155 research outputs found

    Virtual-Flux-Based Passivation of Current Control for Grid-Connected VSCs

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    Optimal model reference control design for grid connected voltage source converters

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    Texto en inglés y resumen en inglés y españolEsta tesis se centra en el diseño de controladores H∞ basados en modelos de referencia para su aplicación en el control de convertidores electrónicos de potencia en fuente de tensión (VSC). Se persiguen dos objetivos: el conformado de la admitancia de entrada de un VSC controlado en corriente y el óptimo amortiguamiento activo de filtros resonantes.El diseño de controladores óptimos H∞ aporta ciertas ventajas con respecto al diseño clásico. La principal técnica de diseño H∞ utilizada en la literatura se centra en la minimización de la función de sensibilidad. Ésta permite lidiar con diferentes problemas de compromiso en el diseño de controladores de forma sencilla, como el conformado de la función de lazo, el seguimiento de referencias, la estabilidad del sistema o la limitación del ancho de banda de control. Sin embargo, esta técnica carece de la habilidad de conformar la fase de funciones en lazo cerrado. La técnica H∞ basada en modelos de referencia soluciona este problema.La principal contribución de esta tesis es la aplicación de esta técnica para el moldeado de la admitancia en lazo cerrado de VSCs, la cual juega un importante papel tanto en la estabilidad de sistemas complejos como en la mejora de la calidad de energía en la red. Utilizando la técnica propuesta, el diseñador podrá especificar, en un gran ancho de banda y en un solo marco de diseño, tanto la admitancia del convertidor del convertidor (en modulo y en fase), como el comportamiento del seguimiento de referencias. El proceso de diseño finaliza con la síntesis de un controlador discreto ejecutable en una plataforma digital (DSP).Las posibilidades que presenta esta nueva metodología de diseño son amplias. La presente propuesta se ilustra con el control de un rectificador activo conectado a la red, pero es lo suficientemente flexible como para aplicarse en otros esquemas de control y topologías de convertidor. Se considerarán tres aplicaciones del control de admitancia: el diseño de aplicaciones resistivas en un gran ancho de banda, las cuales mejoran la robustez en la conexión estable a red débiles, el diseño de aplicaciones con una admitancia baja, las cuales mejoran el rechazo de (sub/inter)armónicos de la tensión de red en el control de corriente, y el diseño de aplicaciones con una admitancia alta, que al conectarse en paralelo a la red actúan como estabilizadores de ésta. La metodología de diseño de cada controlador, así como sus limitaciones, implementación y los resultados experimentales obtenidos son detallados.De forma complementaria, se explora la técnica de diseño basada en modelos de referencia para el amortiguamiento óptimo de resonancias en filtros LCL. La idea es diseñar un amortiguador activo que, una vez conectado, moldee la dinámica del filtro LCL de tal manera que este se comporte como un filtro L. Esto permitirá el posterior uso de sencillos controladores de corriente diseñados para filtro L, evitando la complejidad del diseño de controladores para filtros LCL, sin renunciar con ello a su gran capacidad de filtrado. La metodología de diseño es lo suficientemente general como para presentar diferentes estructuras de entrada/salida para el amortiguador. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la mejora en la robustez del sistema

    Passivation of Grid-Following VSCs: A Comparison Between Active Damping and Multi-Sampled PWM

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    This article compares different strategies used to enhance the stability properties of grid-following voltage-source converters (VSCs). Because of digital delays, VSC admittance exhibits a nonpassive zone, which introduces negative damping and may destabilize the grid-connected operation. It is shown that typically used active damping (AD) strategies only bring positive impact up to a certain frequency, while deteriorating admittance properties around and above the Nyquist frequency. Multi-sampled pulsewidth modulation (MS-PWM) greatly extends the passive admittance region, using only a single-loop current controller. Experimental admittance measurements are performed on a single-phase VSC, up to twice the switching frequency. Subsequently, different grid-connected scenarios are tested to show that MS-PWM retains stable operation, where AD methods cause instability. This article also offers analytic modeling and experimental measurements of noise propagation for compared strategies. It is shown that derivative-based AD is not highly sensitive; however, MS-PWM offers additional noise suppression

