4 research outputs found

    Adaptive SPWV distribution with adjustable volume 2-D separable kernel

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    New approaches for EEG signal processing: artifact EOG removal by ICA-RLS scheme and tracks extraction method

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    Localizing the bioelectric phenomena originating from the cerebral cortex and evoked by auditory and somatosensory stimuli are clear objectives to both understand how the brain works and to recognize different pathologies. Diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia and epilepsy are intensively studied to find a cure or accurate diagnosis. Epilepsy is considered the disease with major prevalence within disorders with neurological origin. The recurrent and sudden incidence of seizures can lead to dangerous and possibly life-threatening situations. Since disturbance of consciousness and sudden loss of motor control often occur without any warning, the ability to predict epileptic seizures would reduce patients’ anxiety, thus considerably improving quality of life and safety. The common procedure for epilepsy seizure detection is based on brain activity monitorization via electroencephalogram (EEG) data. This process consumes a lot of time, especially in the case of long recordings, but the major problem is the subjective nature of the analysis among specialists when analyzing the same record. From this perspective, the identification of hidden dynamical patterns is necessary because they could provide insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms that occur in the brain. Time-frequency distributions (TFDs) and adaptive methods have demonstrated to be good alternatives in designing systems for detecting neurodegenerative diseases. TFDs are appropriate transformations because they offer the possibility of analyzing relatively long continuous segments of EEG data even when the dynamics of the signal are rapidly changing. On the other hand, most of the detection methods proposed in the literature assume a clean EEG signal free of artifacts or noise, leaving the preprocessing problem opened to any denoising algorithm. In this thesis we have developed two proposals for EEG signal processing: the first approach consists in electrooculogram (EOG) removal method based on a combination of ICA and RLS algorithms which automatically cancels the artifacts produced by eyes movement without the use of external “ad hoc” electrode. This method, called ICA-RLS has been compared with other techniques that are in the state of the art and has shown to be a good alternative for artifacts rejection. The second approach is a novel method in EEG features extraction called tracks extraction (LFE features). This method is based on the TFDs and partial tracking. Our results in pattern extractions related to epileptic seizures have shown that tracks extraction is appropriate in EEG detection and classification tasks, being practical, easily applicable in medical environment and has acceptable computational cost

    A time frequency approach to blind deconvolution in multipath underwater channels

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    Blind deconvolution is studied in the underwater acoustic channel context, by time-frequency (TF) processing. The acoustic propagation environment is modelled by ray tracing and mathematically described by a multipath propagation channel. Representation of the received signal by means of a signal-dependent TF distribution (radially Gaussian kernel distribution) allowed to visualize the resolved replicas of the emitted signal, while signi cantly attenuating the inherent interferences of classic quadratic TF distributions. The source signal instantaneous frequency estimation was the starting point for both source and channel estimation. Source signature estimation was performed by either TF inversion, based on the Wigner-Ville distribution of the received signal, or a subspace- -based method. The channel estimate was obtained either via a TF formulation of the conventional matched- lter, or via matched- - ltering with the previously obtained source estimate. A shallow water realistic scenario is considered, comprising a 135-m depth water column and an acoustic source located at 90-m depth and 5.6-km range from the receiver. For the corresponding noiseless simulated data, the quality of the best estimates was 0.856 for the source signal, and 0.9664 and 0.9996 for the amplitudes and time-delays of the impulse response, respectively. Application of the proposed deconvolution method to real data of the INTIMATE '96 sea trial conduced to source and channel estimates with the quality of 0.530 and 0.843, respectively. TF processing has proved to remove the typical ill-conditioning of single sensor deterministic deconvolution techniques

    Adaptive SPWV distribution with adjustable volume 2-D separable kernel

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