensive data collection and expert knowledge which limits their use for industrial applications. The thesis at hand investigates the problem of fault detection for a specific class of variable duty machinery; parallel machines with simultaneously loaded subsystems. As an industrial case study, the parallel drive stations of a novel material haulage system have been instrumented to confirm the mechanical response similarity between simultaneously loaded machines. Using a table-top fault simulator, a preliminary statistical algorithm was then developed for fault detection in bearings under non-stationary operation. Unlike other state of the art fault detection techniques used in monitoring variable duty machinery, the proposed algorithm avoided the need for complex machine learning tools and required no previous training. The limitations of the initial experimental setup necessitated the development of a new machinery fault simulator to expand the investigation to include transmission systems. The design, manufacturing and setup of the various subsystems within the new simulator are covered in this manuscript including the mechanical, hydraulic and control subsystems. To ensure that the new simulator has successfully met its design objectives, extensive data collection and analysis has been completed and is presented in this thesis. The results confirmed that the developed machine truly represents the operation of a simultaneously loaded machine and as such would serve as a research tool for investigating the application of classical fault detection techniques to parallel machines in non-stationary operation.Master's These