4,248 research outputs found

    Combining Expression and Content in Domains for Dialog Managers

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    We present work in progress on abstracting dialog managers from their domain in order to implement a dialog manager development tool which takes (among other data) a domain description as input and delivers a new dialog manager for the described domain as output. Thereby we will focus on two topics; firstly, the construction of domain descriptions with description logics and secondly, the interpretation of utterances in a given domain.Comment: 5 pages, uses conference.st

    Impliance: A Next Generation Information Management Appliance

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    ably successful in building a large market and adapting to the changes of the last three decades, its impact on the broader market of information management is surprisingly limited. If we were to design an information management system from scratch, based upon today's requirements and hardware capabilities, would it look anything like today's database systems?" In this paper, we introduce Impliance, a next-generation information management system consisting of hardware and software components integrated to form an easy-to-administer appliance that can store, retrieve, and analyze all types of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured information. We first summarize the trends that will shape information management for the foreseeable future. Those trends imply three major requirements for Impliance: (1) to be able to store, manage, and uniformly query all data, not just structured records; (2) to be able to scale out as the volume of this data grows; and (3) to be simple and robust in operation. We then describe four key ideas that are uniquely combined in Impliance to address these requirements, namely the ideas of: (a) integrating software and off-the-shelf hardware into a generic information appliance; (b) automatically discovering, organizing, and managing all data - unstructured as well as structured - in a uniform way; (c) achieving scale-out by exploiting simple, massive parallel processing, and (d) virtualizing compute and storage resources to unify, simplify, and streamline the management of Impliance. Impliance is an ambitious, long-term effort to define simpler, more robust, and more scalable information systems for tomorrow's enterprises.Comment: This article is published under a Creative Commons License Agreement (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/.) You may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, make derivative works and make commercial use of the work, but, you must attribute the work to the author and CIDR 2007. 3rd Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) January 710, 2007, Asilomar, California, US

    Extending the Carrel system to mediate in the organ and tissue allocation processes: a first approach

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    In this paper we extend the formalization of Carrel, a virtual organization for the procurement of tissues for transplantation purposes, in order to model also the procurement of human organs for transplants. We will focus in the organ allocation process to show how it can be formalized with the ISLANDER formalism. Also we present a first mechanism to federate the institution in several geographically-distributed platforms.Postprint (published version

    A proposal of an architecture for the coordination level of intelligent machines

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    The issue of obtaining a practical, structured, and detailed description of an architecture for the Coordination Level of Center for Intelligent Robotic Systems for Sapce Exploration (CIRSSE) Testbed Intelligent Controller is addressed. Previous theoretical and implementation works were the departure point for the discussion. The document is organized as follows: after this introductory section, section 2 summarizes the overall view of the Intelligent Machine (IM) as a control system, proposing a performance measure on which to base its design. Section 3 addresses with some detail implementation issues. An hierarchic petri-net with feedback-based learning capabilities is proposed. Finally, section 4 is an attempt to address the feedback problem. Feedback is used for two functions: error recovery and reinforcement learning of the correct translations for the petri-net transitions

