11 research outputs found

    Multi-Output Gaussian Processes for Crowdsourced Traffic Data Imputation

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    Traffic speed data imputation is a fundamental challenge for data-driven transport analysis. In recent years, with the ubiquity of GPS-enabled devices and the widespread use of crowdsourcing alternatives for the collection of traffic data, transportation professionals increasingly look to such user-generated data for many analysis, planning, and decision support applications. However, due to the mechanics of the data collection process, crowdsourced traffic data such as probe-vehicle data is highly prone to missing observations, making accurate imputation crucial for the success of any application that makes use of that type of data. In this article, we propose the use of multi-output Gaussian processes (GPs) to model the complex spatial and temporal patterns in crowdsourced traffic data. While the Bayesian nonparametric formalism of GPs allows us to model observation uncertainty, the multi-output extension based on convolution processes effectively enables us to capture complex spatial dependencies between nearby road segments. Using 6 months of crowdsourced traffic speed data or "probe vehicle data" for several locations in Copenhagen, the proposed approach is empirically shown to significantly outperform popular state-of-the-art imputation methods.Comment: 10 pages, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 201

    Heteroscedastic Gaussian processes for uncertainty modeling in large-scale crowdsourced traffic data

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    Accurately modeling traffic speeds is a fundamental part of efficient intelligent transportation systems. Nowadays, with the widespread deployment of GPS-enabled devices, it has become possible to crowdsource the collection of speed information to road users (e.g. through mobile applications or dedicated in-vehicle devices). Despite its rather wide spatial coverage, crowdsourced speed data also brings very important challenges, such as the highly variable measurement noise in the data due to a variety of driving behaviors and sample sizes. When not properly accounted for, this noise can severely compromise any application that relies on accurate traffic data. In this article, we propose the use of heteroscedastic Gaussian processes (HGP) to model the time-varying uncertainty in large-scale crowdsourced traffic data. Furthermore, we develop a HGP conditioned on sample size and traffic regime (SRC-HGP), which makes use of sample size information (probe vehicles per minute) as well as previous observed speeds, in order to more accurately model the uncertainty in observed speeds. Using 6 months of crowdsourced traffic data from Copenhagen, we empirically show that the proposed heteroscedastic models produce significantly better predictive distributions when compared to current state-of-the-art methods for both speed imputation and short-term forecasting tasks.Comment: 22 pages, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies (Elsevier

    Predicting vehicular travel times by modeling heterogeneous influences between arterial roads

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    Predicting travel times of vehicles in urban settings is a useful and tangible quantity of interest in the context of intelligent transportation systems. We address the problem of travel time prediction in arterial roads using data sampled from probe vehicles. There is only a limited literature on methods using data input from probe vehicles. The spatio-temporal dependencies captured by existing data driven approaches are either too detailed or very simplistic. We strike a balance of the existing data driven approaches to account for varying degrees of influence a given road may experience from its neighbors, while controlling the number of parameters to be learnt. Specifically, we use a NoisyOR conditional probability distribution (CPD) in conjunction with a dynamic bayesian network (DBN) to model state transitions of various roads. We propose an efficient algorithm to learn model parameters. We propose an algorithm for predicting travel times on trips of arbitrary durations. Using synthetic and real world data traces we demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed method under different traffic conditions.Comment: 13 pages, conferenc

    Estimating Latent Demand of Shared Mobility through Censored Gaussian Processes

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    Transport demand is highly dependent on supply, especially for shared transport services where availability is often limited. As observed demand cannot be higher than available supply, historical transport data typically represents a biased, or censored, version of the true underlying demand pattern. Without explicitly accounting for this inherent distinction, predictive models of demand would necessarily represent a biased version of true demand, thus less effectively predicting the needs of service users. To counter this problem, we propose a general method for censorship-aware demand modeling, for which we devise a censored likelihood function. We apply this method to the task of shared mobility demand prediction by incorporating the censored likelihood within a Gaussian Process model, which can flexibly approximate arbitrary functional forms. Experiments on artificial and real-world datasets show how taking into account the limiting effect of supply on demand is essential in the process of obtaining an unbiased predictive model of user demand behavior.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Learning and Controlling Network Diffusion in Dependent Cascade Models

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    Abstract—Diffusion processes have increasingly been used to represent flow of ideas, traffic and diseases in networks. Learning and controlling the diffusion dynamics through management actions has been studied extensively in the context of independent cascade models, where diffusion on outgoing edges from a node are independent of each other. Our work, in contrast, addresses (a) learning diffusion dynamics parameters and (b) taking management actions to alter the diffusion dynamics to achieve a desired outcome in dependent cascade models. A key characteristic of such dependent cascade models is the flow preservation at all nodes in the network. For example, traffic and people flow is preserved at each network node. As a case study, we address learning visitor mobility pattern at a theme park based on observed historical wait times at individual attractions, and use the learned model to plan management actions that reduce wait time at attractions. We test on real-world data from a theme park in Singapore and show that our learning approach can achieve an accuracy close to 80 % for popular attractions, and the decision support algorithm can provide about 10-20 % reduction in wait time. I

    Detection of traffic congestion and incidents from GPS trace analysis

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    This paper presents an expert system for detecting traffic congestion and incidents from real-time GPS data collected from GPS trackers or drivers’ smartphones. First, GPS traces are pre-processed and placed in the road map. Then, the system assigns to each road segment of the map a traffic state based on the speeds of the vehicles. Finally, it sends to the users traffic alerts based on a spatiotemporal analysis of the classified segments. Each traffic alert contains the affected area, a traffic state (e.g., incident, slowed traffic, blocked traffic), and the estimated velocity of vehicles in the area. The proposed system is intended to be a valuable support tool in traffic management for municipalities and citizens. The information produced by the system can be successfully employed to adopt actions for improving the city mobility, e.g., regulate vehicular traffic, or can be exploited by the users, who may spontaneously decide to modify their path in order to avoid the traffic jam. The elaboration performed by the expert system is independent of the context (urban o non-urban) and may be directly employed in several city road networks with almost no change of the system parameters, and without the need for a learning process or historical data. The experimental analysis was performed using a combination of simulated GPS data and real GPS data from the city of Pisa. The results on incidents show a detection rate of 91.6%, and an average detection time lower than 7 min. Regarding congestion, we show how the system is able to recognize different levels of congestion depending on different road use