296 research outputs found

    SARS-CoV-2 is an Robot Bioweapon

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    Two possibilities should be considered for the origin of SARS-CoV-2 natural evolution or laboratory creation In our earlier paper titled Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification as a Biological Robot Rather than Natural Evolution and Delineation of its Probable Synthetic Route we disproved the possibility of SARSCoV- 2 arising naturally through evolution and instead proved that SARS-CoV-2 must have been a product of laboratory modification Despite this and similar efforts the laboratory creation theory continues to be downplayed or even diminished This is fundamentally because the natural origin theory remains supported by several novel coronaviruses published after the start of the outbreak These viruses the RaTG13 bat coronavirus a series of pangolin coronaviruses and the RmYN02 bat coronavirus reportedly share high sequence homology with SARS-CoV-2 and have altogether constructed a seemingly plausible pathway for the natural evolution of SARSCoV- 2 Here however we use in-depth analyses of the available data and literature to prove that these novel animal coronaviruses do not exist in nature and their sequences have been fabricated In addition we also offer our insights on the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 may have originated naturally from a coronavirus that infected the Mojiang miner

    Turing-Test Evaluation of a Mobile Haptic Virtual Reality Kissing Machine

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    Various communication systems have been developed to integrate the haptic channel in digital communication. Future directions of such haptic technologies are moving towards realistic virtual reality applications and human-robot social interaction. With the digitisation of touch, robots equipped with touch sensors and actuators can communicate with humans on a more emotional and intimate level, such as sharing a hug or kiss just like humans do. This paper presents the design guideline, implementation and evaluations of a novel haptic kissing machine for smart phones - the Kissenger machine. The key novelties and contributions of the paper are: (i) A novel haptic kissing device for mobile phones, which uses dynamic perpendicular force stimulation to transmit realistic sensations of kissing in order to enhance intimacy and emotional connection of digital communication; (ii) Extensive evaluations of the Kissenger machine, including a lab experiment that compares mediated kissing with Kissenger to real kissing, a unique haptic Turing test that involves the first academic study of humanmachine kiss, and a field study of the effects of Kissenger on long distance relationships

    Unusual Features of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome Suggesting Sophisticated Laboratory Modification as a Biological Robot Rather than Natural Evolution and Delineation of its Probable Synthetic Route

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    The COVID-19 pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has led to over 4.24 million deaths worldwide and unprecedented decimation of the global economy. Despite its tremendous impact, the origin of SARS-CoV-2 has remained mysterious and controversial. The natural origin theory, although widely accepted, lacks substantial support. The alternative theory that the virus may have come from a research laboratory is, however, strictly censored on peerreviewed scientific journals. Nonetheless, SARS-CoV-2 shows biological characteristics that are inconsistent with a naturally occurring, zoonotic virus. In this report, we describe the genomic, structural, medical, and literature evidence, which, when considered together, strongly contradicts the natural origin theory. The evidence shows that SARS-CoV2 should be a laboratory product created by using bat coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21 as a template and/or backbone

    “More Probable than Unlikely” - : A Tale of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Mobile Communication. Dedicated to Leif G, Salford on his 80th birth day 2021-12-07.

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    Our team of the clinical researchers in Lund, Sweden, found that electromagnetic radiation, such as those used in mobile communications, even at shallow power values, cause users’ blood albumin to leak through the blood-brain barrier “BBB” into the brain tissue. The BBB is supposed to protect the brain against unwanted and toxic molecules potentially present in the blood, to transfer to the brain tissue. However, our team in Lund found that after exposure of rats to the radiation from mobile telephones, albumin in the blood leak into the brain and accumulates in neurons and glial cells.This matter would be of interest not only for researchers but also for radiation safety authorities and organizations worldwide as well as the general public. The studies performed at the Lund University by: Neurosurgeons: Leif Salford MD, PhD professor em., Henrietta Nittby MD, PhD,Neuropathologist: Arne Brun MD, PhD professor emeritus, Medical Physicist: Bertil RR Persson PhD MDhc prof. em., Jacob Eberhardt PhD, Electric engineer: Lars Malmgren Techn. Dr

    Technology for Bonding in Human-Animal Interaction

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    This workshop focuses on the use and influence of technology on human-animal bonding, and how to facilitate them with technology. We explore the elements and characteristics of human-animal bonding, and how technology is connected to emotions and bonding between the human and the animal. We are particularly interested in animal's experiences, emotions, and welfare in bonding. The workshop facilitates discussion, creates a framework to support design activities, identifies future research themes, and creates ideas on facilitating the mutual bonding in human-animal interaction. The main focus is on dogs, but workshop aims is to pave way for further investigations and research with other domestic animals, such as cats, horses, and rabbits
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