29,004 research outputs found

    Image database system for glaucoma diagnosis support

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    Tato práce popisuje přehled standardních a pokročilých metod používaných k diagnose glaukomu v ranném stádiu. Na základě teoretických poznatků je implementován internetově orientovaný informační systém pro oční lékaře, který má tři hlavní cíle. Prvním cílem je možnost sdílení osobních dat konkrétního pacienta bez nutnosti posílat tato data internetem. Druhým cílem je vytvořit účet pacienta založený na kompletním očním vyšetření. Posledním cílem je aplikovat algoritmus pro registraci intenzitního a barevného fundus obrazu a na jeho základě vytvořit internetově orientovanou tři-dimenzionální vizualizaci optického disku. Tato práce je součásti DAAD spolupráce mezi Ústavem Biomedicínského Inženýrství, Vysokého Učení Technického v Brně, Oční klinikou v Erlangenu a Ústavem Informačních Technologií, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg.This master thesis describes a conception of standard and advanced eye examination methods used for glaucoma diagnosis in its early stage. According to the theoretical knowledge, a web based information system for ophthalmologists with three main aims is implemented. The first aim is the possibility to share medical data of a concrete patient without sending his personal data through the Internet. The second aim is to create a patient account based on a complete eye examination procedure. The last aim is to improve the HRT diagnostic method with an image registration algorithm for the fundus and intensity images and create an optic nerve head web based 3D visualization. This master thesis is a part of project based on DAAD co-operation between Department of Biomedical Engineering, Brno University of Technology, Eye Clinic in Erlangen and Department of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nurnberg.

    Face liveness detection by rPPG features and contextual patch-based CNN

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    Abstract. Face anti-spoofing plays a vital role in security systems including face payment systems and face recognition systems. Previous studies showed that live faces and presentation attacks have significant differences in both remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) and texture information. We propose a generalized method exploiting both rPPG and texture features for face anti-spoofing task. First, we design multi-scale long-term statistical spectral (MS-LTSS) features with variant granularities for the representation of rPPG information. Second, a contextual patch-based convolutional neural network (CP-CNN) is used for extracting global-local and multi-level deep texture features simultaneously. Finally, weight summation strategy is employed for decision level fusion of the two types of features, which allow the proposed system to be generalized for detecting not only print attack and replay attack, but also mask attack. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on five databases, namely 3DMAD, HKBU-Mars V1, MSU-MFSD, CASIA-FASD, and OULU-NPU, to show the superior results of the proposed method compared with state-of-the-art methods.Tiivistelmä. Kasvojen anti-spoofingilla on keskeinen rooli turvajärjestelmissä, mukaan lukien kasvojen maksujärjestelmät ja kasvojentunnistusjärjestelmät. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittivat, että elävillä kasvoilla ja esityshyökkäyksillä on merkittäviä eroja sekä etävalopölymografiassa (rPPG) että tekstuuri-informaatiossa, ehdotamme yleistettyä menetelmää, jossa hyödynnetään sekä rPPG: tä että tekstuuriominaisuuksia kasvojen anti-spoofing -tehtävässä. Ensinnäkin rPPG-informaation esittämiseksi on suunniteltu monivaiheisia pitkän aikavälin tilastollisia spektrisiä (MS-LTSS) ominaisuuksia, joissa on muunneltavissa olevat granulariteetit. Toiseksi, kontekstuaalista patch-pohjaista konvoluutioverkkoa (CP-CNN) käytetään globaalin paikallisen ja monitasoisen syvään tekstuuriominaisuuksiin samanaikaisesti. Lopuksi, painoarvostusstrategiaa käytetään päätöksentekotason fuusioon, joka auttaa yleistämään menetelmää paitsi hyökkäys- ja toistoiskuille, mutta myös peittää hyökkäyksen. Kattavat kokeet suoritettiin viidellä tietokannalla, nimittäin 3DMAD, HKBU-Mars V1, MSU-MFSD, CASIA-FASD ja OULU-NPU, ehdotetun menetelmän parempien tulosten osoittamiseksi verrattuna uusimpiin menetelmiin

    Deep Learning for Face Anti-Spoofing: A Survey

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    Face anti-spoofing (FAS) has lately attracted increasing attention due to its vital role in securing face recognition systems from presentation attacks (PAs). As more and more realistic PAs with novel types spring up, traditional FAS methods based on handcrafted features become unreliable due to their limited representation capacity. With the emergence of large-scale academic datasets in the recent decade, deep learning based FAS achieves remarkable performance and dominates this area. However, existing reviews in this field mainly focus on the handcrafted features, which are outdated and uninspiring for the progress of FAS community. In this paper, to stimulate future research, we present the first comprehensive review of recent advances in deep learning based FAS. It covers several novel and insightful components: 1) besides supervision with binary label (e.g., '0' for bonafide vs. '1' for PAs), we also investigate recent methods with pixel-wise supervision (e.g., pseudo depth map); 2) in addition to traditional intra-dataset evaluation, we collect and analyze the latest methods specially designed for domain generalization and open-set FAS; and 3) besides commercial RGB camera, we summarize the deep learning applications under multi-modal (e.g., depth and infrared) or specialized (e.g., light field and flash) sensors. We conclude this survey by emphasizing current open issues and highlighting potential prospects.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI

    Secure Face and Liveness Detection with Criminal Identification for Security Systems

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    The advancement of computer vision, machine learning, and image processing techniques has opened new avenues for enhancing security systems. In this research work focuses on developing a robust and secure framework for face and liveness detection with criminal identification, specifically designed for security systems. Machine learning algorithms and image processing techniques are employed for accurate face detection and liveness verification. Advanced facial recognition methods are utilized for criminal identification. The framework incorporates ML technology to ensure data integrity and identification techniques for security system. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the system's effectiveness in detecting faces, verifying liveness, and identifying potential criminals. The proposed framework has the potential to enhance security systems, providing reliable and secure face and liveness detection for improved safety and security. The accuracy of the algorithm is 94.30 percent. The accuracy of the model is satisfactory even after the results are acquired by combining our rules inwritten by humans with conventional machine learning classification algorithms. Still, there is scope for improving and accurately classifying the attack precisely