    Spontananfragen auf Datenströmen

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    Many modern applications require processing large amounts of data in a real-time fashion. As a result, distributed stream processing engines (SPEs) have gained significant attention as an important new class of big data processing systems. The central design principle of these SPEs is to handle queries that potentially run forever on data streams with a query-at-a-time model, i.e., each query is optimized and executed separately. However, in many real applications, not only long-running queries but also many short-running queries are processed on data streams. In these applications, multiple stream queries are created and deleted concurrently, in an ad-hoc manner. The best practice to handle ad-hoc stream queries is to fork input stream and add additional resources for each query. However, this approach leads to redundant computation and data copy. This thesis lays the foundation for efficient ad-hoc stream query processing. To bridge the gap between stream data processing and ad-hoc query processing, we follow a top-down approach. First, we propose a benchmarking framework to analyze state-of-the-art SPEs. We provide a definition of latency and throughput for stateful operators. Moreover, we carefully separate the system under test and the driver, to correctly represent the open-world model of typical stream processing deployments. This separation enables us to measure the system performance under realistic conditions. Our solution is the first benchmarking framework to define and test the sustainable performance of SPEs. Throughout our analysis, we realize that the state-of-the-art SPEs are unable to execute stream queries in an ad-hoc manner. Second, we propose the first ad-hoc stream query processing engine for distributed data processing environments. We develop our solution based on three main requirements: (1) Integration: Ad-hoc query processing should be a composable layer that can extend stream operators, such as join, aggregation, and window operators; (2) Consistency: Ad-hoc query creation and deletion must be performed consistently and ensure exactly-once semantics and correctness; (3) Performance: In contrast to modern SPEs, ad-hoc SPEs should not only maximize data throughput but also query throughout via incremental computation and resource sharing. Third, we propose an ad-hoc stream join processing framework that integrates dynamic query processing and query re-optimization techniques with ad-hoc stream query processing. Our solution comprises an optimization layer and a stream data processing layer. The optimization layer periodically re-optimizes the query execution plan, performing join reordering and vertical and horizontal scaling at runtime without stopping the execution. The data processing layer enables incremental and consistent query processing, supporting all the actions triggered by the optimizer. The result of the second and the third contributions forms a complete ad-hoc SPE. We utilize the first contribution not only for benchmarking modern SPEs but also for evaluating the ad-hoc SPE.Eine Vielzahl moderner Anwendungen setzten die Echtzeitverarbeitung großer Datenmengen voraus. Aus diesem Grund haben neuerdings verteilte Systeme zur Verarbeitung von Datenströmen (sog. Datenstrom-Verarbeitungssysteme, abgek. "DSV") eine wichtige Bedeutung als neue Kategorie von Massendaten-Verarbeitungssystemen erlangt. Das zentrale Entwurfsprinzip dieser DSVs ist es, Anfragen, die potenziell unendlich lange auf einem Datenstrom laufen, jeweils Eine nach der Anderen zu verarbeiten (Englisch: "query-at-a-time model"). Das bedeutet, dass jede Anfrage eigenständig vom System optimiert und ausgeführt wird. Allerdings stellen vielen reale Anwendungen nicht nur lang laufende Anfragen auf Datenströmen, sondern auch kurz laufende Spontananfragen. Solche Anwendungen können mehrere Anfragen spontan und zeitgleich erstellen und entfernen. Das bewährte Verfahren, um Spontananfragen zu bearbeiten, zweigt den eingehenden Datenstrom ab und belegt zusätzliche Ressourcen für jede neue Anfrage. Allerdings ist dieses Verfahren ineffizient, weil Spontananfragen damit redundante Berechnungen und Daten-Kopieroperationen verursachen. In dieser Arbeit legen wir das Fundament für die effiziente Verarbeitung von Spontananfragen auf Datenströmen. Wir schließen in den folgenden drei Schritten die Lücke zwischen verteilter Datenstromanfrage-Verarbeitung und Spontananfrage-Verarbeitung. Erstens stellen wir ein Benchmark-Framework zur Analyse von modernen DSVs vor. In diesem Framework stellen wir eine neue Definition für die Latenz und den Durchsatz von zustandsbehafteten Operatoren vor. Zudem unterscheiden wir genau zwischen dem zu testenden System und dem Treibersystem, um das offene-Welt Modell, welches den typischen Anwendungsszenarien in der Datenstromverabeitung entspricht, korrekt zu repräsentieren. Diese strikte Unterscheidung ermöglicht es, die Systemleistung unter realen Bedingungen zu messen. Unsere Lösung ist damit das erste Benchmark-Framework, welches die dauerhaft durchhaltbare Systemleistung von DSVs definiert und testet. Durch eine systematische Analyse aktueller DSVs stellen wir fest, dass aktuelle DSVs außerstande sind, Spontananfragen effizient zu verarbeiten. Zweitens stellen wir das erste verteilte DSV zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung vor. Wir entwickeln unser Lösungskonzept basierend auf drei Hauptanforderungen: (1) Integration: Spontananfrageverarbeitung soll ein modularer Baustein sein, mit dem Datenstrom-Operatoren wie z.B. Join, Aggregation, und Zeitfenster-Operatoren erweitert werden können; (2) Konsistenz: die Erstellung und Entfernung von Spontananfragen müssen konsistent ausgeführt werden, die Semantik für einmalige Nachrichtenzustellung erhalten, sowie die Korrektheit des Anfrage-Ergebnisses sicherstellen; (3) Leistung: Im Gegensatz zu modernen DSVs sollen DSVs zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung nicht nur den Datendurchsatz, sondern auch den Anfragedurchsatz maximieren. Dies ermöglichen wir durch inkrementelle Kompilation und der Ressourcenteilung zwischen Anfragen. Drittens stellen wir ein Programmiergerüst zur Verbeitung von Spontananfragen auf Datenströmen vor. Dieses integriert die dynamische Anfrageverarbeitung und die Nachoptimierung von Anfragen mit der Spontananfrageverarbeitung auf Datenströmen. Unser Lösungsansatz besteht aus einer Schicht zur Anfrageoptimierung und einer Schicht zur Anfrageverarbeitung. Die Optimierungsschicht optimiert periodisch den Anfrageverarbeitungsplan nach, wobei sie zur Laufzeit Joins neu anordnet und vertikal sowie horizontal skaliert, ohne die Verarbeitung anzuhalten. Die Verarbeitungsschicht ermöglicht eine inkrementelle und konsistente Anfrageverarbeitung und unterstützt alle zuvor beschriebenen Eingriffe der Optimierungsschicht in die Anfrageverarbeitung. Zusammengefasst ergeben unsere zweiten und dritten Lösungskonzepte eine vollständige DSV zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung. Wir verwenden hierzu unseren ersten Beitrag nicht nur zur Bewertung moderner DSVs, sondern auch zur Evaluation unseres DSVs zur Spontananfrageverarbeitung

    High level synthesis of RDF queries for graph analytics

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    In this paper we present a set of techniques that enable the synthesis of efficient custom accelerators for memory intensive, irregular applications. To address the challenges of irregular applications (large memory footprint, unpredictable fine-grained data accesses, and high synchronization intensity), and exploit their opportunities (thread level parallelism, memory level parallelism), we propose a novel accelerator design that employs an adaptive and Distributed Controller (DC) architecture, and a Memory Interface Controller (MIC) that supports concurrent and atomic memory operations on a multi-ported/multi-banked shared memory. Among the multitude of algorithms that may benefit from our solution, we focus on the acceleration of graph analytics applications and, in particular, on the synthesis of SPARQL queries on Resource Description Framework (RDF) databases. We achieve this objective by incorporating the synthesis techniques into Bambu, an Open Source high-level synthesis tools, and interfacing it with GEMS, the Graph database Engine for Multithreaded Systems. The GEMS' front-end generates optimized C implementations of the input queries, modeled as graph pattern matching algorithms, which are then automatically synthesized by Bambu. We validate our approach by synthesizing several SPARQL queries from the Lehigh University Benchmark (LUBM)