3,165 research outputs found

    A comparative evaluation of 3 different free-form deformable image registration and contour propagation methods for head and neck MRI : the case of parotid changes radiotherapy

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    Purpose: To validate and compare the deformable image registration and parotid contour propagation process for head and neck magnetic resonance imaging in patients treated with radiotherapy using 3 different approachesthe commercial MIM, the open-source Elastix software, and an optimized version of it. Materials and Methods: Twelve patients with head and neck cancer previously treated with radiotherapy were considered. Deformable image registration and parotid contour propagation were evaluated by considering the magnetic resonance images acquired before and after the end of the treatment. Deformable image registration, based on free-form deformation method, and contour propagation available on MIM were compared to Elastix. Two different contour propagation approaches were implemented for Elastix software, a conventional one (DIR_Trx) and an optimized homemade version, based on mesh deformation (DIR_Mesh). The accuracy of these 3 approaches was estimated by comparing propagated to manual contours in terms of average symmetric distance, maximum symmetric distance, Dice similarity coefficient, sensitivity, and inclusiveness. Results: A good agreement was generally found between the manual contours and the propagated ones, without differences among the 3 methods; in few critical cases with complex deformations, DIR_Mesh proved to be more accurate, having the lowest values of average symmetric distance and maximum symmetric distance and the highest value of Dice similarity coefficient, although nonsignificant. The average propagation errors with respect to the reference contours are lower than the voxel diagonal (2 mm), and Dice similarity coefficient is around 0.8 for all 3 methods. Conclusion: The 3 free-form deformation approaches were not significantly different in terms of deformable image registration accuracy and can be safely adopted for the registration and parotid contour propagation during radiotherapy on magnetic resonance imaging. More optimized approaches (as DIR_Mesh) could be preferable for critical deformations

    Alignment of contrast enhanced medical images

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    The re-alignment of series of medical images in which there are multiple contrast variations is difficult. The reason for this is that the popularmeasures of image similarity used to drive the alignment procedure do not separate the influence of intensity variation due to image feature motion and intensity variation due to feature enhancement. In particular, the appearance of new structure poses problems when it has no representation in the original image. The acquisition of many images over time, such as in dynamic contrast enhanced MRI, requires that many images with different contrast be registered to the same coordinate system, compounding the problem. This thesis addresses these issues, beginning by presenting conditions under which conventional registration fails and proposing a solution in the form of a ’progressive principal component registration’. The algorithm uses a statistical analysis of a series of contrast varying images in order to reduce the influence of contrast-enhancement that would otherwise distort the calculation of the image similarity measures used in image registration. The algorithm is shown to be versatile in that it may be applied to series of images in which contrast variation is due to either temporal contrast enhancement changes, as in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI or intrinsically in the image selection procedure as in diffusion weighted MRI

    A review of segmentation and deformable registration methods applied to adaptive cervical cancer radiation therapy treatment planning

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    Objective: Manual contouring and registration for radiotherapy treatment planning and online adaptation for cervical cancer radiation therapy in computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance images (MRI) are often necessary. However manual intervention is time consuming and may suffer from inter or intra-rater variability. In recent years a number of computer-guided automatic or semi-automatic segmentation and registration methods have been proposed. Segmentation and registration in CT and MRI for this purpose is a challenging task due to soft tissue deformation, inter-patient shape and appearance variation and anatomical changes over the course of treatment. The objective of this work is to provide a state-of-the-art review of computer-aided methods developed for adaptive treatment planning and radiation therapy planning for cervical cancer radiation therapy. Methods: Segmentation and registration methods published with the goal of cervical cancer treatment planning and adaptation have been identified from the literature (PubMed and Google Scholar). A comprehensive description of each method is provided. Similarities and differences of these methods are highlighted and the strengths and weaknesses of these methods are discussed. A discussion about choice of an appropriate method for a given modality is provided. Results: In the reviewed papers a Dice similarity coefficient of around 0.85 along with mean absolute surface distance of 2-4. mm for the clinically treated volume were reported for transfer of contours from planning day to the treatment day. Conclusions: Most segmentation and non-rigid registration methods have been primarily designed for adaptive re-planning for the transfer of contours from planning day to the treatment day. The use of shape priors significantly improved segmentation and registration accuracy compared to other models

