301 research outputs found

    Dagstuhl Reports : Volume 1, Issue 2, February 2011

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    Online Privacy: Towards Informational Self-Determination on the Internet (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 11061) : Simone Fischer-HĂŒbner, Chris Hoofnagle, Kai Rannenberg, Michael Waidner, Ioannis Krontiris and Michael Marhöfer Self-Repairing Programs (Dagstuhl Seminar 11062) : Mauro PezzĂ©, Martin C. Rinard, Westley Weimer and Andreas Zeller Theory and Applications of Graph Searching Problems (Dagstuhl Seminar 11071) : Fedor V. Fomin, Pierre Fraigniaud, Stephan Kreutzer and Dimitrios M. Thilikos Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Sequence Processing (Dagstuhl Seminar 11081) : Maxime Crochemore, Lila Kari, Mehryar Mohri and Dirk Nowotka Packing and Scheduling Algorithms for Information and Communication Services (Dagstuhl Seminar 11091) Klaus Jansen, Claire Mathieu, Hadas Shachnai and Neal E. Youn

    Performance regression testing of concurrent classes

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    Developers of thread-safe classes struggle with two oppos-ing goals. The class must be correct, which requires syn-chronizing concurrent accesses, and the class should pro-vide reasonable performance, which is difficult to realize in the presence of unnecessary synchronization. Validating the performance of a thread-safe class is challenging because it requires diverse workloads that use the class, because ex-isting performance analysis techniques focus on individual bottleneck methods, and because reliably measuring the per-formance of concurrent executions is difficult. This paper presents SpeedGun, an automatic performance regression testing technique for thread-safe classes. The key idea is to generate multi-threaded performance tests and to com-pare two versions of a class with each other. The analysis notifies developers when changing a thread-safe class signif-icantly influences the performance of clients of this class. An evaluation with 113 pairs of classes from popular Java projects shows that the analysis effectively identifies 13 per-formance differences, including performance regressions that the respective developers were not aware of

    Dynamic analysis for concurrent modern C/C++ applications

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    Concurrent programs are executed by multiple threads that run simultaneously. While this allows programs to run more efficiently by utilising multiple processors, it brings with it numerous complications. For example, a program may behave unpredictably or erroneously when multiple threads modify the same memory location in an uncoordinated manner. Issues such as this are difficult to avoid, and when introduced, can break the program in unpredictable ways. Programmers will therefore often turn towards automated tools to aide in the detection of concurrency bugs. The work presented in this thesis aims to provide methods to aid in the creation of tools for the purpose of finding and explaining concurrency bugs. In particular, the following studies have been conducted: Dynamic Race Detection for C/C++11 With the introduction of a weak memory model in C++, many tools that provide dynamic race detection have become outdated, and are unable to adequately identify data races. This work updates an existing data race detection algorithm such that it can identify data races according to this new definition. A method for allowing programs to explore many of the weak behaviours that this new memory model permits is also provided. Record and Replay Much work has gone into record and replay, however, most of this work is focussed on whole system replay, whereby a tool will aim to record as much of the program execution as possible. Contrasting this, the work presented here aims to record as little as possible. This sparse approach has many interesting implications: some programs that were previously out of reach for record and reply become tractable, and vice versa. To back this up, controlled scheduling is introduced that is capable of applying different scheduling strategies, which combined with the record and replay is beneficial for helping to root out bugs. Tool Support Both of the above techniques have been implemented in a tool, tsan11rec, that builds on the tsan dynamic race detection tool. A large experimental evaluation is presented investigating the effectiveness of the enhanced data race detection algorithm when applied to the Firefox and Chromium web browsers, and of the novel approach to record and replay when applied to a diverse set of concurrent applications.Open Acces

    Analyzing Concurrency Bugs Using Dual Slicing

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    Recently, there has been much interest in developing analyzes to detect concurrency bugs that arise because of data races, atomicity violations, execution omission, etc. However, determining whether reported bugs are in fact real, and understanding how these bugs lead to incorrect behavior, remains a labor-intensive process. This paper proposes a novel dynamic analysis that automatically produces the causal path of a concurrent failure leading from the root cause to the failure. Given two schedules, one inducing the failure and the other not, our technique collects traces of the two executions, and compares them to identify salient differences. The causal relation between the differences is disclosed by leveraging a novel slicing algorithm called dual slicing that slices both executions alternatively and iteratively, producing a slice containing trace differences from both runs. Our experiments show that dual slices tend to be very small, often an order of magnitude or more smaller than the corresponding dynamic slices; more importantly, they enable precise analysis of real concurrency bugs for large programs, with reasonable overhead

