859 research outputs found

    Digital-forensics based pattern recognition for discovering identities in electronic evidence

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    With the pervasiveness of computers and mobile devices, digital forensics becomes more important in law enforcement. Detectives increasingly depend on the scarce support of digital specialists which impedes efficiency of criminal investigations. This paper proposes and algorithm to extract, merge and rank identities that are encountered in the electronic evidence during processing. Two experiments are described demonstrating that our approach can assist with the identification of frequently occurring identities so that investigators can prioritize the investigation of evidence units accordingly

    Towards Least Privilege Principle: Limiting Unintended Accesses in Software Systems.

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    Adhering to the least privilege principle involves ensuring that only legitimate subjects have access rights to objects. Sometimes, this is hard because of permission irrevocability, changing security requirements, infeasibility of access control mechanisms, and permission creeps. If subjects turn rogue, the accesses can be abused. This thesis examines three scenarios where accesses are commonly abused and lead to security issues, and proposes three systems, SEAL, DeGap, and Expose to detect and, where practical, eliminate unintended accesses. Firstly, we examine abuse of email addresses, whose leakages are irreversible. Also, users can only hope that businesses requiring their email addresses for validating affiliations do not misuse them. SEAL uses semi-private aliases, which permits gradual and selective controls while providing privacy for affiliation validations. Secondly, access control mechanisms may be ineffective as subject roles change and administrative oversights lead to permission gaps, which should be removed expeditiously. Identifying permission gaps can be hard since another reference point besides granted permissions is often unavailable. DeGap uses access logs to estimate the gaps while using a common logic for various system services. DeGap also recommends configuration changes towards reducing the gaps. Lastly, unintended software code re-use can lead to intellectual property theft and license violations. Determining whether an application uses a library can be difficult. Compiler optimizations, function inlining, and lack of symbols make using syntactic methods a challenge, while pure semantic analysis is slow. Given a library and a set of applications, Expose combines syntactic and semantic analysis to efficiently help identify applications that re-use the library.PhDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99976/1/bengheng_1.pd

    Methods of Disambiguating and De-anonymizing Authorship in Large Scale Operational Data

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    Operational data from software development, social networks and other domains are often contaminated with incorrect or missing values. Examples include misspelled or changed names, multiple emails belonging to the same person and user profiles that vary in different systems. Such digital traces are extensively used in research and practice to study collaborating communities of various kinds. To achieve a realistic representation of the networks that represent these communities, accurate identities are essential. In this work, we aim to identify, model, and correct identity errors in data from open-source software repositories, which include more than 23M developer IDs and nearly 1B Git commits (developer activity records). Our investigation into the nature and prevalence of identity errors in software activity data reveals that they are different and occur at much higher rates than other domains. Existing techniques relying on string comparisons can only disambiguate Synonyms, but not Homonyms, which are common in software activity traces. Therefore, we introduce measures of behavioral fingerprinting to improve the accuracy of Synonym resolution, and to disambiguate Homonyms. Fingerprints are constructed from the traces of developersā€™ activities, such as, the style of writing in commit messages, the patterns in files modified and projects participated in by developers, and the patterns related to the timing of the developersā€™ activity. Furthermore, to address the lack of training data necessary for the supervised learning approaches that are used in disambiguation, we design a specific active learning procedure that minimizes the manual effort necessary to create training data in the domain of developer identity matching. We extensively evaluate the proposed approach, using over 16,000 OpenStack developers in 1200 projects, against commercial and most recent research approaches, and further on recent research on a much larger sample of over 2,000,000 IDs. Results demonstrate that our method is significantly better than both the recent research and commercial methods. We also conduct experiments to demonstrate that such erroneous data have significant impact on developer networks. We hope that the proposed approach will expedite research progress in the domain of software engineering, especially in applications for which graphs of social networks are critical

    Getting along to get ahead: Predictors of success in an online competitive social environment

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    Success in competitive social contexts is generally attributed to agenticinterpersonal behavior and accomplishments (Anderson & Morrow, 1995). However, unmitigated agency, or the pursuit of agentic award at the expense of communal relationships, also leads to poor health outcomes and interpersonal problems (Helgeson & Fritz, 1999). Competitive social contexts are environments in which people must work together to succeed, but are also rewarded as individuals. For example, many workplace environments encourage teamwork, but advance employees on an individual basis (Kerr, 1975). Further, advancement is often dependent on the opinions of coworkers as well as supervisors. Thus, I propose that a balance of both agentic and communal interpersonal styles must be present for success (see Bakan, 1966). Concurrent predictors of success should include successful use of social bonding, impression management tactics, and individual differences in political skill and Machiavellianism. I analyzed player data from 35 seasons of Stranded, an online reality game that mirrors the format of the television show Survivor. 21 of these seasons had full archives, and self-report data was collected from 100 former players. Players were more likely to vote for the winner of the season to win when they had a strong overlapping relationship of communication throughout the game. When comparing winners to losing finalists, winners had higher levels of political skill. Further, finalists were more likely to win when their messages to players included more analytic thinking and emotional tone words than their natural linguistic patterns. However, across all players, predicted game placement decreased when messages included more analytical thinking. Overall, political skill also predicted higher game placements
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