7 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Cache Inclusion Policies in Cache Management

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    Processor speed has been increasing at a higher rate than the speed of memories over the last years. Caches were designed to mitigate this gap and, ever since, several cache management techniques have been designed to further improve performance. Most techniques have been designed and evaluated on non-inclusive caches even though many modern processors implement either inclusive or exclusive policies. Exclusive caches benefit from a larger effective capacity, so they might become more popular when the number of cores per last-level cache increases. This thesis aims to demonstrate that the best cache management techniques for exclusive caches do not necessarily have to be the same as for non-inclusive or inclusive caches. To assess this statement we evaluated several cache management techniques with different inclusion policies, number of cores and cache sizes. We found that the configurations for inclusive and non-inclusive policies usually performed similarly, but for exclusive caches the best configurations were indeed different. Prefetchers impacted performance more than replacement policies, and determined which configurations were the best ones. Also, exclusive caches showed a higher speedup on multi-core. The least recently used (LRU) replacement policy is among the best policies for any prefetcher combination in exclusive caches but is the one used as a baseline in most cache replacement policy research. Therefore, we conclude that the results in this thesis motivate further research on prefetchers and replacement policies targeted to exclusive caches

    On I/O Performance and Cost Efficiency of Cloud Storage: A Client\u27s Perspective

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    Cloud storage has gained increasing popularity in the past few years. In cloud storage, data are stored in the service provider’s data centers; users access data via the network and pay the fees based on the service usage. For such a new storage model, our prior wisdom and optimization schemes on conventional storage may not remain valid nor applicable to the emerging cloud storage. In this dissertation, we focus on understanding and optimizing the I/O performance and cost efficiency of cloud storage from a client’s perspective. We first conduct a comprehensive study to gain insight into the I/O performance behaviors of cloud storage from the client side. Through extensive experiments, we have obtained several critical findings and useful implications for system optimization. We then design a client cache framework, called Pacaca, to further improve end-to-end performance of cloud storage. Pacaca seamlessly integrates parallelized prefetching and cost-aware caching by utilizing the parallelism potential and object correlations of cloud storage. In addition to improving system performance, we have also made efforts to reduce the monetary cost of using cloud storage services by proposing a latency- and cost-aware client caching scheme, called GDS-LC, which can achieve two optimization goals for using cloud storage services: low access latency and low monetary cost. Our experimental results show that our proposed client-side solutions significantly outperform traditional methods. Our study contributes to inspiring the community to reconsider system optimization methods in the cloud environment, especially for the purpose of integrating cloud storage into the current storage stack as a primary storage layer


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    In this thesis, we propose and evaluate several techniques to dynamically increase the memory access locality of scientific and Java server applications running on cache-coherent non-uniform memory access(cc-NUMA) servers. We first introduce a user-level online page migration scheme where applications are profiled using hardware monitors to determine the preferred locations of the memory pages. The pages are then migrated to memory units via system calls. In our approach, both profiling and page migrations are conducted online while the application runs. We also investigate the use of several potential sources of profiles gathered from hardware monitors in dynamic page migration and compare their effectiveness to using profiles from centralized hardware monitors. In particular, we evaluate using profiles from on-chip CPU monitors, valid TLB content and a hypothetical hardware feature. We also introduce a set of techniques to both measure and optimize the memory access locality in Java server applications running on cc-NUMA servers. In particular, we propose the use of several NUMA-aware Java heap layouts for initial object allocation and use of dynamic object migration during garbage collection to move objects local to the processors accessing them most. To evaluate these techniques, we also introduce a new hybrid simulation approach to simulate memory behavior of parallel applications based on gathering a partial trace of memory accesses from hardware monitors during an actual run of an application and extrapolating it to a representative full trace. Our dynamic page migration approach achieved reductions up to 90% in the number of non-local accesses, which resulted in up to a 16% performance improvement. Our results demonstrated that the combinations of inexpensive hardware monitors and a simple migration policy can be effectively used to improve the performance of real scientific applications. Our simulation study demonstrated that cache miss profiles gathered from on-chip hardware monitors, which are typically available in current micro-processors, can be effectively used to guide dynamic page migrations in an application. Our NUMA-aware heap layouts reduced the total number of non-local object accesses in SPECjbb2000 up to 41%, which resulted in up to a 40% reduction in the memory wait time of the workload

