17 research outputs found

    The real multiple dual

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    In this paper we present a dual representation for the multiple stopping problem, hence multiple exercise options. As such it is a natural generalization of the method in Rogers (2002) and Haugh and Kogan (2004) for the standard stopping problem for American options. We consider this representation as the real dual as it is solely expressed in terms of an infimum over martingales rather than an infimum over martingales and stopping times as in Meinshausen and Hambly (2004). For the multiple dual representation we present three Monte Carlo simulation algorithms which require only one degree of nesting

    Fast Estimation of True Bounds on Bermudan Option Prices under Jump-diffusion Processes

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    Fast pricing of American-style options has been a difficult problem since it was first introduced to financial markets in 1970s, especially when the underlying stocks' prices follow some jump-diffusion processes. In this paper, we propose a new algorithm to generate tight upper bounds on the Bermudan option price without nested simulation, under the jump-diffusion setting. By exploiting the martingale representation theorem for jump processes on the dual martingale, we are able to explore the unique structure of the optimal dual martingale and construct an approximation that preserves the martingale property. The resulting upper bound estimator avoids the nested Monte Carlo simulation suffered by the original primal-dual algorithm, therefore significantly improves the computational efficiency. Theoretical analysis is provided to guarantee the quality of the martingale approximation. Numerical experiments are conducted to verify the efficiency of our proposed algorithm

    Optimal dual martingales, their analysis and application to new algorithms for Bermudan products

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    In this paper we introduce and study the concept of optimal and surely optimal dual martingales in the context of dual valuation of Bermudan options. We provide a theorem which give conditions for a martingale to be surely optimal, and a stability theorem concerning martingales which are near to be surely optimal in a sense. Guided by these theorems we develop a regression based backward construction of such a martingale in a Wiener environment. In turn this martingale may be utilized for computing upper bounds by non-nested Monte Carlo. As a by-product, the algorithm also provides approximations to continuation values of the product, which in turn determine a stopping policy. Hence, we obtain lower bounds at the same time. The proposed algorithm is pure dual in the sense that it doesn't require an (input) approximation to the Snell envelope, is quite easy to implement, and in a numerical study we show that, regarding the computed upper bounds, it is comparable with the method of Belomestny, et. al. (2009)

    Bounds for Markov Decision Processes

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    We consider the problem of producing lower bounds on the optimal cost-to-go function of a Markov decision problem. We present two approaches to this problem: one based on the methodology of approximate linear programming (ALP) and another based on the so-called martingale duality approach. We show that these two approaches are intimately connected. Exploring this connection leads us to the problem of finding "optimal" martingale penalties within the martingale duality approach which we dub the pathwise optimization (PO) problem. We show interesting cases where the PO problem admits a tractable solution and establish that these solutions produce tighter approximations than the ALP approach. © 2013 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc

    Deep optimal stopping

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    In this paper we develop a deep learning method for optimal stopping problems which directly learns the optimal stopping rule from Monte Carlo samples. As such, it is broadly applicable in situations where the underlying randomness can efficiently be simulated. We test the approach on three problems: the pricing of a Bermudan max-call option, the pricing of a callable multi barrier reverse convertible and the problem of optimally stopping a fractional Brownian motion. In all three cases it produces very accurate results in high-dimensional situations with short computing times

    Numerical methods for Lévy processes

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    We survey the use and limitations of some numerical methods for pricing derivative contracts in multidimensional geometric Lévy model