105 research outputs found

    Low-cost implementation and characterization of an active phasor data concentrator

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    The main components of an advanced measurement system based on synchrophasor technology for the monitoring of power systems are the phasor measurement unit (PMU), which represents the ‘sensor’, and the phasor data concentrator (PDC), which collects the data forwarded by PMUs installed on the field. For the purpose of extending the benefit of synchrophasor technology from transmission grids to distribution networks, different projects are seeking to use low-cost platforms to design devices with PMU functionalities. In this perspective, in order to achieve a complete synchrophasor-based measurement architecture based on low-cost technologies, this work presents a PDC design based on a low-cost platform. Despite the simplicity of the considered hardware, advanced PDC functionalities and innovative control logics are implemented in the prototype. The proposed device is characterised by several experimental tests aimed at assessing its performance in terms of both time synchronisation and capability of managing several PMU data streams. The feasibility of some additional functionalities and control logics is evaluated in the context of different possible scenarios

    Design and Implementation of a Centralized Disturbance Detection System for Smart Microgrids

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    RÉSUMÉ L’excursion de frĂ©quence et de tension sont parmi les dĂ©fis nombreux qui se posent aux microrĂ©seaux. La dĂ©tection des perturbations peut ĂȘtre effectuĂ©e par le systĂšme de surveillance centralisĂ© de micro-rĂ©seaux qui utilise des donnĂ©es de synchrophasor rapportĂ©es Ă  partir de diffĂ©rents noeuds. Les rĂ©seaux de communication de synchrophasor prĂ©sentent des retards et des Pertes de paquets qui peuvent dĂ©tĂ©riorer l’intĂ©gritĂ© des donnĂ©es et donc compromettre la fiabilitĂ© des systĂšmes de surveillance et de contrĂŽle des micro-rĂ©seaux intelligents. Ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente un nouveau concentrateur de donnĂ©es de vecteurs de phase avancĂ© (APDC) capable de contrer les manques de la communication et d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des ressources de la production dĂ©centralisĂ©e (DER) dans les micro-rĂ©seaux. L’APDC proposĂ© utilise un systĂšme de compensation adaptatif pour obtenir une estimation efficace des Ă©lĂ©ments de donnĂ©es manquants. L’estimateur adaptatif utilise le taux de changement d’élĂ©ments de donnĂ©es pour choisir entre l’estimateur LMMSE et un estimateur basĂ© sur les dĂ©rivĂ©s pour prĂ©dire les valeurs futures des Ă©lĂ©ments de donnĂ©es. Si, Ă  un instant donnĂ©, les Ă©lĂ©ments de donnĂ©es synchrophasors de certaines unitĂ©s de mesure de phasor (PMU) manquent, les valeurs estimĂ©es sont utilisĂ©es pour compenser les donnĂ©es manquantes. En outre, une unitĂ© de surveillance est proposĂ©e pour dĂ©tecter de maniĂšre fiable les excursions en frĂ©quence et identifier les DERs affectĂ©s par les Ăźlotages. L’unitĂ© de surveillance utilise un algorithme de dĂ©tection centralisĂ© Ă©laborĂ© qui traite les donnĂ©es de frĂ©quence pour distinguer entre l’ülotage possible des DERs et les perturbations du rĂ©seau de distribution. L’APDC proposĂ© est dĂ©veloppĂ© sur la plate-forme OpenPDC en temps rĂ©el et sa performance est Ă©valuĂ©e Ă  l’aide d’une configuration expĂ©rimentale comprenant trois PMUs, un rĂ©seau de tĂ©lĂ©communications, des interrupteurs, et un concentrateur de donnĂ©es de vecteurs de phase classique (PDC). Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux confirment une intĂ©gritĂ© des donnĂ©es de haut niveau dans les conditions normales et perturbĂ©es des micro- rĂ©seaux. Des Ă©tudes sur l’effet du bruit de mesure montrent que l’APDC proposĂ© est mĂȘme efficace en prĂ©sence de bruits sĂ©vĂšres. De plus, une dĂ©tection rapide et fiable des Ă©vĂ©nements d’ülotage est obtenue en raison de l’amĂ©lioration considĂ©rable du temps de dĂ©tection mĂȘme en cas de pertes de donnĂ©es sĂ©vĂšres et de bruit de mesure. Enfin, la performance de l’APDC proposĂ© est comparĂ©e Ă  une mĂ©thode d’estimation existante. Les rĂ©sultats montrent l’avantage important de l’APDC, en particulier dans des conditions perturbĂ©es.----------ABSTRACT Microgrids are subject to various disturbances such as voltage transients and frequency excursions. Disturbance detection can be performed by a microgrid centralized monitoring system that employs synchrophasor data reported from different nodes within the microgrid. Synchrophasor communication networks exhibit delays and packet dropout that can undermine the data integrity and hence compromise the reliability of the monitoring and control systems of the smart microgrids. In this thesis, an advanced phasor data concentrators (APDC) is proposed that is capable of counteracting the communication impairments and improving the quality of monitoring of distributed energy resources (DERs) in microgrids. The proposed APDC utilizes an adaptive compensation scheme to achieve an efficient estimate of missing data elements. The adaptive estimator employs the rate of change of data elements to choose between the vector linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) and the derivative-based estimators to predict the future values of data elements. Whenever the synchrophasor data elements of some phasor measurement units (PMU) are missing, the estimated values are used to compensate for the missing data. Moreover, a monitoring unit is proposed to reliably detect frequency excursions and identify the DERs affected by islanding events. The monitoring unit utilizes an elaborate centralized detection algorithm that processes frequency data to distinguish between possible islanding of DERs and disturbances occurred within the host grid. The proposed APDC is developed on a real-time OpenPDC platform and its performance is evaluated using an experimental setup including three PMUs, communication links, switches, and a conventional phasor data concentrator (PDC). The experimental results confirm a high-level data integrity under both normal and disturbed conditions. Studies on the effect of measurement noise show that the proposed APDC is even efficient in the presence of noise. Moreover, fast and reliable detection of islanding events is achieved even under severe data losses and measurement noise. Finally, the performance of the proposed APDC is compared with a recently proposed estimation method that shows the significant advantage of the APDC, especially under disturbed conditions