    Advanced Memory Data Structures for Scalable Event Trace Analysis

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    The thesis presents a contribution to the analysis and visualization of computational performance based on event traces with a particular focus on parallel programs and High Performance Computing (HPC). Event traces contain detailed information about specified incidents (events) during run-time of programs and allow minute investigation of dynamic program behavior, various performance metrics, and possible causes of performance flaws. Due to long running and highly parallel programs and very fine detail resolutions, event traces can accumulate huge amounts of data which become a challenge for interactive as well as automatic analysis and visualization tools. The thesis proposes a method of exploiting redundancy in the event traces in order to reduce the memory requirements and the computational complexity of event trace analysis. The sources of redundancy are repeated segments of the original program, either through iterative or recursive algorithms or through SPMD-style parallel programs, which produce equal or similar repeated event sequences. The data reduction technique is based on the novel Complete Call Graph (CCG) data structure which allows domain specific data compression for event traces in a combination of lossless and lossy methods. All deviations due to lossy data compression can be controlled by constant bounds. The compression of the CCG data structure is incorporated in the construction process, such that at no point substantial uncompressed parts have to be stored. Experiments with real-world example traces reveal the potential for very high data compression. The results range from factors of 3 to 15 for small scale compression with minimum deviation of the data to factors > 100 for large scale compression with moderate deviation. Based on the CCG data structure, new algorithms for the most common evaluation and analysis methods for event traces are presented, which require no explicit decompression. By avoiding repeated evaluation of formerly redundant event sequences, the computational effort of the new algorithms can be reduced in the same extent as memory consumption. The thesis includes a comprehensive discussion of the state-of-the-art and related work, a detailed presentation of the design of the CCG data structure, an elaborate description of algorithms for construction, compression, and analysis of CCGs, and an extensive experimental validation of all components.Diese Dissertation stellt einen neuartigen Ansatz für die Analyse und Visualisierung der Berechnungs-Performance vor, der auf dem Ereignis-Tracing basiert und insbesondere auf parallele Programme und das Hochleistungsrechnen (High Performance Computing, HPC) zugeschnitten ist. Ereignis-Traces (Ereignis-Spuren) enthalten detaillierte Informationen über spezifizierte Ereignisse während der Laufzeit eines Programms und erlauben eine sehr genaue Untersuchung des dynamischen Verhaltens, verschiedener Performance-Metriken und potentieller Performance-Probleme. Aufgrund lang laufender und hoch paralleler Anwendungen und dem hohen Detailgrad kann das Ereignis-Tracing sehr große Datenmengen produzieren. Diese stellen ihrerseits eine Herausforderung für interaktive und automatische Analyse- und Visualisierungswerkzeuge dar. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine Methode, die Redundanzen in den Ereignis-Traces ausnutzt, um sowohl die Speicheranforderungen als auch die Laufzeitkomplexität der Trace-Analyse zu reduzieren. Die Ursachen für Redundanzen sind wiederholt ausgeführte Programmabschnitte, entweder durch iterative oder rekursive Algorithmen oder durch SPMD-Parallelisierung, die gleiche oder ähnliche Ereignis-Sequenzen erzeugen. Die Datenreduktion basiert auf der neuartigen Datenstruktur der "Vollständigen Aufruf-Graphen" (Complete Call Graph, CCG) und erlaubt eine Kombination von verlustfreier und verlustbehafteter Datenkompression. Dabei können konstante Grenzen für alle Abweichungen durch verlustbehaftete Kompression vorgegeben werden. Die Datenkompression ist in den Aufbau der Datenstruktur integriert, so dass keine umfangreichen unkomprimierten Teile vor der Kompression im Hauptspeicher gehalten werden müssen. Das enorme Kompressionsvermögen des neuen Ansatzes wird anhand einer Reihe von Beispielen aus realen Anwendungsszenarien nachgewiesen. Die dabei erzielten Resultate reichen von Kompressionsfaktoren von 3 bis 5 mit nur minimalen Abweichungen aufgrund der verlustbehafteten Kompression bis zu Faktoren > 100 für hochgradige Kompression. Basierend auf der CCG_Datenstruktur werden außerdem neue Auswertungs- und Analyseverfahren für Ereignis-Traces vorgestellt, die ohne explizite Dekompression auskommen. Damit kann die Laufzeitkomplexität der Analyse im selben Maß gesenkt werden wie der Hauptspeicherbedarf, indem komprimierte Ereignis-Sequenzen nicht mehrmals analysiert werden. Die vorliegende Dissertation enthält eine ausführliche Vorstellung des Stands der Technik und verwandter Arbeiten in diesem Bereich, eine detaillierte Herleitung der neu eingeführten Daten-strukturen, der Konstruktions-, Kompressions- und Analysealgorithmen sowie eine umfangreiche experimentelle Auswertung und Validierung aller Bestandteile

    Adaptive Page Replacement Based on Memory Reference Behavior

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    As disk performance continues to lag behind that of memory systems and processors, virtual memory management becomes increasingly important for overall system performance. In this paper we study the page reference behavior of a collection of memory-intensive applications, and propose a new virtual memory page replacement algorithm, SEQ. SEQ detects long sequences of page faults and applies most-recently-used replacement to those sequences. Simulations show that for a large class of applications, SEQ performs close to the optimal replacement algorithm, and significantly better than Least-Recently-Used (LRU). In addition, SEQ performs similarly to LRU for applications that do not exhibit sequential faulting

    Workload Modeling for Computer Systems Performance Evaluation

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