9 research outputs found

    Constraint Aware Behavior in Multi-Robot Systems

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    In this work we present a behavioral modeling framework that accounts for a battery constraint. This framework allows for a user to model robot teams of varying configuration performing com- mon robotic tasks such as exploration or going to user specified goals. The focus of this work is on how to model a constraint aware behavior and how assistance can be requested by and provided from a robot team. We show experimental results in simulated environments and identify trends that can be seen given a robot team configuration. We also discuss how this system can be adapted to different environments and different constraints. Our system can be setup to allow for differ- ent number of workers and helpers. The charging station, battery level and the behaviors of these agents can also be varied. We discuss the affect of these different policies on the performance of the workers. The performance is measured by the number of times the environment area is covered. In conclusion we would measure the performance based on the number of times the environment is covered by the agents

    Pick, Pack, & Survive: Charging Robots in a Modern Warehouse based on Online Connected Dominating Sets

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    The modern warehouse is partially automated by robots. Instead of letting human workers walk into shelfs and pick up the required stock, big groups of autonomous mobile robots transport the inventory to the workers. Typically, these robots have an electric drive and need to recharge frequently during the day. When we scale this approach up, it is essential to place recharging stations strategically and as soon as needed so that all robots can survive. In this work, we represent a warehouse topology by a graph and address this challenge with the Online Connected Dominating Set problem (OCDS), an online variant of the classical Connected Dominating Set problem [Guha and Khuller, 1998]. We are given an undirected connected graph G = (V, E) and a sequence of subsets of V arriving over time. The goal is to grow a connected subgraph that dominates all arriving nodes and contains as few nodes as possible. We propose an O(log^2 n)-competitive randomized algorithm for OCDS in general graphs, where n is the number of nodes in the input graph. This is the best one can achieve due to Korman\u27s randomized lower bound of Omega(log n log m) [Korman, 2005] for the related Online Set Cover problem [Alon et al., 2003], where n is the number of elements and m is the number of subsets. We also run extensive simulations to show that our algorithm performs well in a simulated warehouse, where the topology of a warehouse is modeled as a randomly generated geometric graph

    An Energy-Aware Algorithm for Large Scale Foraging Systems

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    International audienceThe foraging task is one of the canonical testbeds for cooperative robotics, in which a collection of coordinated robots have to find and transport one or more objects to one or more specific storage points. Swarm robotics has been widely considered in such situations, due to its strengths such as robustness, simplicity and scalability. Typical multi-robot foraging systems currently consider tens to hundreds of agents. This paper presents a new algorithm called Energy-aware Cooperative Switching Algorithm for Foraging (EC-SAF) that manages thousands of robots. We investigate therefore the scalability of EC-SAF algorithm and the parameters that can affect energy efficiency overtime. Results indicate that EC-SAF is scalable and effective in reducing swarm energy consumption compared to an energy-aware version of the reference well-known c-marking algorithm (Ec-marking)

    Auction-based Charging Scheduling with Deep Learning Framework for Multi-Drone Networks

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    State-of-the-art drone technologies have severe flight time limitations due to weight constraints, which inevitably lead to a relatively small amount of available energy. Therefore, frequent battery replacement or recharging is necessary in applications such as delivery, exploration, or support to the wireless infrastructure. Mobile charging stations (i.e., mobile stations with charging equipment) for outdoor ad-hoc battery charging is one of the feasible solutions to address this issue. However, the ability of these platforms to charge the drones is limited in terms of the number and charging time. This paper designs an auction-based mechanism to control the charging schedule in multi-drone setting. In this paper, charging time slots are auctioned, and their assignment is determined by a bidding process. The main challenge in developing this framework is the lack of prior knowledge on the distribution of the number of drones participating in the auction. Based on optimal second-price-auction, the proposed formulation, then, relies on deep learning algorithms to learn such distribution online. Numerical results from extensive simulations show that the proposed deep learning-based approach provides effective battery charging control in multi-drone scenarios.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology ( Volume: 68 , Issue: 5 , May 2019

    Constrained path planning of unmanned vehicles

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    The application of unmanned system performing large-scale tasks, for instance, long-term surveillance/reconnaissance, large area sensing/mapping, and long distance materials handling is a relatively new and exciting topic. However, developing a practical system is still challenging due to complex models and hardware restriction. This manuscript explores various path planning missions from a more realistic perspective, such as point-to-point obstacle avoiding, multi-targets trajectory finding, informative motion planning, and multi-Hamiltonian Path Problem (mHPP) with two types of unmanned vehicles, Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGVs). These problems are formulated as classical optimization problems with constraints representing the environment and kinematic limitations, and then solved by proposed numerical or heuristic optimization approaches. The selected methods are used to handle nonlinear, discontinuous, and multi-objective formulations of the constrained mission planning problems. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms are inspected by the performance and comparison with other proposed methods in literature. The resulting simulations and experimental tests obtained from all the methods are demonstrated and discussed