    Measurement Platform for Latency Characterization of Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control Systems

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    Wide area monitoring, protection and control (WAMPAC) systems have emerged as a critical technology to improve the reliability, resilience, and stability of modern power grids. They are based on phasor measurement unit (PMU) technology and synchronized monitoring on a wide area. Since these systems are required to make rapid decisions and control actions on the grid, they are characterized by stringent time constraints. For this reason, the latency of WAMPAC systems needs to be appropriately assessed. Following this necessity, this article presents the design and implementation of a measurement platform that allows latency characterization of different types of WAMPAC systems in several operating conditions. The proposed WAMPAC Characterizer has been metrologically characterized through a WAMPAC Emulator and then used to measure the latency of a WAMPAC system based on an open-source platform frequently used by transmission system operators (TSOs) for the implementation of their PMU-based wide area systems

    Architecture and Experimental Validation of a Low-Latency Phasor Data Concentrator

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    The paper presents the design principles of a Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) that implements both the absolute and relative time data pushing logics together with a third one that aims at minimizing the latency introduced by the PDC without increasing the data incompleteness, as suggested in the IEEE Guide C37.244-2013. The performance of the aforementioned logics are assessed and compared in terms of reliability, determinism and reduction of the overall latency in two real Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) installations adopting different telecom infrastructures. The first one is based on optical fiber links that transmit synchrophasor data measured by 15 PMUs installed in the sub-transmission network of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. The second one adopts a 4G LTE wireless infrastructure to support the data streaming of 10 PMUs installed in a distribution network supplying the city of Huissen, in the Netherlands. The experimental results show that the proposed logic is characterized by the lowest latency, whereas the absolute time logic better mitigates the synchrophasor data latency variations

    Viiveiden vaikutus sÀhkömekaanisten heilahtelujen laajan alueen vaimennussÀÀtöön

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    In this thesis the effects of delays on the wide-area damping control of electromechanical oscillations were studied. The research goals were two fold: to identify and define the delay sources in phasor measurement based (PMU) wide-area measurement systems for power systems, and to study the effects of delays on wide-area damping control using power system simulations as a research tool. The implementation the delays into a pre-existing power system simulation program as also a part of this work. The thesis shows and identifies the delays components and their properties in the wide-area measurement systems. It gives a survey on the reports of real delays observed in wide-area measurement systems worldwide. The simulation results show that delay has an impact on the damping control. Power system have a delay margin they are able to tolerate before turning unstable. Additionally, latency changes the properties of the electromechanical oscillations.TÀssÀ diplomityössÀ tutkittiin viiveiden vaikutusta sÀhkömekaanisten heilahtelujen vaimennussÀÀtöön. Työ oli karkeasti jaettavissa kahteen erilliseen osaan. EnsimmÀinen osa oli voimajÀrjestelmien PMU-pohjaisten laajan alueen mittaus- ja ohjausjÀrjestelmien viivelÀhteiden löytÀminen, tunnistaminen ja luokittelu. Toinen osa oli viiveiden vaikutusten tutkiminen laajan alueen heilahtelusÀÀtöön kÀyttÀen voimajÀrjestelmÀsimulointia tutkimuksen työkaluna. Työn toteutus sisÀlsi viiveellistenmittauksien ja ohjauksien toteuttamisen valmiina olevaan simulaatio-ohjelmaan. Työ nÀyttÀÀ laajan alueen mittaus- ja ohjausjÀrjestelmien viivekomponentittien ominaisuudet ja vaikutuksen viiveketjuun sekÀ millaisia lukemia on raportoitu kÀytössÀ olevista jÀrjestelmistÀ ympÀri maailman. Työn viivesimulaatiot osoittavat, ettÀ viiveillÀ on merkitys sÀhkömekaanisten heilahtelujen vaimennussÀÀtöön. Viiveellinen sÀÀtö muuttaa sÀhkömekaanisten heilahtelujen ominaisuuksia ja osoittaa, ettÀ voimajÀrjestelmillÀ on niille ominainen viiveen sietokyky

    Real-Time State Estimation of the EPFL-Campus Medium-Voltage Grid by Using PMUs

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    We describe the real-time monitoring infrastructure of the smart-grid pilot on the EPFL campus. We experimentally validate the concept of a real-time state-estimation for a 20 kV active distribution network. We designed and put into operation the whole infrastructure composed by the following main elements: (1) dedicated PMUs connected on the medium-voltage side of the network secondary substations by means of specific current/voltage transducers; (2) a dedicated communication network engineered to support stringent time limits and (3) an innovative state estimation process for real-time monitoring that incorporates phasor-data concentration and state estimation processes. Special care was taken to make the whole chain resilient to cyber-attacks, equipment failures and power outages. The achieved latency is within 65ms. The refresh rate of the estimated state is 20ms. The real-time visualization of the state estimator output is made publicly available, as well as the historical data (PMU measurements and estimated states). To the best of our knowledge, the work presented here is the first operational system that provides low-latency real-time state estimation by using PMU measurements of a real active distribution network

    Wide Area Measurement Systems

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