338,261 research outputs found

    Next challenges for adaptive learning systems

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    Learning from evolving streaming data has become a 'hot' research topic in the last decade and many adaptive learning algorithms have been developed. This research was stimulated by rapidly growing amounts of industrial, transactional, sensor and other business data that arrives in real time and needs to be mined in real time. Under such circumstances, constant manual adjustment of models is in-efficient and with increasing amounts of data is becoming infeasible. Nevertheless, adaptive learning models are still rarely employed in business applications in practice. In the light of rapidly growing structurally rich 'big data', new generation of parallel computing solutions and cloud computing services as well as recent advances in portable computing devices, this article aims to identify the current key research directions to be taken to bring the adaptive learning closer to application needs. We identify six forthcoming challenges in designing and building adaptive learning (pre-diction) systems: making adaptive systems scalable, dealing with realistic data, improving usability and trust, integrat-ing expert knowledge, taking into account various application needs, and moving from adaptive algorithms towards adaptive tools. Those challenges are critical for the evolving stream settings, as the process of model building needs to be fully automated and continuous.</jats:p

    Real-valued feature selection for process approximation and prediction

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    The selection of features for classification, clustering and approximation is an important task in pattern recognition, data mining and soft computing. For real-valued features, this contribution shows how feature selection for a high number of features can be implemented using mutual in-formation. Especially, the common problem for mutual information computation of computing joint probabilities for many dimensions using only a few samples is treated by using the Rènyi mutual information of order two as computational base. For this, the Grassberger-Takens corre-lation integral is used which was developed for estimating probability densities in chaos theory. Additionally, an adaptive procedure for computing the hypercube size is introduced and for real world applications, the treatment of missing values is included. The computation procedure is accelerated by exploiting the ranking of the set of real feature values especially for the example of time series. As example, a small blackbox-glassbox example shows how the relevant features and their time lags are determined in the time series even if the input feature time series determine nonlinearly the output. A more realistic example from chemical industry shows that this enables a better ap-proximation of the input-output mapping than the best neural network approach developed for an international contest. By the computationally efficient implementation, mutual information becomes an attractive tool for feature selection even for a high number of real-valued features

    Real-time fuzzy inference based robot path planning

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    This project addresses the problem of adaptive trajectory generation for a robot arm. Conventional trajectory generation involves computing a path in real time to minimize a performance measure such as expended energy. This method can be computationally intensive, and it may yield poor results if the trajectory is weakly constrained. Typically some implicit constraints are known, but cannot be encoded analytically. The alternative approach used here is to formulate domain-specific knowledge, including implicit and ill-defined constraints, in terms of fuzzy rules. These rules utilize linguistic terms to relate input variables to output variables. Since the fuzzy rulebase is determined off-line, only high-level, computationally light processing is required in real time. Potential applications for adaptive trajectory generation include missile guidance and various sophisticated robot control tasks, such as automotive assembly, high speed electrical parts insertion, stepper alignment, and motion control for high speed parcel transfer systems

    Adaptive Dispatching of Tasks in the Cloud

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    The increasingly wide application of Cloud Computing enables the consolidation of tens of thousands of applications in shared infrastructures. Thus, meeting the quality of service requirements of so many diverse applications in such shared resource environments has become a real challenge, especially since the characteristics and workload of applications differ widely and may change over time. This paper presents an experimental system that can exploit a variety of online quality of service aware adaptive task allocation schemes, and three such schemes are designed and compared. These are a measurement driven algorithm that uses reinforcement learning, secondly a "sensible" allocation algorithm that assigns jobs to sub-systems that are observed to provide a lower response time, and then an algorithm that splits the job arrival stream into sub-streams at rates computed from the hosts' processing capabilities. All of these schemes are compared via measurements among themselves and with a simple round-robin scheduler, on two experimental test-beds with homogeneous and heterogeneous hosts having different processing capacities.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Integrated human-machine interface for closed-loop stimulation using implanted and wearable devices

