18,830 research outputs found

    Getting Ready for National Day: A Six-Step Plan

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    Back in October 2007, with the Olympics still almost a year off in the future, I devised a twelve-step reading plan for Outlook India, the goal of which was to help interested observers (and maybe even journalists who would be covering the event) get ready to make sense of the Beijing Games. I’ve been thinking for some time that I should do something similar for this year’s National Day. After all, 10/1/09 will have some things in common with 08/08/08, even if National Day is a thoroughly, well, national holiday, while the Olympics by definition is aninternational event. For example, when the PRC turns 60 at the start of next month, the main focus of attention will be a spectacle that, like that which opened the Olympics, will be choreographed by Zhang Yimou and intended to awe. And the rituals of this particular National Day, like the rituals that began that particular Olympics, will evoke China’s past glories while continuing a rebranding exercise designed to show local and international audiences that the PRC is now a thoroughly modern country that can hold its own in the 21st century. Due to various reasons (including other commitments and procrastination), I did not do this far enough in advance to justify a twelve-step plan, so I have cut it in half this time. And maybe that actually makes sense, as 10/1/09 may have the same director as 08/08/08, as well as a similarly massive or even bigger cast of performers, but it doesn’t seem likely to have the same far-reaching impact. For China had never before hosted the Olympics, but this is far from Beijing’s first National Day extravaganza—even though the number “60” (marking the completion of five twelve year cycles) can have a special resonance in Chinese culture not unlike that the numbers 50 and 100 have in Western ones. Without further ado, here are six things to do to get ready for this National Day of special numerical significance: 1) Check out the sneak peeks of the spectacle that are beginning to make their way onto the web, often via sites that the most plugged in readers of this site will already have on their RSS feeds, such as Evan Osnos’s “Letter from China,” “Shanghaiist,” and “China Digital Times.” (And come to think of it, sneak peeks slipping out in advance provides another Olympic parallel, as this 2008 China Beatcommentary by Miri Kim shows.

    NEBLINE, November/December 2014

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    CONTENTS Feature: Tiny Tastes Can Total BIG CALORIES Over the Holiday Season Food & Health Family Living Farm & Acreage Home & Family Living Horticulture Pests & Wildlife 4-H & Youth Extension Calendar and other extension news and event

    The Rouen Post, March-April 1943

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    Introduction to the Special Edition on Administration and Administrators in Canadian Colleges and Universities: The Specificity of Higher Education Administration and Future Directions for Research

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    This article introduces the Special Edition devoted to Canadian higher education administration and administrators. It situates its contributing articles within the context of the dominant themes noticed in the extant research literature: neo-liberal and managerial shifts, gender and race career asymmetries, macro- and micro-politics, and professional identities; and highlights their salient contributions. It identifies some of the confusion around the specificity of higher education administration and presents a definition that clarifies how administration differs from management, leadership, and governance, as well as circumscribes the role of academic and career administrators in relation to those of administrative staff members. The article closes with recommendations for future research.Le présent article, en guise d’introduction au numéro spécial sur l’administration de l’enseignement supérieur canadien, présente les articles du numéro spécial et montre comment ils contribuent aux thématiques explorées par la recherche actuelle, c’est-à-dire la recrudescence des approches néolibérales et managériales en administration, les inégalités persistantes liées au genre et à la racialisation des administrateur/rice/s, les comportements politiques des organisations et des individus, et l’identité professionnelle des administrateur/rice/s. L’article met aussi en lumière la confusion qui règne autour de l’utilisation des termes administration, gestion, leadership, gouvernance et administrateur/rice. En réponse, il présente une définition de l’administration de l’enseignement supérieur qui précise sa spécificité et identifie comment celle-ci se distingue de la gestion, du leadership et de la gouvernance, en plus d’identifier les différences entre les termes administrateur/rice/s et personnels administratifs. L’article se termine en proposant quelques pistes à suivre pour les recherches à venir

    Etude Sur la Stratégie et le Programme D'appui à la Société Civile Burundaise

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    The author study's strategies and programs to build civil society in Burundi

    L'administrateur indépendant dans le cycle de développement de l'entreprise

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    International audienceLa notion d'indépendance de l'administrateur est un enjeu sur le plan à la fois théorique et pratique. Les critères retenus par l'IFA montrent que cette notion est quasi systématiquement associée à celle d'externalité. Au-delà de la confusion de sens différents toujours dommageable pour la pensée, il semble nécessaire de s'interroger sur les enjeux d'une telle association, de voir dans quelle mesure une distinction plus fine associant les deux notions est envisageable et d'en tirer les conséquences sur le développement des entreprises. En particulier, une figure de l'administrateur assez paradoxale, à la fois interne et indépendant est étrangement absente des débats. C'est l'objet du présent article de la resituer dans les différents profils d'administrateur possibles

    Code d'éthique et de déontologie des administrateurs et des administratrices

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    Règlement relatif au code d'éthique et de déontologie des administrateurs

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    Prix et Bourses : Candidatures

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