    Contributions to impedance shaping control techniques for power electronic converters

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    El conformado de la impedancia o admitancia mediante control para convertidores electrónicos de potencia permite alcanzar entre otros objetivos: mejora de la robustez de los controles diseñados, amortiguación de la dinámica de la tensión en caso de cambios de carga, y optimización del filtro de red y del controlador en un solo paso (co-diseño). La conformación de la impedancia debe ir siempre acompañada de un buen seguimiento de referencias. Por tanto, la idea principal es diseñar controladores con una estructura sencilla que equilibren la consecución de los objetivos marcados en cada caso. Este diseño se realiza mediante técnicas modernas, cuya resolución (síntesis del controlador) requiere de herramientas de optimización. La principal ventaja de estas técnicas sobre las clásicas, es decir, las basadas en soluciones algebraicas, es su capacidad para tratar problemas de control complejos (plantas de alto orden y/o varios objetivos) de una forma considerablemente sistemática. El primer problema de control por conformación de la impedancia consiste en reducir el sobreimpulso de tensión ante cambios de carga y minimizar el tamaño de los componentes del filtro pasivo en los convertidores DC-DC. Posteriormente, se diseñan controladores de corriente y tensión para un inversor DC-AC trifásico que logren una estabilidad robusta del sistema para una amplia variedad de filtros. La condición de estabilidad robusta menos conservadora, siendo la impedancia de la red la principal fuente de incertidumbre, es el índice de pasividad. En el caso de los controladores de corriente, el impacto de los lazos superiores en la estabilidad basada en la impedancia también se analiza mediante un índice adicional: máximo valor singular. Cada uno de los índices se aplica a un rango de frecuencias determinado. Finalmente, estas condiciones se incluyen en el diseño en un solo paso del controlador de un convertidor back-to-back utilizado para operar generadores de inducción doblemente alimentados (aerogeneradores tipo 3) presentes en algunos parques eólicos. Esta solución evita los problemas de oscilación subsíncrona, derivados de las líneas de transmisión con condensadores de compensación en serie, a los que se enfrentan estos parques eólicos. Los resultados de simulación y experimentales demuestran la eficacia y versatilidad de la propuesta.Impedance or admittance shaping by control for power electronic converters allows to achieve among other objectives: robustness enhancement of the designed controls, damped voltage dynamics in case of load changes, and grid filter and controller optimization in a single step (co-design). Impedance shaping must always be accompanied by a correct reference tracking performance. Therefore, the main idea is to design controllers with a simple structure that balance the achievement of the objectives set in each case. This design is carried out using modern techniques, whose resolution (controller synthesis) requires optimization tools. The main advantage of these techniques over the classical ones, i.e. those based on algebraic solutions, is their ability to deal with complex control problems (high order plants and/or several objectives) in a considerably systematic way. The first impedance shaping control problem is to reduce voltage overshoot under load changes and minimize the size of passive filter components in DC-DC converters. Subsequently, current and voltage controllers for a three-phase DC-AC inverter are designed to achieve robust system stability for a wide variety of filters. The least conservative robust stability condition, with grid impedance being the main source of uncertainty, is the passivity index. In the case of current controllers, the impact of higher loops on impedance-based stability is also analyzed by an additional index: maximum singular value. Each of the indices is applied to a given frequency range. Finally, these conditions are included in the one-step design of the controller of a back-to-back converter used to operate doubly fed induction generators (type-3 wind turbines) present in some wind farms. This solution avoids the sub-synchronous oscillation problems, derived from transmission lines with series compensation capacitors, faced by these wind farms. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of the proposa

    Eingangsadmittanz-Modellierung und passivitätsbasierte Stabilisierung von digital-stromgeregelten, netzgebundenen Umrichtern

