6 research outputs found

    Exploiting independence for co-channel interference cancellation and symbol detection in multiuser digital communications

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    In the blind equalization of multi-input multi-output (MIMO) fi-nite impulse response communication channels, co-channel inter-ference (CCI) is typically cancelled by exploiting the properties of digital modulations, such as their finite alphabet (FA). This contri-bution takes advantage of the mutual independence of the usersā€™ signals through the application of independent component ana-lysis (ICA). We demonstrate that ICA-based CCI suppression re-markably improves an FA-based approach. In addition, proposed ICA-assisted minimum mean square error receivers are shown to enhance the conventional detection capabilities of MIMO equal-ization methods relying on channel identification. The particular structure of the MIMO model yields a simplified detection scheme with improved performance at a reduced computational cost. 1

    Weyl Spreading Sequence Optimizing CDMA

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    This paper shows an optimal spreading sequence in the Weyl sequence class, which is similar to the set of the Oppermann sequences for asynchronous CDMA systems. Sequences in Weyl sequence class have the desired property that the order of cross-correlation is low. Therefore, sequences in the Weyl sequence class are expected to minimize the inter-symbol interference. We evaluate the upper bound of cross-correlation and odd cross-correlation of spreading sequences in the Weyl sequence class and construct the optimization problem: minimize the upper bound of the absolute values of cross-correlation and odd cross-correlation. Since our optimization problem is convex, we can derive the optimal spreading sequences as the global solution of the problem. We show their signal to interference plus noise ratio (SINR) in a special case. From this result, we propose how the initial elements are assigned, that is, how spreading sequences are assigned to each users. In an asynchronous CDMA system, we also numerically compare our spreading sequences with other ones, the Gold codes, the Oppermann sequences, the optimal Chebyshev spreading sequences and the SP sequences in Bit Error Rate. Our spreading sequence, which yields the global solution, has the highest performance among the other spreading sequences tested

    Diffuse Optical Imaging Using Decomposition Methods

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    Diļ¬€use optical imaging (DOI) for detecting and locating targets in a highly scattering turbid medium is treated as a blind source separation (BSS) problem. Three matrix decomposition methods, independent component analysis (ICA), principal component analysis (PCA), and nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) were used to study the DOI problem. The eļ¬ƒcacy of resulting approaches was evaluated and compared using simulated and experimental data. Samples used in the experiments included Intralipid-10% or Intralipid-20% suspension in water as the medium with absorptive or scattering targets embedded

    General Interference Suppression Technique For Diversity Wireless Rece

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    The area of wireless transceiver design is becoming increasingly important due to the rapid growth of wireless communications market as well as diversified design specifications. Research efforts in this area concentrates on schemes that are capable of increasing the system capacity, providing reconfigurability/reprogrammability and reducing the hardware complexity. Emerging topics related to these goals include Software Defined Radio, Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) Systems, Code Division Multiple Access, Ultra-Wideband Systems, etc. This research adopts space diversity and statistical signal processing for digital interference suppression in wireless receivers. The technique simplifies the analog front-end by eliminating the anti-aliasing filters and relaxing the requirements for IF bandpass filters and A/D converters. Like MIMO systems, multiple antenna elements are used for increased frequency reuse. The suppression of both image signal and Co-Channel Interference (CCI) are performed in DSP simultaneously. The signal-processing algorithm used is Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Specifically, the fixed-point Fast-ICA is adopted in the case of static or slow time varying channel conditions. In highly dynamic environment that is typically encountered in cellular mobile communications, a novel ICA algorithm, OBAI-ICA, is developed, which outperforms Fast-ICA for both linear and abrupt time variations. Several practical implementation issues are also considered, such as the effect of finite arithmetic and the possibility of reducing the number of antennas

    Sobre separaĆ§Ć£o cega de fontes : proposiƧƵes e analise de estrategias para processamento multi-usuario

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    Orientadores: JoĆ£o Marcos Travassos Romano, Francisco Rodrigo Porto CavalcantiTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaĆ§Ć£oResumo: Esta tese Ć© dedicada ao estudo de tecnicas de separaĆ§Ć£o cega de fontes aplicadas ao contexto de processamento multiusuario em comunicaƧƵes digitais. Utilizando estrategias de estimaĆ§Ć£o da funĆ§Ć£o de densidade de probabilidade (fdp), sĆ£o propostos dois metodos de processamento multiusuario que permitem recuperar os sinais transmitidos pela medida de similaridade de Kullback-Leibler entre a fdp dos sinais a saida do dispositivo de separaĆ§Ć£o e um modelo parametrico que contem as caracteristicas dos sinais transmitidos. Alem desta medida de similaridade, sĆ£o empregados diferentes metodos que garantem a descorrelaĆ§Ć£o entre as estimativas das fontes de tal forma que os sinais recuperados sejam provenientes de diferentes fontes. E ainda realizada a analise de convergencia dos metodos e suas equivalencias com tecnicas classicas resultando em algumas importantes relaƧƵes entre criterios cegos e supervisionados, tais como o criterio proposto e o criterio de maxima a posteriori. Estes novos metodos aliam a capacidade de recuperaĆ§Ć£o da informaĆ§Ć£o uma baixa complexidade computacional. A proposiĆ§Ć£o de metodos baseados na estimativa da fdp permitiu a realizaĆ§Ć£o de um estudo sobre o impacto das estatisticas de ordem superior em algoritmos adaptativos para separaĆ§Ć£o cega de fontes. A utilizaĆ§Ć£o da expansĆ£o da fdp em series ortonormais permite avaliar atraves dos cumulantes a dinamica de um processo de separaĆ§Ć£o de fontes. Para tratar com problemas de comunicaĆ§Ć£o digital e proposta uma nova serie ortonormal, desenvolvida em torno de uma funĆ§Ć£o de densidade de probabilidade dada por um somatorio de gaussianas. Esta serie e utilizada para evidenciar as diferenƧas em relaĆ§Ć£o ao desempenho em tempo real ao se reter mais estatisticas de ordem superior. SimulaƧƵes computacionais sĆ£o realizadas para evidenciar o desempenho das propostas frente a tecnicas conhecidas da literatura em varias situaƧƵes de necessidade de alguma estrategia de recuperaĆ§Ć£o de sinaisAbstract: This thesis is devoted to study blind source separation techniques applied to multiuser processing in digital communications. Using probability density function (pdf) estimation strategies, two multiuser processing methods are proposed. They aim for recovering transmitted signal by using the Kullback-Leibler similarity measure between the signals pdf and a parametric model that contains the signals characteristics. Besides the similarity measure, different methods are employed to guarantee the decorrelation of the sources estimates, providing that the recovered signals origin from different sources. The convergence analysis of the methods as well as their equivalences with classical techniques are presented, resulting on important relationships between blind and supervised criteria such as the proposal and the maximum a posteriori one. Those new methods have a good trade-off between the recovering ability and computational complexity. The proposal os pdf estimation-based methods had allowed the investigation on the impact of higher order statistics on adaptive algorithms for blind source separation. Using pdf orthonormal series expansion we are able to evaluate through cumulants the dynamics of a source separation process. To be able to deal with digital communication signals, a new orthonormal series expansion is proposed. Such expansion is developed in terms of a Gaussian mixture pdf. This new expansion is used to evaluate the differences in real time processing when we retain more higher order statistics. Computational simulations are carried out to stress the performance of the proposals, faced to well known techniques reported in the literature, under the situations where a recovering signal strategy is required.DoutoradoTelecomunicaƧƵes e TelemĆ”ticaDoutor em Engenharia ElĆ©tric