7 research outputs found

    Hypertext Semiotics in the Commercialized Internet

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    Die Hypertext Theorie verwendet die selbe Terminologie, welche seit Jahrzehnten in der semiotischen Forschung untersucht wird, wie z.B. Zeichen, Text, Kommunikation, Code, Metapher, Paradigma, Syntax, usw. Aufbauend auf jenen Ergebnissen, welche in der Anwendung semiotischer Prinzipien und Methoden auf die Informatik erfolgreich waren, wie etwa Computer Semiotics, Computational Semiotics und Semiotic Interface Engineering, legt diese Dissertation einen systematischen Ansatz für all jene Forscher dar, die bereit sind, Hypertext aus einer semiotischen Perspektive zu betrachten. Durch die Verknüpfung existierender Hypertext-Modelle mit den Resultaten aus der Semiotik auf allen Sinnesebenen der textuellen, auditiven, visuellen, taktilen und geruchlichen Wahrnehmung skizziert der Autor Prolegomena einer Hypertext-Semiotik-Theorie, anstatt ein völlig neues Hypertext-Modell zu präsentieren. Eine Einführung in die Geschichte der Hypertexte, von ihrer Vorgeschichte bis zum heutigen Entwicklungsstand und den gegenwärtigen Entwicklungen im kommerzialisierten World Wide Web bilden den Rahmen für diesen Ansatz, welcher als Fundierung des Brückenschlages zwischen Mediensemiotik und Computer-Semiotik angesehen werden darf. Während Computer-Semiotiker wissen, dass der Computer eine semiotische Maschine ist und Experten der künstlichen Intelligenz-Forschung die Rolle der Semiotik in der Entwicklung der nächsten Hypertext-Generation betonen, bedient sich diese Arbeit einer breiteren methodologischen Basis. Dementsprechend reichen die Teilgebiete von Hypertextanwendungen, -paradigmen, und -strukturen, über Navigation, Web Design und Web Augmentation zu einem interdisziplinären Spektrum detaillierter Analysen, z.B. des Zeigeinstrumentes der Web Browser, des Klammeraffen-Zeichens und der sogenannten Emoticons. Die Bezeichnung ''Icon'' wird als unpassender Name für jene Bildchen, welche von der graphischen Benutzeroberfläche her bekannt sind und in Hypertexten eingesetzt werden, zurückgewiesen und diese Bildchen durch eine neue Generation mächtiger Graphic Link Markers ersetzt. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Kontext der Kommerzialisierung des Internet betrachtet. Neben der Identifizierung der Hauptprobleme des eCommerce aus der Perspektive der Hypertext Semiotik, widmet sich der Autor den Informationsgütern und den derzeitigen Hindernissen für die New Economy, wie etwa der restriktiven Gesetzeslage in Sachen Copyright und Intellectual Property. Diese anachronistischen Beschränkungen basieren auf der problematischen Annahme, dass auch der Informationswert durch die Knappheit bestimmt wird. Eine semiotische Analyse der iMarketing Techniken, wie z.B. Banner Werbung, Keywords und Link Injektion, sowie Exkurse über den Browser Krieg und den Toywar runden die Dissertation ab

    Cognitive Foundations for Visual Analytics

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    In this report, we provide an overview of scientific/technical literature on information visualization and VA. Topics discussed include an update and overview of the extensive literature search conducted for this study, the nature and purpose of the field, major research thrusts, and scientific foundations. We review methodologies for evaluating and measuring the impact of VA technologies as well as taxonomies that have been proposed for various purposes to support the VA community. A cognitive science perspective underlies each of these discussions

    Advanced Studies on Link Proposals and Knowledge Retrieval of Hypertexts with CBR

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    In this paper, several problems in associating hyperlinks to text and the diverse possibilities to overcome these problems are discussed. At the current stage, an important aspect is knowledge retrieval of hypertexts. Our advanced studies on hyperlink management focus mainly on a concept similar to Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems as a possibility for the automatic generation of links for hypertexts in addition to traditional textual based methods. A detailed discussion of the basic ideas of CBR and an evaluation of its usefulness follows. Finally, methods to evaluate the quality of the proposals are described

    Learning Basic Electrical Concepts With Models and Analogies Using a Multimedia Package

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    Secondary school teachers aim at helping their students to learn efficiently by using many exploratory treatments, especially in physics. Leading science educators and researchers promote learning by confronting students with the inconsistencies entailed by their own beliefs. The thesis indicates that well designed computer based environments with models and analogies can provide advantages over many approaches using other media. The facilities provided by such environments can be exploited to promote cognitive conflict which is believed to be beneficial for learning. Within the framework of using models and analogies to support learning science, the claim of the thesis is explored through: the nature of students' beliefs about electrical concepts which are in conflict with scientific beliefs the required prerequisites of computer based environments which can promote learning of these concepts through models and analogies the issues which relate to educational theory and practice, students' learning & teaching, and the design of software using HyperCard techniques and multimedia for the creation of models and analogies. Software was constructed within the framework of the design claimed by this research. Questionnaires were given to the students, and interviews and observations were made of their use of the software. With reference to the results, an analysis is included of the use of models and analogies in teaching & learning science topics. The advantages and disadvantages of these kinds of computational environments for the improvement of students' learning are discussed in details mainly with emphasis on the nature of students' beliefs, which are deeply seated and persistent. The recommendations included focus on how such environments can be designed and constructed in the near future in order to create suitable mental models for a better understanding of electrical concepts and phenomena

    Weblogs 1994 – 2000: A genealogy

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    Using extensive fieldwork in the online archival record, this thesis accounts for the descent and emergence of the weblog as a digital genre during its formative period up to the year 2000. The work examines the weblog’s process of genre formation as diffusion of innovation within a heterogeneous discourse network. It describes this process as a series of several consecutive and cumulative reinterpretations of the emerging genre’s form and intended purpose, effected for the most part by the most central actors in the network