6,732 research outputs found

    Singular solutions, momentum maps and computational anatomy

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    This paper describes the variational formulation of template matching problems of computational anatomy (CA); introduces the EPDiff evolution equation in the context of an analogy between CA and fluid dynamics; discusses the singular solutions for the EPDiff equation and explains why these singular solutions exist (singular momentum map). Then it draws the consequences of EPDiff for outline matching problem in CA and gives numerical examples

    Parametric Regression on the Grassmannian

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    We address the problem of fitting parametric curves on the Grassmann manifold for the purpose of intrinsic parametric regression. As customary in the literature, we start from the energy minimization formulation of linear least-squares in Euclidean spaces and generalize this concept to general nonflat Riemannian manifolds, following an optimal-control point of view. We then specialize this idea to the Grassmann manifold and demonstrate that it yields a simple, extensible and easy-to-implement solution to the parametric regression problem. In fact, it allows us to extend the basic geodesic model to (1) a time-warped variant and (2) cubic splines. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed solution on different vision problems, such as shape regression as a function of age, traffic-speed estimation and crowd-counting from surveillance video clips. Most notably, these problems can be conveniently solved within the same framework without any specifically-tailored steps along the processing pipeline.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Invariant tensors and the cyclic sieving phenomenon

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    We construct a large class of examples of the cyclic sieving phenomenon by expoiting the representation theory of semi-simple Lie algebras. Let MM be a finite dimensional representation of a semi-simple Lie algebra and let BB be the associated Kashiwara crystal. For r0r\ge 0, the triple (X,c,P)(X,c,P) which exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon is constructed as follows: the set XX is the set of isolated vertices in the crystal rB\otimes^rB; the map c ⁣:XXc\colon X\rightarrow X is a generalisation of promotion acting on standard tableaux of rectangular shape and the polynomial PP is the fake degree of the Frobenius character of a representation of Sr\mathfrak{S}_r related to the natural action of Sr\mathfrak{S}_r on the subspace of invariant tensors in rM\otimes^rM. Taking MM to be the defining representation of SL(n)\mathrm{SL}(n) gives the cyclic sieving phenomenon for rectangular tableaux

    Multiple Shape Registration using Constrained Optimal Control

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    Lagrangian particle formulations of the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping algorithm (LDDMM) only allow for the study of a single shape. In this paper, we introduce and discuss both a theoretical and practical setting for the simultaneous study of multiple shapes that are either stitched to one another or slide along a submanifold. The method is described within the optimal control formalism, and optimality conditions are given, together with the equations that are needed to implement augmented Lagrangian methods. Experimental results are provided for stitched and sliding surfaces

    Localized Manifold Harmonics for Spectral Shape Analysis

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    The use of Laplacian eigenfunctions is ubiquitous in a wide range of computer graphics and geometry processing applications. In particular, Laplacian eigenbases allow generalizing the classical Fourier analysis to manifolds. A key drawback of such bases is their inherently global nature, as the Laplacian eigenfunctions carry geometric and topological structure of the entire manifold. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for local spectral shape analysis. We show how to efficiently construct localized orthogonal bases by solving an optimization problem that in turn can be posed as the eigendecomposition of a new operator obtained by a modification of the standard Laplacian. We study the theoretical and computational aspects of the proposed framework and showcase our new construction on the classical problems of shape approximation and correspondence. We obtain significant improvement compared to classical Laplacian eigenbases as well as other alternatives for constructing localized bases

    Steklov Spectral Geometry for Extrinsic Shape Analysis

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    We propose using the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator as an extrinsic alternative to the Laplacian for spectral geometry processing and shape analysis. Intrinsic approaches, usually based on the Laplace-Beltrami operator, cannot capture the spatial embedding of a shape up to rigid motion, and many previous extrinsic methods lack theoretical justification. Instead, we consider the Steklov eigenvalue problem, computing the spectrum of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator of a surface bounding a volume. A remarkable property of this operator is that it completely encodes volumetric geometry. We use the boundary element method (BEM) to discretize the operator, accelerated by hierarchical numerical schemes and preconditioning; this pipeline allows us to solve eigenvalue and linear problems on large-scale meshes despite the density of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann discretization. We further demonstrate that our operators naturally fit into existing frameworks for geometry processing, making a shift from intrinsic to extrinsic geometry as simple as substituting the Laplace-Beltrami operator with the Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator.Comment: Additional experiments adde