10,942 research outputs found

    Adaptive control of space based robot manipulators

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    For space based robots in which the base is free to move, motion planning and control is complicated by uncertainties in the inertial properties of the manipulator and its load. A new adaptive control method is presented for space based robots which achieves globally stable trajectory tracking in the presence of uncertainties in the inertial parameters of the system. A partition is made of the fifteen degree of freedom system dynamics into two parts: a nine degree of freedom invertible portion and a six degree of freedom noninvertible portion. The controller is then designed to achieve trajectory tracking of the invertible portion of the system. This portion consist of the manipulator joint positions and the orientation of the base. The motion of the noninvertible portion is bounded, but unpredictable. This portion consist of the position of the robot's base and the position of the reaction wheel

    Method and apparatus for configuration control of redundant robots

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    A method and apparatus to control a robot or manipulator configuration over the entire motion based on augmentation of the manipulator forward kinematics is disclosed. A set of kinematic functions is defined in Cartesian or joint space to reflect the desirable configuration that will be achieved in addition to the specified end-effector motion. The user-defined kinematic functions and the end-effector Cartesian coordinates are combined to form a set of task-related configuration variables as generalized coordinates for the manipulator. A task-based adaptive scheme is then utilized to directly control the configuration variables so as to achieve tracking of some desired reference trajectories throughout the robot motion. This accomplishes the basic task of desired end-effector motion, while utilizing the redundancy to achieve any additional task through the desired time variation of the kinematic functions. The present invention can also be used for optimization of any kinematic objective function, or for satisfaction of a set of kinematic inequality constraints, as in an obstacle avoidance problem. In contrast to pseudoinverse-based methods, the configuration control scheme ensures cyclic motion of the manipulator, which is an essential requirement for repetitive operations. The control law is simple and computationally very fast, and does not require either the complex manipulator dynamic model or the complicated inverse kinematic transformation. The configuration control scheme can alternatively be implemented in joint space

    Modelling And Experimental Vibration Control Of A Two-link Three-dimensional Manipulator With Flexible Links

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    Current industrial and space manipulators are required to achieve higher speeds in a lighter structure without sacrificing payload capabilities. Consequently, undesirable vibration occurs during the motion. By suitable modelling of the manipulator flexibility, advanced control strategies can be formulated to improve the joint tracking performance and reduce the residual vibration of the end-point in the presence of payload uncertainties.;Toward this goal, an experimental two-link, 3D, anthropomorphic manipulator with flexible links was designed and built to be used as a test bed for the verification and refinement of the proposed modelling and control strategies.;The nonlinear equations of motion for the robot were derived using Lagrangian dynamics. The model was verified using experimental modal analysis techniques. Based on experimental results, a simplified nonlinear model, that contains the relevant modes of the system, was derived and subsequently used in controller designs and state estimation.;A conventional Proportional-plus-Derivative (PD) controller that implements joint angles feedback was designed to be used as a baseline controller due to its wide applicability on industrial manipulators.;By measuring the links tip vibration using accelerometers, several adaptive controllers and state observers were designed and implemented successfully on the manipulator, namely, a gain-scheduling linear quadratic regulator, a model reference adaptive controller, an adaptive inverse dynamics controller, a least-squares nonlinear state estimator and a robust sliding observer. The controllers performance and robustness were tested and experimentally verified against the change of the payload.;The control strategies and identification techniques, developed in this thesis, are applicable to a wide range of robot manipulators including industrial manipulators