43,089 research outputs found

    Quick Search for Rare Events

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    Rare events can potentially occur in many applications. When manifested as opportunities to be exploited, risks to be ameliorated, or certain features to be extracted, such events become of paramount significance. Due to their sporadic nature, the information-bearing signals associated with rare events often lie in a large set of irrelevant signals and are not easily accessible. This paper provides a statistical framework for detecting such events so that an optimal balance between detection reliability and agility, as two opposing performance measures, is established. The core component of this framework is a sampling procedure that adaptively and quickly focuses the information-gathering resources on the segments of the dataset that bear the information pertinent to the rare events. Particular focus is placed on Gaussian signals with the aim of detecting signals with rare mean and variance values

    Closed-loop Bayesian Semantic Data Fusion for Collaborative Human-Autonomy Target Search

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    In search applications, autonomous unmanned vehicles must be able to efficiently reacquire and localize mobile targets that can remain out of view for long periods of time in large spaces. As such, all available information sources must be actively leveraged -- including imprecise but readily available semantic observations provided by humans. To achieve this, this work develops and validates a novel collaborative human-machine sensing solution for dynamic target search. Our approach uses continuous partially observable Markov decision process (CPOMDP) planning to generate vehicle trajectories that optimally exploit imperfect detection data from onboard sensors, as well as semantic natural language observations that can be specifically requested from human sensors. The key innovation is a scalable hierarchical Gaussian mixture model formulation for efficiently solving CPOMDPs with semantic observations in continuous dynamic state spaces. The approach is demonstrated and validated with a real human-robot team engaged in dynamic indoor target search and capture scenarios on a custom testbed.Comment: Final version accepted and submitted to 2018 FUSION Conference (Cambridge, UK, July 2018

    Active End-Effector Pose Selection for Tactile Object Recognition through Monte Carlo Tree Search

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    This paper considers the problem of active object recognition using touch only. The focus is on adaptively selecting a sequence of wrist poses that achieves accurate recognition by enclosure grasps. It seeks to minimize the number of touches and maximize recognition confidence. The actions are formulated as wrist poses relative to each other, making the algorithm independent of absolute workspace coordinates. The optimal sequence is approximated by Monte Carlo tree search. We demonstrate results in a physics engine and on a real robot. In the physics engine, most object instances were recognized in at most 16 grasps. On a real robot, our method recognized objects in 2--9 grasps and outperformed a greedy baseline.Comment: Accepted to International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 201
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