8,549 research outputs found

    Terminal sliding mode control strategy design for second-order nonlinear system

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    This study mainly focuses on the terminal sliding mode control (TSMC) strategy design, including an adaptive terminal sliding mode control (ATSMC) and an exact-estimator-based terminal sliding mode control (ETSMC) for second-order nonlinear dynamical systems. In the ATSMC system, an adaptive bound estimation for the lump uncertainty is proposed to ensure the system stability. On the other hand, an exact estimator is designed for exact estimating system uncertainties to solve the trouble of chattering phenomena caused by a sign function in ATSMC law in despite of the utilization of a fixed value or an adaptive tuning algorithm for the lumped uncertainty bound. The effectiveness of the proposed control schemes can be verified in numerical simulations.<br /

    A survey of fuzzy control for stabilized platforms

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    This paper focusses on the application of fuzzy control techniques (fuzzy type-1 and type-2) and their hybrid forms (Hybrid adaptive fuzzy controller and fuzzy-PID controller) in the area of stabilized platforms. It represents an attempt to cover the basic principles and concepts of fuzzy control in stabilization and position control, with an outline of a number of recent applications used in advanced control of stabilized platform. Overall, in this survey we will make some comparisons with the classical control techniques such us PID control to demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the application of fuzzy control techniques

    Disturbance Observer-based Robust Control and Its Applications: 35th Anniversary Overview

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    Disturbance Observer has been one of the most widely used robust control tools since it was proposed in 1983. This paper introduces the origins of Disturbance Observer and presents a survey of the major results on Disturbance Observer-based robust control in the last thirty-five years. Furthermore, it explains the analysis and synthesis techniques of Disturbance Observer-based robust control for linear and nonlinear systems by using a unified framework. In the last section, this paper presents concluding remarks on Disturbance Observer-based robust control and its engineering applications.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Robustness of the Thirty Meter Telescope Primary Mirror Control System

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    The primary mirror control system for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) maintains the alignment of the 492 segments in the presence of both quasi-static (gravity and thermal) and dynamic disturbances due to unsteady wind loads. The latter results in a desired control bandwidth of 1Hz at high spatial frequencies. The achievable bandwidth is limited by robustness to (i) uncertain telescope structural dynamics (control-structure interaction) and (ii) small perturbations in the ill-conditioned influence matrix that relates segment edge sensor response to actuator commands. Both of these effects are considered herein using models of TMT. The former is explored through multivariable sensitivity analysis on a reduced-order Zernike-basis representation of the structural dynamics. The interaction matrix ("A-matrix") uncertainty has been analyzed theoretically elsewhere, and is examined here for realistic amplitude perturbations due to segment and sensor installation errors, and gravity and thermal induced segment motion. The primary influence of A-matrix uncertainty is on the control of "focusmode"; this is the least observable mode, measurable only through the edge-sensor (gap-dependent) sensitivity to the dihedral angle between segments. Accurately estimating focus-mode will require updating the A-matrix as a function of the measured gap. A-matrix uncertainty also results in a higher gain-margin requirement for focus-mode, and hence the A-matrix and CSI robustness need to be understood simultaneously. Based on the robustness analysis, the desired 1 Hz bandwidth is achievable in the presence of uncertainty for all except the lowest spatial-frequency response patterns of the primary mirror

    Model based control strategies for a class of nonlinear mechanical sub-systems

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    This paper presents a comparison between various control strategies for a class of mechanical actuators common in heavy-duty industry. Typical actuator components are hydraulic or pneumatic elements with static non-linearities, which are commonly referred to as Hammerstein systems. Such static non-linearities may vary in time as a function of the load and hence classical inverse-model based control strategies may deliver sub-optimal performance. This paper investigates the ability of advanced model based control strategies to satisfy a tolerance interval for position error values, overshoot and settling time specifications. Due to the presence of static non-linearity requiring changing direction of movement, control effort is also evaluated in terms of zero crossing frequency (up-down or left-right movement). Simulation and experimental data from a lab setup suggest that sliding mode control is able to improve global performance parameters

    Atmospheric tomography with separate minimum variance laser and natural guide star mode control

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    This paper introduces a novel, computationally efficient, and practical atmospheric tomography wavefront control architecture with separate minimum variance laser and natural guide star mode estimation. The architecture is applicable to all laser tomography systems, including multi conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO), laser tomography adaptive optics (LTAO), and multi object adaptive optics (MOAO) systems. Monte Carlo simulation results for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) MCAO system demonstrate its benefit over a previously introduced “ad hoc” split MCAO architecture, calling for further in-depth analysis and simulations over a representative ensemble of natural guide star (NGS) asterisms with optimized loop frame rates and modal gains

    Functional observers for motion control systems

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    This paper presents a novel functional observer for motion control systems to provide higher accuracy and less noise in comparison to existing observers. The observer uses the input current and position information along with the nominal parameters of the plant and can observe the velocity, acceleration and disturbance information of the system. The novelty of the observer is based on its functional structure that can intrinsically estimate and compensate the un-measured inputs (like disturbance acting on the system) using the measured input current. The experimental results of the proposed estimator verifies its success in estimating the velocity, acceleration and disturbance with better precision than other second order observers

    Opportunities for aircraft controls research

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    Several problems which drive aircraft control technology are discussed. Highly unstable vehicles, flutter speed boundary expansion, and low level automated flight that follows terrain are discussed

    The design of digital-adaptive controllers for VTOL aircraft

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    Design procedures for VTOL automatic control systems have been developed and are presented. Using linear-optimal estimation and control techniques as a starting point, digital-adaptive control laws have been designed for the VALT Research Aircraft, a tandem-rotor helicopter which is equipped for fully automatic flight in terminal area operations. These control laws are designed to interface with velocity-command and attitude-command guidance logic, which could be used in short-haul VTOL operations. Developments reported here include new algorithms for designing non-zero-set-point digital regulators, design procedures for rate-limited systems, and algorithms for dynamic control trim setting