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    Due to the ever increasing number of renewable energy systems in the electrical power grid, the application of power electronic-based circuits is gaining more and more importance. It has however been known for a while that interactions of one or multiple converters with resonances in the grid can lead to poorly damped oscillations, and thus, may threaten the stability of parts of the power system. The passivity theory has proven to be particularly powerful in preventing such situations. Accordingly, the stability of the power grid can be guaranteed by design if all components act passive. This means that all active loads and energy feeding converters have an input admittance with a non-negative real part. This can theoretically be achieved using passive or active damping strategies, but most research neglects real-world effects, which arise from the sampling of high-frequency switching harmonics. The aim of this dissertation is therefore to review the complete modeling and analysis of digitally current-controlled grid-connected converters and to extend the controller as well as filter design. On the basis of typical single-input single-output models of the converter’s input admittance, methods for the design of a passive damping or an active feed-forward are proposed and it is discussed which aspects have to be considered when implementing the filters. However, since the used models cannot reproduce all alias effects, in the further part of the thesis a multiple-input multiple-output converter model is developed. It is shown that the mirroring of high-frequency signal components onto low-frequency components can in principle be described by a dynamic uncertainty that affects the behavior of the converters' baseband dynamics. Due to this new insight it becomes clear which criteria passive or active filters should fulfill in order to specifically counteract the often negative mirroring effects of digital control. Finally, it is demonstrated that a robust passivation of the converter input admittance can prevent a destabilization of the power system by harmonics for a large number of grid impedances. The presented theory and the developed controller design are illustrated and verified by various simulations of an exemplary converter system.Aufgrund der immer größer werdenden Anzahl von erneuerbaren Energieanlagen im elektrischen Energieversorgungsnetz gewinnt der Einsatz von leistungselektronischen Schaltungen immer mehr an Bedeutung. Es ist jedoch seit längerem bekannt, dass Wechselwirkungen von einem oder mehreren Umrichtern mit Resonanzen im Netz zu schlecht gedämpften Schwingungen führen und damit die Stabilität von Teilen des Energienetzes gefährden können. Die Passivitätstheorie hat sich als besonders wirkungsvoll erwiesen, um solche Situationen zu verhindern. Demnach kann die Stabilität des Stromnetzes bereits in der Designphase gewährleistet werden, indem alle Komponenten passiv wirken. Das bedeutet, dass alle aktiven Verbraucher und einspeisenden Umrichter eine Eingangsadmittanz mit nicht negativem Realteil besitzen. Dies ist theoretisch mit Hilfe von passiven oder aktiven Dämpfungsstrategien zu erreichen. Die meisten Forschungsarbeiten vernachlässigen jedoch reale Effekte, die bei der Abtastung von hochfrequenten Harmonischen entstehen. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, den kompletten Modellierungs-, Analyse- und Regler- sowie Filterentwurfsprozess von digital-stromgeregelten, netzgebundenen Umrichtern zu überprüfen und zu erweitern. Auf der Basis typischer Eingrößenmodelle der Umrichter-Eingangsadmittanz werden Verfahren für die Auslegung einer passiven Dämpfung bzw. einer aktiven Vorsteuerung vorgeschlagen und es wird diskutiert, welche Aspekte bei der Implementierung der Filter zu berücksichtigen sind. Da sich mit den Modellen jedoch nicht alle Alias-Effekte abbilden lassen, wird im weiteren Teil der Arbeit ein Mehrgrößen-Umrichtermodell entwickelt. Es zeigt sich, dass die Spiegelung hochfrequenter Signalanteile auf niederfrequente Anteile prinzipiell durch eine dynamische Unsicherheit beschrieben werden kann, die das Grundfrequenzverhalten der Umrichter beeinflusst. Dank dieser neuen Erkenntnisse wird deutlich, welche Kriterien passive oder aktive Filter erfüllen sollten, um den oft negativen Spiegeleffekten der digitalen Regelung gezielt entgegenzuwirken. Es wird demonstriert, dass eine robuste Passivierung der Umrichter-Eingangsadmittanz eine Destabilisierung des Energienetzes durch Harmonische für eine Vielzahl von Netzimpedanzen verhindern kann. Die vorgestellte Theorie und der erarbeitete Reglerentwurf werden anhand diverser Simulationen eines beispielhaften Umrichtersystems verdeutlicht und validiert