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    Using robotic systems for many missions that require power distribution can decrease the need for human intervention in such missions significantly. For accomplishing this capability a robotic system capable of autonomous navigation, power systems adaptation, and establishing physical connection needs to be developed. This thesis presents developed path planning and navigation algorithms for an autonomous ground power distribution system. In this work, a survey on existing path planning methods along with two developed algorithms by author is presented. One of these algorithms is a simple path planner suitable for implementation on lab-size platforms. A navigation hierarchy is developed for experimental validation of the path planner and proof of concept for autonomous ground power distribution system in lab environment. The second algorithm is a robust path planner developed for real-size implementation based on lessons learned from lab-size experiments. The simulation results illustrates that the algorithm is efficient and reliable in unknown environments. Future plans for developing intelligent power electronics and integrating them with robotic systems is presented. The ultimate goal is to create a power distribution system capable of regulating power flow at a desired voltage and frequency adaptable to load demands

    An Efficient Multiple-Place Foraging Algorithm for Scalable Robot Swarms

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    Searching and collecting multiple resources from large unmapped environments is an important challenge. It is particularly difficult given limited time, a large search area and incomplete data about the environment. This search task is an abstraction of many real-world applications such as search and rescue, hazardous material clean-up, and space exploration. The collective foraging behavior of robot swarms is an effective approach for this task. In our work, individual robots have limited sensing and communication range (like ants), but they are organized and work together to complete foraging tasks collectively. An efficient foraging algorithm coordinates robots to search and collect as many resources as possible in the least amount of time. In the foraging algorithms we study, robots act independently with little or no central control. As the swarm size and arena size increase (e.g., thousands of robots searching over the surface of Mars or ocean), the foraging performance per robot decreases. Generally, larger robot swarms produce more inter-robot collisions, and in swarm robot foraging, larger search arenas result in larger travel distances causing the phenomenon of diminishing returns. The foraging performance per robot (measured as a number of collected resources per unit time) is sublinear with the arena size and the swarm size. Our goal is to design a scale-invariant foraging robot swarm. In other words, the foraging performance per robot should be nearly constant as the arena size and the swarm size increase. We address these problems with the Multiple-Place Foraging Algorithm (MPFA), which uses multiple collection zones distributed throughout the search area. Robots start from randomly assigned home collection zones but always return to the closest collection zones with found resources. We simulate the foraging behavior of robot swarms in the robot simulator ARGoS and employ a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to discover different optimized foraging strategies as swarm sizes and the number of resources is scaled up. In our experiments, the MPFA always produces higher foraging rates, fewer collisions, and lower travel and search time than the Central-Place Foraging Algorithm (CPFA). To make the MPFA more adaptable, we introduce dynamic depots that move to the centroid of recently collected resources, minimizing transport times when resources are clustered in heterogeneous distributions. Finally, we extend the MPFA with a bio-inspired hierarchical branching transportation network. We demonstrate a scale-invariant swarm foraging algorithm that ensures that each robot finds and delivers resources to a central collection zone at the same rate, regardless of the size of the swarm or the search area. Dispersed mobile depots aggregate locally foraged resources and transport them to a central place via a hierarchical branching transportation network. This approach is inspired by ubiquitous fractal branching networks such as animal cardiovascular networks that deliver resources to cells and determine the scale and pace of life. The transportation of resources through the cardiovascular system from the heart to dispersed cells is the inverse problem of transportation of dispersed resources to a central collection zone through the hierarchical branching transportation network in robot swarms. We demonstrate that biological scaling laws predict how quickly robots forage in simulations of up to thousands of robots searching over thousands of square meters. We then use biological scaling predictions to determine the capacity of depot robots in order to overcome scaling constraints and produce scale-invariant robot swarms. We verify the predictions using ARGoS simulations. While simulations are useful for initial evaluations of the viability of algorithms, our ultimate goal is predicting how algorithms will perform when physical robots interact in the unpredictable conditions of environments they are placed in. The CPFA and the Distributed Deterministic Spiral Algorithm (DDSA) are compared in physical robots in a large outdoor arena. The physical experiments change our conclusion about which algorithm has the best performance, emphasizing the importance of systematically comparing the performance of swarm robotic algorithms in the real world. We illustrate the feasibility of implementing the MPFA with transportation networks in physical robot swarms. Full implementation of the MPFA in an outdoor environment is the next step to demonstrate truly scalable and robust foraging robot swarms

    Intelligent strategies for mobile robotics in laboratory automation

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    In this thesis a new intelligent framework is presented for the mobile robots in laboratory automation, which includes: a new multi-floor indoor navigation method is presented and an intelligent multi-floor path planning is proposed; a new signal filtering method is presented for the robots to forecast their indoor coordinates; a new human feature based strategy is proposed for the robot-human smart collision avoidance; a new robot power forecasting method is proposed to decide a distributed transportation task; a new blind approach is presented for the arm manipulations for the robots