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    Recent development in implantable devices for electrical brain stimulation includes sensing and embedded computing capabilities that enable adaptive stimulation strategies. Applications include stimulation triggered by pathologic brain activity and endogenous rhythms, such as circadian rhythms. We developed and tested a system that integrates an electrical brain stimulation & sensing implantable device with embedded computing and uses a distributed system with commercial electronics, smartphone and smartwatch for patient annotations, extensive behavioral testing, and adaptive stimulation in subjects in their natural environments. The system enables precise time synchronization of the external components with the brain stimulating device and is coupled with automated analysis of continuous streaming electrophysiology synchronized with patient reports. The system leverages a real-time bi-directional interface between devices and patients with epilepsy living in their natural environment

    The importance of space and time in neuromorphic cognitive agents

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    Artificial neural networks and computational neuroscience models have made tremendous progress, allowing computers to achieve impressive results in artificial intelligence (AI) applications, such as image recognition, natural language processing, or autonomous driving. Despite this remarkable progress, biological neural systems consume orders of magnitude less energy than today's artificial neural networks and are much more agile and adaptive. This efficiency and adaptivity gap is partially explained by the computing substrate of biological neural processing systems that is fundamentally different from the way today's computers are built. Biological systems use in-memory computing elements operating in a massively parallel way rather than time-multiplexed computing units that are reused in a sequential fashion. Moreover, activity of biological neurons follows continuous-time dynamics in real, physical time, instead of operating on discrete temporal cycles abstracted away from real-time. Here, we present neuromorphic processing devices that emulate the biological style of processing by using parallel instances of mixed-signal analog/digital circuits that operate in real time. We argue that this approach brings significant advantages in efficiency of computation. We show examples of embodied neuromorphic agents that use such devices to interact with the environment and exhibit autonomous learning

    GreedyDual-Join: Locality-Aware Buffer Management for Approximate Join Processing Over Data Streams

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    We investigate adaptive buffer management techniques for approximate evaluation of sliding window joins over multiple data streams. In many applications, data stream processing systems have limited memory or have to deal with very high speed data streams. In both cases, computing the exact results of joins between these streams may not be feasible, mainly because the buffers used to compute the joins contain much smaller number of tuples than the tuples contained in the sliding windows. Therefore, a stream buffer management policy is needed in that case. We show that the buffer replacement policy is an important determinant of the quality of the produced results. To that end, we propose GreedyDual-Join (GDJ) an adaptive and locality-aware buffering technique for managing these buffers. GDJ exploits the temporal correlations (at both long and short time scales), which we found to be prevalent in many real data streams. We note that our algorithm is readily applicable to multiple data streams and multiple joins and requires almost no additional system resources. We report results of an experimental study using both synthetic and real-world data sets. Our results demonstrate the superiority and flexibility of our approach when contrasted to other recently proposed techniques

    Dynamic Adaptable Asynchronous Progress Model for MPI RMA Multiphase Applications

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    Casper is a process-based asynchronous progress model for MPI one-sided communication on multi- and many-core architectures. The one-sided communication is not truly one-sided in most MPI implementations: the target process still relies on software progress to complete incoming operations. Casper allows the user to specify an arbitrary number of cores dedicated to background ghost processes and transparently redirects the RMA operations to ghost processes by utilizing the PMPI redirection and MPI-3 shared-memory technologies. Although Casper benefits applications that suffer from lack of asynchronous progress, the operation redirection design might not support complex multiphase applications effectively, which often involve dynamically changing communication density and computing workloads. In this paper, we present an adaptive mechanism in Casper to address the limitation of static asynchronous progress in multiphase applications. We exploit two adaptive strategies, a user-guided strategy and a fully transparent and automatic strategy based on self-profiling and prediction, to dynamically reconfigure the asynchronous progress in Casper according to real-time performance characteristics during multiphase execution. We evaluate the adaptive approaches in both microbenchmarks and a real quantum chemistry application suite, NWChem, on the Cray XC30 supercomputer and an Intel Omni-Path cluster.This material was based upon work supported by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Science, Advanced Scientific Computing Research (SC-21), under contract DE-AC02- 06CH11357. The experimental resources for this paper were provided by the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) on the Edison Cray XC30 supercomputer and by the Laboratory Computing Resource Center on the Bebop cluster at Argonne National Laboratory. Antonio J. Peña is co-financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva fellowship number IJCI-2015-23266.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft