64 research outputs found

    Utilizing Open Source in Terrestrial Digital TV Broadcasting

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    Indonesian terrestrial TV broadcasting has just started its migration to digital standard. Digitalization offers more roles for software development in various functional blocks of digital TV system. This paper presents utilization of open-source softwares in assessing some aspects of terrestrial digital TV system. We propose technical specification and measurement standard operating procedure for basic services using DVB-T standard, and set-up a softwarebased platform based on open source softwares for testing a DVB-T set-top-box

    Efficient HDTV and 3DTV services over DVB-T2 using Multiple PLPs with Layered Media

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    [EN] The high bit rates of high-definition or 3D services require a huge share of the valuable terrestrial spectrum, especially when targeting wide coverage areas. This article describes how to provide future services with the state-of-the-art digital terrestrial TV technology DVB-T2 in a flexible and cost-efficient way. The combination of layered media such as the scalable and 3D extension of the H.264/AVC or emerging H.265/HEVC format with the physical layer pipes feature of DVB-T2 enables flexible broadcast of services with differentiated protection of the quality layers. This opens up new ways of service provisioning such as graceful degradation for mobile or fixed reception. This article shows how existing DVB-T2 and MPEG-2 transport stream mechanisms need to be configured for offering such services over DVB-T2. A detailed description of the setup of such services and the involved components is given.Hellge, C.; Wiegand, T.; Guinea Torre, E.; Gomez-Barquero, D.; Schierl, T. (2013). Efficient HDTV and 3DTV services over DVB-T2 using Multiple PLPs with Layered Media. IEEE Communications Magazine. 51(10):76-82. doi:10.1109/MCOM.2013.6619569S7682511

    Public Interest Regulation in the Digital Age

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    Digital Television and the Allure of Auctions: The Birth and Stillbirth of DTV Legislation

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    Although relatively few provisions of the 1996 Telecommunication Act relate to digital broadcast television, these provisions have contributed to the ongoing debate over assignment of spectrum for DTV uses. Attention to the disputed issues of DTV has accentuated the differences between methods of spectrum management: how spectrum should be assigned among various services and users, and what roles the FCC and Congress should play. Two camps have emerged from the controversy: one viewing spectrum as a commodity that should be assigned by auction, the other viewing spectrum as a resource that must be allocated according to strict technical criteria and assigned sometimes by auction, sometimes not. In an order released as this article was going to press, the FCC adopted rules for the allocation spectrum for DTV. Although the DTV issues have been resolved (for the time-being, at least), examination of the process by which the Congress and the FCC allocated this spectrum will be helpful for future allocation of spectrum, for this or other uses

    New Media Technologies in Europe: the Politics of Satellite, HDTV and DAB

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    It has been lhe tradition in Europe to develop media technologies at national level with close cooperation between the state and the private sector, and frequently with competition between different states and their industrial Infrastructures. The creation of new technologies mostly occurred within lhe electric, and later the electronics industry and included studio equipment, transmitters and receivers; it also included those industries supplying equipment to areas such as telecommunications. optics and the aerospace indus try. The state has always provided some of the central players. for example, Post Office administrations (Telecoms), research ministries, the military sector and in particular, the public service broadcasters