    Harmonic State Space (HSS) Modeling for Power Electronic Based Power Systems

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    Design for Passivity in the Z-Domain for LCL Grid-Connected Converters

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    This paper develops a design methodology aimed to shape passive the admittance of the LCL grid-connected voltage source converters (VSCs). A novel aspect of this work is the assessment of the range of frequencies for control design: due to discrete and PWM operation, the effectiveness of the control action is more and more reduced as frequency increases; in practice, system delays and non-linear effects tend to impair the passivity properties and also its experimental validation. However, as shown in this paper, those effects can be minimised by including the LCL filter as a part of an outer VSC admittance: this assumption is supported by the fact that high frequency disturbances (generated in the point of connection) are absorbed by the LCL capacitor branch, and hence, are not able to create a positive feedback in the VSC (i.e., the active component). By taking advantage of this remark, the inner VSC admittance can be shaped by a reduced order filter in the Z-domain, which mainly depends on the proportional and active damping (controller) gains. The design hypotheses and the control design methodology are verified by PLECS switching-mode simulations

    Control strategy of grid connected power converter based on virtual flux approach

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    A la portada consta el nom del programa interuniversitari: Joint Doctoral Programme in Electric Energy Systems [by the] Universidad de Málaga, Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Erriko Unibertsitatea i Universitat Politècnica de CatalunyaDistributed Generation (DG) provides an alternative to the Centralized Generation (CG) by means of generating electricity near to the end user of power with the employment of small-scale technologies to produce electricity, mainly using Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The prospects of renewable energy integration during the next years are still very optimistic. This PhD dissertation is made to provide an alternative control framework for the grid connected power converter by adopting the virtual flux concept in the control layer. This dissertation can be divided into three main topics. The 1st topic presents the voltage sensorless control system for the grid-connected power converter. The control system presented is done without depending on AC-voltage measurement where the grid synchronization is based on the Virtual Flux (VF) estimation. In this regard, the Frequency Locked Loop (FLL) is used in conjunction with the estimation scheme to make the system fully adaptive to the frequency changes. This voltage sensorless application is useful for reducing cost and complexity of the control hardware. It is also can be utilized in case of limited reliability or availability of voltage measurements at the intended point of synchronization to the grid. Considering that most previous studies are based on the VF estimation for the case of power converter connected to the grid through the L-filter or LC-filter, this dissertation is focused on the power converter connected to the grid through the LCL filter. The Proportional Resonant (PR) current controller is adopted in the inner loop control of the power electronics-based converter to test the performance of such system. Another control method based on VF synchronization that permits to control the active and reactive power delivery in a remote point of the grid is also presented in this dissertation. This is due to the fact that the VF is implemented that the voltage in a remote point of the line can be estimated. As it will be shown in simulations and experiments, the proposed control scheme provides a good tracking and dynamic performance under step changes in the reference power. The fast synchronization and the smooth reference tracking achieved in transient conditions have demonstrated the effectiveness of the Dual Second Order Generalized Integrator controlled as Quadrature Signal Generator (DSOGI-QSG) and also the current controller used in the proposed system. In addition to the power control itself, this study could also benefit the frequency and the voltage regulation methods in distributed generation applications as for instance in microgrid. Considering the fact that the grid connected power converter can be controlled as a virtual synchronous generator where the flux is a variable to be used for controlling its operation, this dissertation also presents a Virtual Synchronous Flux Controller (VSFC) as a new control framework of the grid connected power converter. In this regard, a new control strategy in the inner loop control of the power converter will be proposed. The main components of the outer loop control of VSFC are based on the active and reactive power control. The results presented show that the VSFC works well to control the active and reactive power without considering any synchronization system. The inner loop control is able to work as it is required, and the measurement flux is able to track the reference flux without any significant delays. All the work presented in this dissertation are supported by mathematical and simulation analysis. In order to endorse the conclusions achieved, a complete experimental validations have been conducted before wrapping this dissertation with a conclusion and recommendation for future enhancement of the control strategies that have been presented.Postprint (published version

    Impedance Modeling and Stability Analysis of Grid-Interactive Converters

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