170 research outputs found

    New fault-tolerant routing algorithms for k-ary n-cube networks

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    The interconnection network is one of the most crucial components in a multicomputer as it greatly influences the overall system performance. Networks belonging to the family of k-ary n-cubes (e.g., tori and hypercubes) have been widely adopted in practical machines due to their desirable properties, including a low diameter, symmetry, regularity, and ability to exploit communication locality found in many real-world parallel applications. A routing algorithm specifies how a message selects a path to cross from source to destination, and has great impact on network performance. Routing in fault-free networks has been extensively studied in the past. As the network size scales up the probability of processor and link failure also increases. It is therefore essential to design fault-tolerant routing algorithms that allow messages to reach their destinations even in the presence of faulty components (links and nodes). Although many fault-tolerant routing algorithms have been proposed for common multicomputer networks, e.g. hypercubes and meshes, little research has been devoted to developing fault-tolerant routing for well-known versions of k-ary n-cubes, such as 2 and 3- dimensional tori. Previous work on fault-tolerant routing has focused on designing algorithms with strict conditions imposed on the number of faulty components (nodes and links) or their locations in the network. Most existing fault-tolerant routing algorithms have assumed that a node knows either only the status of its neighbours (such a model is called local-information-based) or the status of all nodes (global-information-based). The main challenge is to devise a simple and efficient way of representing limited global fault information that allows optimal or near-optimal fault-tolerant routing. This thesis proposes two new limited-global-information-based fault-tolerant routing algorithms for k-ary n-cubes, namely the unsafety vectors and probability vectors algorithms. While the first algorithm uses a deterministic approach, which has been widely employed by other existing algorithms, the second algorithm is the first that uses probability-based fault- tolerant routing. These two algorithms have two important advantages over those already existing in the relevant literature. Both algorithms ensure fault-tolerance under relaxed assumptions, regarding the number of faulty components and their locations in the network. Furthermore, the new algorithms are more general in that they can easily be adapted to different topologies, including those that belong to the family of k-ary n-cubes (e.g. tori and hypercubes) and those that do not (e.g., generalised hypercubes and meshes). Since very little work has considered fault-tolerant routing in k-ary n-cubes, this study compares the relative performance merits of the two proposed algorithms, the unsafety and probability vectors, on these networks. The results reveal that for practical number of faulty nodes, both algorithms achieve good performance levels. However, the probability vectors algorithm has the advantage of being simpler to implement. Since previous research has focused mostly on the hypercube, this study adapts the new algorithms to the hypercube in order to conduct a comparative study against the recently proposed safety vectors algorithm. Results from extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that our algorithms exhibit superior performance in terms of reachability (chances of a message reaching its destination), deviation from optimality (average difference between minimum distance and actual routing distance), and looping (chances of a message continuously looping in the network without reaching destination) to the safety vectors

    Ytelseanalyse av FRoots og Dimension-Order

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    Oppgaven har til hensikt å foreta en ytelseanalyse av to rutingalgoritmer; FRoots og Dimension-Order. Dimension-Order er egentlig ikke navnet på en spesifikk rutingalgoritme, men heller navnet på en kategori rutingalgoritmer som ruter på en spesiell måte. FRoots er den mer sofistikerte rutingalgoritmen og når oppgaven ble utdelt, trodde forfatter at han visste utfallet av ytelseanalysen. Algoritmene ble sammenlignet ved hjelp av en simulator (for øvrig utviklet ved institusjonen hvor jeg skrev oppgaven). Det var en simulator utviklet på J-Sim. For å ytelseanalysere måtte det brukes en topologi. En topologi sier oss noe om hvordan et nettverk med noder og linker er lagt ut fysisk. Det er brukt en 2D mesh med to størrelser: 4x4 og 8x8. Dette for å se om størrelsen på nettverket har noe å si for algoritmene. I tillegg blir simuleringene kjørt med forskjellige trafikkmønster (uniformt og parvis). Det uniforme trafikkmønsteret sier at en node kan kommunisere med alle andre noder under en simulering, mens det parvise sier at en node kun kan kommunisere med en node (den kan altså ikke skifte). Resultatet av analysen ble, i korthet, at FRoots yter best når det kjøres med parvis trafikkmønster, mens det er best å bruke Dimension-Order ruting ved uniformt. Størrelsen på nettverket har ingenting å si for utfallet

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2017

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    Proceedings of the 11th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 20, 2017 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia. 211 pp

    Researching methods for efficient hardware specification, design and implementation of a next generation communication architecture

