352 research outputs found

    Highlight: Molecular machines

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    Epoxysuccinyl peptide-derived cathepsin B inhibitors: Modulating membrane permeability by conjugation with the C-terminal heptapeptide segment of penetratin

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    Besides its physiological role in lysosomal protein breakdown, extralysosomal cathepsin B has recently been implicated in apoptotic cell death. Highly specific irreversible cathepsin B inhibitors that are readily cellpermeant should be useful tools to elucidate the effects of cathepsin B in the cytosol. We have covalently functionalised the poorly cellpermeant epoxysuccinyl based cathepsin B inhibitor [RGlyGlyLeu(2S, 3S)tEpsLeuProOH; R=OMe] with the C-terminal heptapeptide segment of penetratin (R=εAhxArg ArgNleLysTrpLysLysNH(2)). The high inhibitory potency and selectivity for cathepsin B versus cathepsin L of the parent compound was not affected by the conjugation with the penetratin heptapeptide. The conjugate was shown to efficiently penetrate into MCF-7 cells as an active inhibitor, thereby circumventing an intracellular activation step that is required by other inhibitors, such as the prodruglike epoxysuccinyl peptides E64d and CA074Me

    The immunoglobulin Îş gene families of human and mouse: a cottage industry approach

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    Some aspects of the work of our group on the human and mouse immunoglobulin Îş genes are reviewed. The human Îş locus contains a large duplication: a 600 kb C Îş-proximal copy with 40 V Îş genes is found in the close vicinity of a 440 kb C Îş-distal copy with 36 very similar, but not identical, V Îş genes. The chimpanzee has only the C Îş -proximal copy of the locus. The Îş locus of the mouse is close to 3.2 Mb in size, of which 3.1 Mb have been cloned in four contigs, leaving three small gaps of together about 90 kb; 140 V Îş genes and pseudogenes were localized and sequenced. In parallel to the elucidation of the structure of the Îş loci, the mechanisms of the V-J rearrangement, somatic hypermutation and Îş gene expression were studied. Various polymorphisms were detected in the human population and a number of haplotypes defined. in addition to the V Îş genes within the loci numerous V Îş orphons were localized on different chromosomes. Comparing the Îş loci of different species allows some interesting conclusions as to the evolution of this multigene family. Finally our strategy of elucidating the structure and function of the Îş loci, which has been termed a `cottage industry approach', is discussed in relation to the large-scale genome analysis as pursued today using automated methods

    Professor Hans Georg Zachau

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    Eine kurze Würdigung von Professor Hans Georg Zachau, Emeritus der LMU, mit bebilderten Annexen aus seiner aktiven Zeit sowie seiner eigenen Webseite mit Lebenslauf, Forschungstätigkeit, Publikationsliste und Übersicht zur Analyse der Immunglobulingene von Maus und Mensch

    Single-channel electrophysiology reveals a distinct and uniform pore complex formed by α-synuclein oligomers in lipid membranes.

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    Synucleinopathies such as Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy and dementia with Lewy bodies are characterized by deposition of aggregated α-synuclein. Recent findings indicate that pathological oligomers rather than fibrillar aggregates may represent the main toxic protein species. It has been shown that α-synuclein oligomers can increase the conductance of lipid bilayers and, in cell-culture, lead to calcium dyshomeostasis and cell death. In this study, employing a setup for single-channel electrophysiology, we found that addition of iron-induced α-synuclein oligomers resulted in quantized and stepwise increases in bilayer conductance indicating insertion of distinct transmembrane pores. These pores switched between open and closed states depending on clamped voltage revealing a single-pore conductance comparable to that of bacterial porins. Pore conductance was dependent on transmembrane potential and the available cation. The pores stably inserted into the bilayer and could not be removed by buffer exchange. Pore formation could be inhibited by co-incubation with the aggregation inhibitor baicalein. Our findings indicate that iron-induced α-synuclein oligomers can form a uniform and distinct pore species with characteristic electrophysiological properties. Pore formation could be a critical event in the pathogenesis of synucleinopathies and provide a novel structural target for disease-modifying therapy

    Universal and unique features of kinesin motors: Insights from a comparison of fungal and animal conventional kinesins

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    Kinesins are microtubule motors that use the energy derived from the hydrolysis of ATP to move unidirectionally along microtubules, The founding member of this still growing superfamily is conventional kinesin, a dimeric motor that moves processively towards the plus end of microtubules, Within the family of conventional kinesins, two groups can be distinguished to date, one derived from animal species, and one originating from filamentous fungi. So far no conventional kinesin has been reported from plant cells. Fungal and animal conventional kinesins differ in several respects, both in terms of their primary sequence and their physiological properties. Thus all fungal conventional kinesins move at velocities that are 4-5 times higher than those of animal conventional kinesins, and all of them appear to lack associated light chains. Both groups of motors are characterized by a number of group-specific sequence features which are considered here with respect to their functional importance. Animal and fungal conventional kinesins also share a number of sequence characteristics which point to common principles of motor function. The overall domain organization is remarkably similar. A C-terminal sequence motif common to all kinesins, which constitutes the only region of high homology outside the motor domain, suggests common principles of cargo association in both groups of motors. Consideration of the differences of, and similarities between, fungal and animal kinesins offers novel possibilities for experimentation (e.g., by constructing chimeras) that can be expected to contribute to our understanding of motor function

    Identification of calpain cleavage sites in the G1 cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p19(INK4d)

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    Calpains are a large family of Ca2+-dependent cysteine proteases that are ubiquitously distributed across most cell types and vertebrate species. Calpains play a role in cell differentiation, apoptosis, cytoskeletal remodeling, signal transduction and the cell cycle. The cell cycle proteins cyclin D1 and p21(KIP1), for example, have been shown to be affected by calpains. However, the rules that govern calpain cleavage specificity are poorly understood. We report here studies on the pattern of ÎĽ-calpain proteolysis of the p19(INK4d) protein, a cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitor that negatively regulates the mammalian cell cycle. Our data show new characteristics of calpain action: ÎĽ-calpain cleaves p19(INK4d) immediately after the first and second ankyrin repeats that are structurally less stable compared to the other repeats. This is in contrast to features observed so far in the specificity of calpains for their substrates. These results imply that calpain may be involved in the cell cycle by regulating the cell cycle regulatory protein turnover through CDK inhibitors and cyclins

    Dynamic chromatin: concerted nucleosome remodelling and acetylation

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    The flexibility of chromatin that enables translation of environmental cues into changes in genome utilisation, relies on a battery of enzymes able to modulate chromatin structure in a highly targeted and regulated manner. The most dynamic structural changes are brought about by two kinds of enzymes with different functional principles. Changes in the acetylation status of histones modulate the folding of the nucleosomal fibre. The histone-DNA interactions that define the nucleosome itself can be disrupted by ATP-dependent remodelling factors. This review focuses on recent developments that illustrate various strategies for integrating these disparate activities into complex regulatory schemes. Synergies may be brought about by consecutive or parallel action during the stepwise process of chromatin opening or closing. Tight co-ordination may be achieved by direct interaction of (de-)acetylation enzymes and remodelling ATPases or even permanent residence within the same multi-enzyme complex. The fact that remodelling ATPases can be acetylated by histone acetyltransferases themselves suggests exciting possibilities for the coordinate modulation of chromatin structure and remodelling enzymes
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