220,874 research outputs found

    Towards digitalized and automated substations: implementation of adaptive protection control unit and monitoring system for modern distribution networks under increased hosting capacity of distributed renewable sources.

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    Maximizing the hosting capacity of modern distribution networks to accommodate more distributed renewable sources is key driver to realise energy system security and Net-Zero carbon goals. Protection systems under increased share of renewable sources became more challenging with diverse topology changes originated from the addition, disconnection, or islanding of distributed generation to secure increasing energy demands. This paper aims to implement an adaptive protection control unit interlinked with an interactive monitoring system to enable the real-world application of smart adaptive protection schemes for modern distribution networks under increased hosting capacity of distributed renewable sources. An adaptive protection control kit is experimentally developed to enable the automatic adjustment of optimal relay settings in response to network topology changes arising from the integration of distributed generation. A set of relay settings are pre-optimized within a small-scale meshed network under possible network topologies and stored offline via a master microcontroller which then uses the online breaker status to identify the corresponding network topology and accordingly adjust the pre-optimized relay settings. A human machine interface is further designed and interlinked with the experimentally developed control kit via a slave microcontroller, providing real-time data of actual current measurements and waveforms together with topological changes and self-adaptation of pre-optimized relay settings. Experimental results showed successful adjustment of pre-optimized relay settings in response to topological changes while achieving coordination time intervals within acceptable limits under the tested network topologies

    Адаптивний механізм управління захищеністю для підтримки безпечної обробки даних у розподілених комп’ютерних системах

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    Дипломна робота: 86 с. 15 рис., 6 табл., 2 додатки, 20 джерел. Об’єктом дослідження є адаптивні механізми захисту розподілених комп’ютерних систем. Предметом дослідження є проблема управління захищеністю даних. Мета роботи розробити адаптивний механізм, який забезпечує безпечну обробку даних у розподілених комп’ютерних системах шляхом адаптації захисних заходів. Головним аспектом є розробка та реалізація адаптивного механізму управління захищеністю для підтримки безпечної обробки даних у РКС. Проведення порівняльного аналізу засобів захисту, включаючи моделі та засоби, та дослідження адаптивного підходу до реалізації механізмів захисту. Подальшими дослідженнями можна вдосконалювати методи оцінки параметрів та захищеності даних з урахуванням всіх ризиків, аналізувати та запобігати проникнень в систему.Diploma thesis: 86 p. 15 figures, 6 tables, 2 appendices, 20 references. Research object of the research is the set of adaptive mechanisms of protection of distributed computer systems. Research subject of the study is the problem of data security management. Research purpose is to develop an adaptive mechanism that ensures secure data processing in distributed computer systems by adapting protective measures. The main feature is the development and implementation of an adaptive protection management mechanism for secure data processing in DCS. Conducting a comparative analysis of tools, including models and tools, and researching an adaptive approach to the implementation of protection mechanisms. Further research can improve methods for evaluating parameters and data security, taking into account all risks, analyzing and preventing intrusions into the system

    Demonstration of adaptive overcurrent protection using IEC 61850 communications

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    This paper contains a description of an adaptive protection scheme that has been implemented and demonstrated in a hardware in the loop simulation environment using commercially available protection hardware and IEC 61850 communications.The implementation is based on an actual 11kV system which includes distributed generation and network automation. IEC 61850 communications offers several benefits for the implementation of adaptive protection, but also presents some limitations which are discussed in the paper. An alternative approach to overcome a number of the limitations is also presented

    A dynamic modelling environment for the evaluation of wide area protection systems

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    This paper introduces the concept of dynamic modelling for wide area and adaptive power system protection. Although not limited to these types of protection schemes, these were chosen due to their potential role in solving a multitude of protection challenges facing future power systems. The dynamic modelling will be implemented using a bespoke simulation environment. This tool allows for a fully integrated testing methodology which enables the validation of protection solutions prior to their operational deployment. Furthermore the paper suggests a distributed protection architecture, which when applied to existing and future protection schemes, has the potential to enhance their functionality and avoid mal-operation given that safety and reliability of power systems are paramount. This architecture also provides a means to better understand the underlying dynamics of the aforementioned protection schemes and will be rigorously validated using the modelling environment

    An Adaptive Overcurrent Coordination Scheme to Improve Relay Sensitivity and Overcome Drawbacks due to Distributed Generation in Smart Grids

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    Distributed Generation (DG) brought new challenges for protection engineers since standard relay settings of traditional system may no longer function properly under increasing presence of DG. The extreme case is coordination loss between primary and backup relays. The directional overcurrent relay (DOCR) which is the most implemented protective device in the electrical network also suffers performance degradation in presence of DG. Therefore, this paper proposes the mitigation of DG impact on DOCR coordination employing adaptive protection scheme (APS) using differential evolution algorithm (DE) while improving overall sensitivity of relays . The impacts of DG prior and after the application of APS are presented based on interconnected 6 bus and IEEE 14 bus system. As a consequence, general sensitivity improvement and mitigation scheme is proposed

    Assessing the reliability of adaptive power system protection schemes

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    Adaptive power system protection can be used to improve the performance of existing protection schemes under certain network conditions. However, their deployment in the field is impeded by their perceived inferior reliability compared to existing protection arrangements. Moreover, their validation can be problematic due to the perceived high likelihood of the occurrence of failure modes or incorrect setting selection with variable network conditions. Reliability (including risk assessment) is one of the decisive measures that can be used in the process of verifying adaptive protection scheme performance. This paper proposes a generic methodology for assessing the reliability of adaptive protection. The method involves the identification of initiating events and scenarios that lead to protection failures and quantification of the probability of the occurrence of each failure. A numerical example of the methodology for an adaptive distance protection scheme is provided

    Overlay networks for smart grids

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