144 research outputs found

    Improving the Fault Tolerance of Nanometric PLA Designs

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    Several alternative building blocks have been proposed to replace planar transistors, among which a prominent spot belongs to nanometric laments such as Silicon NanoWires (SiNWs) and Carbon NanoTubes (CNTs). However, chips leveraging these nanoscale structures are expected to be affected by a large amount of manufacturing faults, way beyond what chip architects have learned to counter. In this paper, we show a design ow, based on software mapping algorithms, to improve the yield of nanometric Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs). While further improvements to the manufacturing technology will be needed to make these devices fully usable, our ow can signi cantly shrink the gap between current and desired yield levels. Also, our approach does not need post-fabrication functional analysis and mapping, therefore dramatically cutting on veri cation costs. We check PLA yields by means of an accurate analyzer after Monte Carlo fault injection. We show that, compared to a baseline policy of wire replication, we achieve equal or better yields (8% over a set of designs) depending on the underlying defect assumptions

    Tagged repair techniques for defect tolerance in hybrid nano/CMOS architecture

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    We propose two new repair techniques for hybrid nano/CMOS computing architecture with lookup table based Boolean logic. Our proposed techniques use tagging mechanism to provide high level of defect tolerance and we present theoretical equations to predict the repair capability including an estimate of the repair cost. The repair techniques are efficient in utilization of spare units and capable of targeting upto 20% defect rates, which is higher than recently reported repair techniques

    Seven strategies for tolerating highly defective fabrication

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    In this article we present an architecture that supports fine-grained sparing and resource matching. The base logic structure is a set of interconnected PLAs. The PLAs and their interconnections consist of large arrays of interchangeable nanowires, which serve as programmable product and sum terms and as programmable interconnect links. Each nanowire can have several defective programmable junctions. We can test nanowires for functionality and use only the subset that provides appropriate conductivity and electrical characteristics. We then perform a matching between nanowire junction programmability and application logic needs to use almost all the nanowires even though most of them have defective junctions. We employ seven high-level strategies to achieve this level of defect tolerance

    Complementary Symmetry Nanowire Logic Circuits: Experimental Demonstrations and in Silico Optimizations

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    Complementary symmetry (CS) Boolean logic utilizes both p- and n-type field-effect transistors (FETs) so that an input logic voltage signal will turn one or more p- or n-type FETs on, while turning an equal number of n- or p-type FETs off. The voltage powering the circuit is prevented from having a direct pathway to ground, making the circuit energy efficient. CS circuits are thus attractive for nanowire logic, although they are challenging to implement. CS logic requires a relatively large number of FETs per logic gate, the output logic levels must be fully restored to the input logic voltage level, and the logic gates must exhibit high gain and robust noise margins. We report on CS logic circuits constructed from arrays of 16 nm wide silicon nanowires. Gates up to a complexity of an XOR gate (6 p-FETs and 6 n-FETs) containing multiple nanowires per transistor exhibit signal restoration and can drive other logic gates, implying that large scale logic can be implemented using nanowires. In silico modeling of CS inverters, using experimentally derived look-up tables of individual FET properties, is utilized to provide feedback for optimizing the device fabrication process. Based upon this feedback, CS inverters with a gain approaching 50 and robust noise margins are demonstrated. Single nanowire-based logic gates are also demonstrated, but are found to exhibit significant device-to-device fluctuations

    Polysilicon Nanowire Transistors and Arrays Fabricated With the Multispacer Technique

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    In this paper, we demonstrate the ability of the multi- spacer patterning technique to yield layers of polycrystalline silicon nanowires with a sublithographic pitch, by exclusively using micrometer resolution and CMOS processing steps. We characterize single spacers operating as poly-Si nanowire field effect transistors . We demonstrate also the possibility to lay a spacer perpendicularly to a set of parallel spacers in a crossbar fashion. The extrapolated cross-point density from the small 4 × 1-array is in the range of 10 exp10 cm−2 . We discuss the applications of this technique to improve the density of previously reported poly-SiNW memories and as a future framework for nanowire crossbars and decoders. Then we analyze the limitations and costs of the proposed technique

    Recent advances in multistep solution nanosynthesis of nanostructured three-dimensional complexes of semiconductive materials

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    AbstractConstructing simply nanostructured zero-, one-, and two-dimensional crystallites into three-dimensional multifunctional assemblies and systems at low-cost is essential and highly challenging in materials science and engineering. Compared to the simply nanostructured components, a three-dimensional (3D) complex made with a precisely controlled spatial organization of all structural nanocomponents can enable us to concert functionalities from all the nanocomponents. Methodologically, so doing in nm-scales via a solution chemistry route may be much easier and less expensive than via other mechanisms. Hence, we discuss herein some recent advances in multistep solution syntheses of nanostructured 3D complexes of semiconductors with a focus mainly on their synthetic strategies and detailed mechanisms

    High-precision, large-domain three-dimensional manipulation of nano-materials for fabrication nanodevices

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    Nanoscaled materials are attractive building blocks for hierarchical assembly of functional nanodevices, which exhibit diverse performances and simultaneous functions. We innovatively fabricated semiconductor nano-probes of tapered ZnS nanowires through melting and solidifying by electro-thermal process; and then, as-prepared nano-probes can manipulate nanomaterials including semiconductor/metal nanowires and nanoparticles through sufficiently electrostatic force to the desired location without structurally and functionally damage. With some advantages of high precision and large domain, we can move and position and interconnect individual nanowires for contracting nanodevices. Interestingly, by the manipulating technique, the nanodevice made of three vertically interconnecting nanowires, i.e., diode, was realized and showed an excellent electrical property. This technique may be useful to fabricate electronic devices based on the nanowires' moving, positioning, and interconnecting and may overcome fundamental limitations of conventional mechanical fabrication

    Null Convention Logic applications of asynchronous design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security

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    This dissertation presents two Null Convention Logic (NCL) applications of asynchronous logic circuit design in nanotechnology and cryptographic security. The first application is the Asynchronous Nanowire Reconfigurable Crossbar Architecture (ANRCA); the second one is an asynchronous S-Box design for cryptographic system against Side-Channel Attacks (SCA). The following are the contributions of the first application: 1) Proposed a diode- and resistor-based ANRCA (DR-ANRCA). Three configurable logic block (CLB) structures were designed to efficiently reconfigure a given DR-PGMB as one of the 27 arbitrary NCL threshold gates. A hierarchical architecture was also proposed to implement the higher level logic that requires a large number of DR-PGMBs, such as multiple-bit NCL registers. 2) Proposed a memristor look-up-table based ANRCA (MLUT-ANRCA). An equivalent circuit simulation model has been presented in VHDL and simulated in Quartus II. Meanwhile, the comparison between these two ANRCAs have been analyzed numerically. 3) Presented the defect-tolerance and repair strategies for both DR-ANRCA and MLUT-ANRCA. The following are the contributions of the second application: 1) Designed an NCL based S-Box for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Functional verification has been done using Modelsim and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). 2) Implemented two different power analysis attacks on both NCL S-Box and conventional synchronous S-Box. 3) Developed a novel approach based on stochastic logics to enhance the resistance against DPA and CPA attacks. The functionality of the proposed design has been verified using an 8-bit AES S-box design. The effects of decision weight, bitstream length, and input repetition times on error rates have been also studied. Experimental results shows that the proposed approach enhances the resistance to against the CPA attack by successfully protecting the hidden key --Abstract, page iii