11 research outputs found

    Detection-aided medical image segmentation using deep learning

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    The details of the work will be defined once the student reaches the destination institution.A fully automatic technique for segmenting the liver and localizing its unhealthy tissues is a convenient tool in order to diagnose hepatic diseases and also to assess the response to the according treatments. In this thesis we propose a method to segment the liver and its lesions from Computed Tomography (CT) scans, as well as other anatomical structures and organs of the human body. We have used Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), that have proven good results in a variety of tasks, including medical imaging. The network to segment the lesions consists of a cascaded architecture, which first focuses on the liver region in order to segment the lesion. Moreover, we train a detector to localize the lesions and just keep those pixels from the output of the segmentation network where a lesion is detected. The segmentation architecture is based on DRIU (Maninis, 2016), a Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) with side outputs that work at feature maps of different resolutions, to finally benefit from the multi-scale information learned by different stages of the network. Our pipeline is 2.5D, as the input of the network is a stack of consecutive slices of the CT scans. We also study different methods to benefit from the liver segmentation in order to delineate the lesion. The main focus of this work is to use the detector to localize the lesions, as we demonstrate that it helps to remove false positives triggered by the segmentation network. The benefits of using a detector on top of the segmentation is that the detector acquires a more global insight of the healthiness of a liver tissue compared to the segmentation network, whose final output is pixel-wise and is not forced to take a global decision over a whole liver patch. We show experiments with the LiTS dataset for the lesion and liver segmentation. In order to prove the generality of the segmentation network, we also segment several anatomical structures from the Visceral dataset

    TPCNN: Two-path convolutional neural network for tumor and liver segmentation in CT images using a novel encoding approach

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    Automatic liver and tumour segmentation in CT images are crucial in numerous clinical applications, such as postoperative assessment, surgical planning, and pathological diagnosis of hepatic diseases. However, there are still a considerable number of difficulties to overcome due to the fuzzy boundary, irregular shapes, and complex tissues of the liver. In this paper, for liver and tumor segmentation and to overcome the mentioned challenges a simple but powerful strategy is presented based on a cascade convolutional neural network. At the first, the input image is normalized using the Z-Score algorithm. This normalized image provides more information about the boundary of tumor and liver. Also, the Local Direction of Gradient (LDOG) which is a novel encoding algorithm is proposed to demonstrate some key features inside the image. The proposed encoding image is highly effective in recognizing the border of liver, even in the regions close to the touching organs. Then, a cascade CNN structure for extracting both local and semi-global features is used which utilized the original image and two other obtained images as the input data. Rather than using a complex deep CNN model with a lot of hyperparameters, we employ a simple but effective model to decrease the train and testing time. Our technique outperforms the state-of-the-art works in terms of segmentation accuracy and efficiency

    Adaptive local window for level set segmentation of CT and MRI liver lesions.

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    We propose a novel method, the adaptive local window, for improving level set segmentation technique. The window is estimated separately for each contour point, over iterations of the segmentation process, and for each individual object. Our method considers the object scale, the spatial texture, and the changes of the energy functional over iterations. Global and local statistics are considered by calculating several gray level co-occurrence matrices. We demonstrate the capabilities of the method in the domain of medical imaging for segmenting 233 images with liver lesions. To illustrate the strength of our method, those lesions were screened by either Computed Tomography or Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Moreover, we analyzed images using three different energy models. We compared our method to a global level set segmentation, to a local framework that uses predefined fixed-size square windows and to a local region-scalable fitting model. The results indicate that our proposed method outperforms the other methods in terms of agreement with the manual marking and dependence on contour initialization or the energy model used. In case of complex lesions, such as low contrast lesions, heterogeneous lesions, or lesions with a noisy background, our method shows significantly better segmentation with an improvement of 0.25 ± 0.13 in Dice similarity coefficient, compared with state of the art fixed-size local windows (Wilcoxon, p < 0.001)