    Techniques for Detection, Root Cause Diagnosis, and Classification of In-Production Concurrency Bugs

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    Concurrency bugs are at the heart of some of the worst bugs that plague software. Concurrency bugs slow down software development because it can take weeks or even months before developers can identify and fix them. In-production detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs is challenging. This is because these activities require heavyweight analyses such as exploring program paths and determining failing program inputs and schedules, all of which are not suited for software running in production. This dissertation develops practical techniques for the detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs for inproduction software. Furthermore, we develop ways for developers to better reason about concurrent programs. This dissertation builds upon the following principles: — The approach in this dissertation spans multiple layers of the system stack, because concurrency spans many layers of the system stack. — It performs most of the heavyweight analyses in-house and resorts to minimal in-production analysis in order to move the heavy lifting to where it is least disruptive. — It eschews custom hardware solutions that may be infeasible to implement in the real world. Relying on the aforementioned principles, this dissertation introduces: 1. Techniques to automatically detect concurrency bugs (data races and atomicity violations) in-production by combining in-house static analysis and in-production dynamic analysis. 2. A technique to automatically identify the root causes of in-production failures, with a particular emphasis on failures caused by concurrency bugs. 3. A technique that given a data race, automatically classifies it based on its potential consequence, allowing developers to answer questions such as “can the data race cause a crash or a hang?”, or “does the data race have any observable effect?”. We build a toolchain that implements all the aforementioned techniques. We show that the tools we develop in this dissertation are effective, incur low runtime performance overhead, and have high accuracy and precision

    Effective testing for concurrency bugs

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    In the current multi-core era, concurrency bugs are a serious threat to software reliability. As hardware becomes more parallel, concurrent programming will become increasingly pervasive. However, correct concurrent programming is known to be extremely challenging for developers and can easily lead to the introduction of concurrency bugs. This dissertation addresses this challenge by proposing novel techniques to help developers expose and detect concurrency bugs. We conducted a bug study to better understand the external and internal effects of real-world concurrency bugs. Our study revealed that a significant fraction of concurrency bugs qualify as semantic or latent bugs, which are two particularly challenging classes of concurrency bugs. Based on the insights from the study, we propose a concurrency bug detector, PIKE that analyzes the behavior of program executions to infer whether concurrency bugs have been triggered during a concurrent execution. In addition, we present the design of a testing tool, SKI, that allows developers to test operating system kernels for concurrency bugs in a practical manner. SKI bridges the gap between user-mode testing and kernel-mode testing by enabling the systematic exploration of the kernel thread interleaving space. Our evaluation shows that both PIKE and SKI are effective at finding concurrency bugs.Im gegenwĂ€rtigen Multicore-Zeitalter sind Fehler aufgrund von NebenlĂ€ufigkeit eine ernsthafte Bedrohung der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit von Software. Mit der wachsenden Parallelisierung von Hardware wird nebenlĂ€ufiges Programmieren nach und nach allgegenwĂ€rtig. Diese Art von Programmieren ist jedoch als Ă€ußerst schwierig bekannt und kann leicht zu Programmierfehlern fĂŒhren. Die vorliegende Dissertation nimmt sich dieser Herausforderung an indem sie neuartige Techniken vorschlĂ€gt, die Entwicklern beim Aufdecken von NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehlern helfen. Wir fĂŒhren eine Studie von Fehlern durch, um die externen und internen Effekte von in der Praxis vorkommenden NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehlern besser zu verstehen. Diese ergibt, dass ein bedeutender Anteil von solchen Fehlern als semantisch bzw. latent zu charakterisieren ist -- zwei besonders herausfordernde Klassen von NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehlern. Basierend auf den Erkenntnissen der Studie entwickeln wir einen Detektor (PIKE), der ProgrammausfĂŒhrungen daraufhin analysiert, ob NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehler aufgetreten sind. Weiterhin prĂ€sentieren wir das Design eines Testtools (SKI), das es Entwicklern ermöglicht, Betriebssystemkerne praktikabel auf NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehler zu ĂŒberprĂŒfen. SKI fĂŒllt die LĂŒcke zwischen Testen im Benutzermodus und Testen im Kernelmodus, indem es die systematische Erkundung der Kernel-Thread-Verschachtelungen erlaubt. Unsere Auswertung zeigt, dass sowohl PIKE als auch SKI effektiv NebenlĂ€ufigkeitsfehler finden