    GPU Accelerated Viscous-fluid Deformable Registration for Radiotherapy

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    In cancer treatment organ and tissue deformation betweenradiotherapy sessions represent a significant challenge to op-timal planning and delivery of radiation doses. Recent de-velopments in image guided radiotherapy has caused a soundrequest for more advanced approaches for image registrationto handle these deformations. Viscous-fluid registration isone such deformable registration method. A drawback withthis method has been that it has required computation timesthat were too long to make the approach clinically appli-cable. With recent advances in programmability of graph-ics hardware, complex user defined calculations can now beperformed on consumer graphics cards (GPUs). This pa-per demonstrates that the GPU can be used to drasticallyreduce the time needed to register two medical 3D imagesusing the viscous-fluid registration method. This facilitatesan increased incorporation of image registration in radio-therapy treatment of cancer patients, potentially leading tomore efficient treatment with less severe side effects

    Dynamic finite-strain modelling of the human left ventricle in health and disease using an immersed boundary-finite element method

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    Detailed models of the biomechanics of the heart are important both for developing improved interventions for patients with heart disease and also for patient risk stratification and treatment planning. For instance, stress distributions in the heart affect cardiac remodelling, but such distributions are not presently accessible in patients. Biomechanical models of the heart offer detailed three-dimensional deformation, stress and strain fields that can supplement conventional clinical data. In this work, we introduce dynamic computational models of the human left ventricle (LV) that are derived from clinical imaging data obtained from a healthy subject and from a patient with a myocardial infarction (MI). Both models incorporate a detailed invariant-based orthotropic description of the passive elasticity of the ventricular myocardium along with a detailed biophysical model of active tension generation in the ventricular muscle. These constitutive models are employed within a dynamic simulation framework that accounts for the inertia of the ventricular muscle and the blood that is based on an immersed boundary (IB) method with a finite element description of the structural mechanics. The geometry of the models is based on data obtained non-invasively by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). CMR imaging data are also used to estimate the parameters of the passive and active constitutive models, which are determined so that the simulated end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes agree with the corresponding volumes determined from the CMR imaging studies. Using these models, we simulate LV dynamics from end-diastole to end-systole. The results of our simulations are shown to be in good agreement with subject-specific CMR-derived strain measurements and also with earlier clinical studies on human LV strain distributions

    A normative spatiotemporal MRI atlas of the fetal brain for automatic segmentation and analysis of early brain growth.

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    Longitudinal characterization of early brain growth in-utero has been limited by a number of challenges in fetal imaging, the rapid change in size, shape and volume of the developing brain, and the consequent lack of suitable algorithms for fetal brain image analysis. There is a need for an improved digital brain atlas of the spatiotemporal maturation of the fetal brain extending over the key developmental periods. We have developed an algorithm for construction of an unbiased four-dimensional atlas of the developing fetal brain by integrating symmetric diffeomorphic deformable registration in space with kernel regression in age. We applied this new algorithm to construct a spatiotemporal atlas from MRI of 81 normal fetuses scanned between 19 and 39 weeks of gestation and labeled the structures of the developing brain. We evaluated the use of this atlas and additional individual fetal brain MRI atlases for completely automatic multi-atlas segmentation of fetal brain MRI. The atlas is available online as a reference for anatomy and for registration and segmentation, to aid in connectivity analysis, and for groupwise and longitudinal analysis of early brain growth

    Needle-guiding robot for laser ablation of liver tumors under MRI guidance

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    This paper presents the design, control and experimental evaluation of a needle-guiding robot intended for use in laser ablation (LA) of liver tumors under guidance by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The robot provides alignment of a needle guide inside the MRI scanner bore and employs manual needle insertion. In order to minimize MR-image deterioration, the robot is actuated using plastic pneumatic cylinders and long pipes connecting to control valves located outside the MRI scanner room. A new Time Delay Control scheme (TDC) was employed to achieve high position accuracy without requiring pressure or force measurements in the MRI scanner. The control scheme was compared with experiments to a previously developed Sliding Mode Controller (SMC). A marker localization method based on the convolution theorem of Fourier transform was employed to register the robot in the MRI scanner coordinate system and to verify the position of the needle guide before the manual needle insertion. Experiments in a closed-bore MRI scanner showed a variation in SNR below 5%. A phantom study indicates that the targeting error in robot-assisted needle insertions is below 5 mm and suggest a potential time saving of 30 minutes compared to the manual MRI-guided LA procedure