10,007 research outputs found

    Adoption and Use of Community Municipal Portals

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    Initial findings from a project examining community municipal portal adoption are reported. The study employs a theoretical model showing a causal effect of organizational factors and portal interface characteristics on a person’s intentions to use a community municipal portal and how individual demographics and perceptions mediate this effect. Six community municipal portals in Ontario, Canada participated. A questionnaire completed by internal portal stakeholders gives background on the portals’ purpose, history, functionality, IT support, and governance. An enduser survey administered to 1,753 respondents polls end-user demographics, perceptions, and behaviors. First phase results give insight on the organizational factors surrounding the implementation of community municipal portals (e.g., partner tensions, governance issues, low end-user involvement, marketing and financial concerns) and how they may influence low usage behaviors exhibited by a narrow demographic. Future phases of the study that further explore the impact of organizational factors and end-user characteristics on portal use are described

    Successful Community Municipal Portal Diffusion: Internal Government Factors and Individual Perceptions

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    This paper presents findings and research directions of an in-progress study examining the factors affecting successful community municipal portal diffusion. Several community municipal portal sites in the Province of Ontario, Canada are being investigated via questionnaires sent to portal administrators at six portal sites, and web surveys completed by 1,753 end-users at five of these six sites. In the study’s first round, internal government factors shaping the implementation of community municipal portals, as well as usage patterns and end-user demographics, are identified. The study’s second and third rounds use these results to test a new theoretical framework that comprises both internal government factors and individual perceptions. Importantly, information quality is suggested to be a key individual perceptions factor that not only affects successful community municipal portal diffusion, but also plays a pivotal role in mediating the effect of internal government factors on a person’s use of a community municipal portal site

    E-governance in cities

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    This paper describes and analyses the way European urban policymakers guide their city into the information age. We develop an analytical framework to be able to analyse, assess and compare urban ICT policies. In the empirical part, the frame is applied to a number of cities. We conclude that the most successful cities apply a balanced mix of content, infrastructure and access policies. Furthermore, success depends on the capacity of urban management to engage in local networks with local companies, citizens and intermediary organisations, as well as their ability to mobilise external resources.

    Cities and climate change: Strategic options for philanthropic support

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    Now, more than ever, cities are at the front lines of U.S. climate action. As national action stalls, there is still a daunting amount to be done in reducing human-generated climate emissions. Fortunately, this report comes in the wake of a groundswell of initiatives to engage on climate change by cities, countries, and states across the U.S. Several important and thorough reports on the types of mitigation actions cities can take have recently been released. We already have examples of cities taking significant leadership roles in reducing their own climate emissions, from New York and Boston to Austin, Boulder, and Los Angeles - yet U.S. climate emissions continue to rise, and cities have an outsized role to play. The purpose of this project is to review current U.S. city climate activities in order to identify areas where additional investment by foundations could help accelerate city action to reduce urban greenhouse gas emissions. The focus of the inquiry is on aggressive actions cities can take that significantly increase their “level of ambition” to achieve emissions reductions on an accelerated timetable. City strategies on climate adaptation are not encompassed in this project. [TRUNCATED

    An Assessment of the Quality of the Romanian Urban Web Sites

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    The local authorities are giving increasing prominence to provision of information online through websites. Seen in a wider perspective, the urban web sites play a key role in allowing every citizen to achieve their full potential and to participate fully in society. Conversely, citizens' awareness and expectations of Internet based online public services have also increased. Although the numbers of the different urban web portals have increased rapidly in the last years, the success of these sites will largely depend on their accessibility and quality. The purpose of this report is to present the results from a comprehensive assessment of the urban web sites across Romania. An instrument has been developed for evaluating the quality of the websites. It is based upon approaches to evaluation that have been documented in the published literature, interviews of people responsible for websites, and testing of websites at different levels of local government. Results show that not only are there wide variations in the spectrum of information and services provided by these urban web sites, but that significant work still needs to be undertaken in order to make these sites examples of "best practice" e-Government services. The overall picture shows that there is still much work to be done, but the study identifies key areas of concern which, if dealt with, would lead to the situation improving significantly.urban web sites, e-government, quality

    Smart Cities for Real People

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    Accelerating urbanization of the population and the emergence of new smart sensors (the Internet of Things) are combining in the phenomenon of the smart city. This movement is leading to improved quality of life and public safety, helping cities to enjoy economies that help remedy some budget overruns, better health care, and is resulting in increased productivity. The following report summarizes evolving digital technology trends, including smart phone applications, mapping software, big data and sensor miniaturization and broadband networking, that combine to create a technology toolkit available to smart city developers, managers and citizens. As noted above, the benefits of the smart city are already evident in some key areas as the technology sees actual implementation, 30 years after the creation of the broadband cable modem. The challenges of urbanization require urgent action and intelligent strategies. The applications and tools that truly benefit the people who live in cities will depend not on just the tools, but their intelligent application given current systemic obstacles, some of which are highlighted in the article. Of course, all the emerging technologies mentioned are dependent on ubiquitous, economical, reliable, safe and secure networks (wired and wireless) and network service providers

    Public policy: turning open data into democratic data - Portal Quality Assessment - Comparative Analysis

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceAs data, information, and their respective provisioning gets more and more ubiquitous, people start to look for - and even demand - transparency and data to support the policies in effect right now that, either directly or indirectly, affects them. There are many expectations related with Open Government Data initiatives, such as improving policymaking, increase in transparency of government spending, advance citizen engagement with the institutions, etc. This master’s proposal aims to offer research that pertains to this theme; including an in depth look into one of the most reputed OGD maturity report (EU Open Data Maturity Report), a systematic literature review of Open Data’s main objectives and goals, the influence on publication of scientific literature as well as the potential socio-economic and transparency impact they may have, in order to proceed to an assessment of the portal quality in Portugal by evaluating the usage of its data on scientific papers and articles; through the usage of bibliometrics and PRISMA methodology. My thesis research drills down on these topics: What are the most used Portuguese OGD portals in academic literature? What are the authors that make the most use of Portuguese OGD portals? What characterizes the authors and the publications

    IT Deployment and Integration – An Assessment of Enabling and Inhibiting Factors

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    Although delivery of services in South Africa is the responsibility of all spheres of government, the provision of basic services lies at the doorstep of local municipalities. Local municipalities have, for many reasons, frequently been unable to live up to this mandate despite the fact that some of the challenges that they face can be addressed by using IT. This paper assesses factors enabling and inhibiting the efficient deployment and integration of IT in local municipalities. The technological, organizational and environmental (TOE) framework was deployed to assess the factors. A multiple case study in which semi-structured interviews were conducted produced qualitative data and thematic analysis was carried out. This paper suggests that effective deployment and integration of IT is not solely dependent on technological factors but that organizational and environmental factors also influence the outcomes to a significant extent
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