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    The objective of this work is to create and implement a System Area Network (SAN) architecture called EXTOLL embedded in the current world of systems, software and standards based on the experiences obtained during the ATOLL project development and test. The topics of this work also cover system design methodology and educational issues in order to provide appropriate human resources and work premises. The scope of this work in the EXTOLL SAN project was: • the Xbar architecture and routing (multi-layer routing, virtual channels and their arbitration, routing formats, dead lock aviodance, debug features, automation of reuse) • the on-chip module communication architecture and parts of the host communication • the network processor architecture and integration • the development of the design methodology and the creation of the design flow • the team education and work structure. In order to successfully leverage student know-how and work flow methodology for this research project the SEED curricula changes has been governed by the Hochschul Didaktik Zentrum resulting in a certificate for "Hochschuldidaktik" and excellence in university education. The complexity of the target system required new approaches in concurrent Hardware/Software codesign. The concept of virtual hardware prototypes has been established and excessively used during design space exploration and software interface design

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2015

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    The Virginia Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) of Old Dominion University hosted the 2015 Modeling, Simulation, & Visualization Student capstone Conference on April 16th. The Capstone Conference features students in Modeling and Simulation, undergraduates and graduate degree programs, and fields from many colleges and/or universities. Students present their research to an audience of fellow students, faculty, judges, and other distinguished guests. For the students, these presentations afford them the opportunity to impart their innovative research to members of the M&S community from academic, industry, and government backgrounds. Also participating in the conference are faculty and judges who have volunteered their time to impart direct support to their students’ research, facilitate the various conference tracks, serve as judges for each of the tracks, and provide overall assistance to this conference. 2015 marks the ninth year of the VMASC Capstone Conference for Modeling, Simulation and Visualization. This year our conference attracted a number of fine student written papers and presentations, resulting in a total of 51 research works that were presented. This year’s conference had record attendance thanks to the support from the various different departments at Old Dominion University, other local Universities, and the United States Military Academy, at West Point. We greatly appreciated all of the work and energy that has gone into this year’s conference, it truly was a highly collaborative effort that has resulted in a very successful symposium for the M&S community and all of those involved. Below you will find a brief summary of the best papers and best presentations with some simple statistics of the overall conference contribution. Followed by that is a table of contents that breaks down by conference track category with a copy of each included body of work. Thank you again for your time and your contribution as this conference is designed to continuously evolve and adapt to better suit the authors and M&S supporters. Dr.Yuzhong Shen Graduate Program Director, MSVE Capstone Conference Chair John ShullGraduate Student, MSVE Capstone Conference Student Chai

    The 1995 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies

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    This publication comprises the papers presented at the 1995 Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Information Technologies held at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, on May 9-11, 1995. The purpose of this annual conference is to provide a forum in which current research and development directed at space applications of artificial intelligence can be presented and discussed

    Forecasting in Database Systems

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    Time series forecasting is a fundamental prerequisite for decision-making processes and crucial in a number of domains such as production planning and energy load balancing. In the past, forecasting was often performed by statistical experts in dedicated software environments outside of current database systems. However, forecasts are increasingly required by non-expert users or have to be computed fully automatically without any human intervention. Furthermore, we can observe an ever increasing data volume and the need for accurate and timely forecasts over large multi-dimensional data sets. As most data subject to analysis is stored in database management systems, a rising trend addresses the integration of forecasting inside a DBMS. Yet, many existing approaches follow a black-box style and try to keep changes to the database system as minimal as possible. While such approaches are more general and easier to realize, they miss significant opportunities for improved performance and usability. In this thesis, we introduce a novel approach that seamlessly integrates time series forecasting into a traditional database management system. In contrast to flash-back queries that allow a view on the data in the past, we have developed a Flash-Forward Database System (F2DB) that provides a view on the data in the future. It supports a new query type - a forecast query - that enables forecasting of time series data and is automatically and transparently processed by the core engine of an existing DBMS. We discuss necessary extensions to the parser, optimizer, and executor of a traditional DBMS. We furthermore introduce various optimization techniques for three different types of forecast queries: ad-hoc queries, recurring queries, and continuous queries. First, we ease the expensive model creation step of ad-hoc forecast queries by reducing the amount of processed data with traditional sampling techniques. Second, we decrease the runtime of recurring forecast queries by materializing models in a specialized index structure. However, a large number of time series as well as high model creation and maintenance costs require a careful selection of such models. Therefore, we propose a model configuration advisor that determines a set of forecast models for a given query workload and multi-dimensional data set. Finally, we extend forecast queries with continuous aspects allowing an application to register a query once at our system. As new time series values arrive, we send notifications to the application based on predefined time and accuracy constraints. All of our optimization approaches intend to increase the efficiency of forecast queries while ensuring high forecast accuracy


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    This document records the final program for each of the 26 meetings of the International Database and Engineering Application Symposium from 1997 through 2021. These meetings were organized in various locations on three continents. Most of the papers published during these years are in the digital libraries of IEEE(1997-2007) or ACM(2008-2021)

    Process Mining for Smart Product Design

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